Biturigi ( lat. Bituriges ) - the Celtic people who lived in Aquitaine , their main city was Avaricum , modern Bourges . Biturig split into two separate tribes - Bituriges Cubi and Bituruges Vibisci .
Biturigi-cubes were called biturigi, who lived south of the middle course of the Loire , around their main city Avarik (taken by Caesar in 52 BC).
Vibisk biturigi were called biturig, who lived on the lower reaches of the Garonne and on the Gironde . The center of the Vibisk bitumen was the port city of Bourdigal , now Bordeaux .
The Biturigi suffered numerous casualties during the destruction of Caesar Avarik . In the imperial era, the recruits of this warlike tribe were equipped with two Roman cohorts .
- The Biturians // Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary : in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - SPb. , 1890-1907.