The Fatima phenomena of the Virgin Mary - a series of events in the Portuguese city of Fatima in 1917 . According to the assurances of three children, he was repeatedly the “lady” (later associated with the Virgin Mary ) and conveyed messages with religious appeals and prophecies (concerning the fate of the world and, above all, Russia ). They are recognized by the Catholic Church as a genuine miracle .
April - October 1915
Lucia dos Santos ( 1907 - 2005 ) with several girlfriends went through the rosary, reading the Rosary prayer, when they saw a figure hanging in the air, like a statue of snow, which became transparent when the rays of the sun pierced it. The girls continued to pray, never taking their eyes off the figure that disappeared as soon as they finished praying. Lucia described: “It was as if she was wrapped in a sheet. There was no head or hand. ” This was repeated two more times [1] .
Spring 1916
Lucia dos Santos, her cousins Francisco Martha ( 1908-1919 ) and Jacinta Martha (1910-1920) were herding sheep.
We barely started playing when a strong gust of wind suddenly shook the trees and a light appeared above them, whiter than the first snow. Approaching, he acquired the appearance of a young man, transparent and radiant. He spoke: “Do not be afraid, I am the Angel of the World. Pray with me . ” He knelt on the ground, bent low and said three times: “Great God! I believe, worship you, trust in you and love you. I ask Your forgiveness for all those people who do not believe in You, do not worship You, do not trust in You and do not love You . ” Then he stood up and said: “Pray like that. The hearts of Jesus and Mary are attentive to your plea ” [1] .
After that, the vision disappeared. The children memorized this prayer and did not tell anyone about what they saw:
We felt the divine presence so clearly, so closely that we did not even dare to speak with each other. The next day, we still felt the same way. And only gradually this feeling disappeared. None of us spoke about this phenomenon and did not agree to keep it a secret. It in itself imposed a seal on our lips. This experience was so personal that it was hard to say at least a word [1] .
Summer 1916
The children played under the fig tree when the same figure appeared again.
- Pray more. In the hearts of Jesus and Mary there are plans for your account. Constantly turn to them your most fervent prayers and sacrifices.
“But how can we make sacrifices?”- Offer everything you have to sacrifice to our Lord, as compensation for the sins with which he is so offended, and as a prayer for the conversion of sinners. It will bring peace to your country. I am the guardian angel of Portugal. And more than that, accept and humbly bear all the suffering that the Lord will give you [1]
“I don’t know what happened to me ,” one of the girls said afterwards. - I can neither speak nor play nor sing. I do not have the strength to do anything ” [1] .
Autumn 1916
The angel appeared to the children with the Host and the Cup, into which blood was shed with the Host. He handed the visit to Lucia, and the cup to Francisco and Jacinte, saying: “Take, taste the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ, scolded by ungrateful people. Atone for their crimes and comfort our Lord ” [1] . Before that, he bent to the ground, leaving the objects hanging in the air, and repeated three times:
The Holy Trinity , the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I worship You with my whole soul and sacrifice You to the precious Body, Blood, Soul and Deity of Jesus Christ, present in all the Guardians of the world, in order to atone for sins that insult Him. Due to the endless merit of the Sacred Heart of Christ and the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I ask you to turn unhappy sinners. [1] .
Before he disappeared, he knelt again and repeated this prayer. The children remained in the same position, repeating the same words. “When we got up, we saw that it was already evening and it was time to go home,” says Lucia. [1] .
Main phenomena
May 13, 1917
Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco were herding sheep in an area called Cova da Iria . Lucia testifies: “We started down the slope to the road and drove the sheep in front of us. When we were almost in the middle of the slope, when we reached a large oak, we suddenly saw another lightning, and a few steps later, our eyes appeared on a rocky oak Dame, dressed all white and shining brighter than the sun. It radiated light, shining brighter than the rays of the sun, reflecting from a crystal vessel filled with water. Shocked by what we saw, we stopped. We stood so close that we were in the radiance that surrounded Her or that She emitted. The distance was about one and a half meters. Then the Virgin Mary said: - Do not be afraid! I will not hurt you! ” [1] .
- Where did you come from? - I came from Heaven!
- And what do you want from me? “I came to ask you to come here for the next six months every 13th day, at the same time.” Then I will tell you who I am and what I want. After that, I will come back here for the seventh time.
- I also get to the sky? - Yes! - And Jacinta? - Also! - And Francisco? - Also, but he has to read the Rosary many more times. [one]
Then Lucia asked about the two dead shortly before the girls, Maria Dash Neves and Amelia (the first one had already gone to Heaven, and the second would remain until the Last Judgment in purgatory , the Virgin replied). Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco agreed to the proposal "to devote themselves to God in order to endure all the sufferings that He sends you, in order to atone for the sins that so offend Him, and for the sake of the conversion of sinners . " “Then you will have to suffer a lot, but God's mercy will be your strength!” Said the Virgin. In conclusion, it was said: “Read the Rosary daily in order to find peace on earth and put an end to the war . ” “After that, She began to slowly rise to the east until she disappeared into the infinity of space,” testifies Lucia [1] .
June 13, 1917
On the appointed day, they came to Cova da Iria , where about 60 people were already present. The children knelt by the oak and began to recite the prayers of the Rosary in rosary. Lucia said, “You ordered me to come today. What do you want me to do? ” Everyone saw how Lucia got up, stretched out her hand to the east with a shout: “Here she is!” . At that place, as if there was a white cloud and movement in the branches bent to the east [1] .
The children had a fire in the sky. Lucia was instructed to learn how to read and write, and Lucia asked them to take them to Heaven:
- Yes! Zacintu and Francisco I will pick it up soon. But you still stay here for a while. Jesus wants you to know and love Me with your help. It pleases him to establish on the earth the worship of My Immaculate Heart. - Will I stay here alone? - No, my child! Are you suffering Do not lose courage. I will never leave you, My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the path leading you to God. [one]
Regarding the Immaculate Heart, Maria Lucia also testifies: “On the right palm of the Virgin was the Heart, surrounded by thorns, which seemed to be pierced into Him. We realized that it was the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary, wounded by the sins of mankind and desiring redemption ” [1] .
As for the predicted fate of Francisco and Jacinta, they really soon died from the pandemic of the “Spaniard” of 1918.
July 13, 1917
On this day, a lot of people gathered near the rock oak in Cova da Iria. The children together with them read the Rosary and soon the Mother of God appeared over the oak. She said:
- Sacrifice yourself for sinners and repeat often, especially when you offer sacrifices: O Jesus, I do it out of love for You, for the sake of the conversion of sinners and the atonement for sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. [one]
Then the children were shown the vision of hell . According to Lucia, the children “saw the ocean of fire. Immersed in this fire, demons and souls, like transparent, black or bronze flames, having a human shape, soared in this fire, worn by fire, emanating from them, but with clouds of smoke hanging from all sides, like sparks from big fires , without gravity and balance, in the midst of screams and groans of pain and despair, which terrified and made tremble with horror. Demons differed from each other in horrible and disgusting forms of creepy and unknown animals, transparent as hot black coals ” [1] . This vision lasted no more than a moment. Lucia then said that if it were not for the Blessed Virgin’s promise to take them to Heaven, the children would immediately die of horror. After this, the Virgin Mary said:
“You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go.” And in order to save them, the Lord will establish on Earth the worship of My Immaculate Heart. If you do what I say, many souls will be saved and experience peace. The war will end, but if the insult of the Lord does not cease, then in the Pontiff Pius XI another, even more terrible, will begin. When you see a night lit by an unprecedented light, know that great sign that the Lord is going to punish the world for its crimes, and the punishment will be war, hunger and oppression of the Church and the Holy Father. [one]
After this, the Virgin Mary announced the prophecy concerning Russia .
To avoid this, I will come to ask for the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart and the penitential Communion on the first Saturdays. If My requests are heard, Russia will turn, and people will know peace; but no, her delusions will spread throughout the world, there will be wars and persecutions of the Church. The righteous will become martyrs, the Holy Father will suffer much; whole nations will be destroyed. But in the end, My Immaculate Heart will prevail. The Holy Father will dedicate Russia to me, which will turn, and peace will be granted to the world for a while. [one]
After that, the Virgin Mary taught the children the following prayer (later known as the “Fatima Prayer” and usually added since then, after reading each of the dozens of the Rosary prayer): “Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the hellfire and bring in Paradise all souls, especially those who most need your mercy. Amen."
After that, the Virgin, as always, began to rise to the east, until she disappeared into the endless horizon.
According to Joseph Pelletier ( “The Dance of the Sun in Fatima” ), who was there, there was “buzzing or humming, diminishing sunlight and heat, a whitish cloud around the tree of visions and a powerful sound when the Maiden disappeared” [2] . The peasant T. Martha described the sound of “what makes a gadfly who has flown into an empty bucket” [3] .
The request for dedication to Russia was then made by the Virgin Mary during the appearance of Lucia in the Spanish city of Tui in 1929 [4] .
August 13, 1917
The government in Portugal at that time had a left-liberal government, many of whose members were Freemasons, and which was anti-Catholic. Therefore, news of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Fatima was perceived negatively by him and his supporters. On August 13, the children did not come to Cova da Iria, as they were arrested by representatives of the district authorities and taken to Vila Nova de Orem. There, they were threatened to force them to abandon their allegations, but the children stood their ground. Having achieved nothing, they were released. At the same time, lightning appeared in the clear sky on the Cova da Iria field, and a luminous cloud appeared above the oak. A few minutes later the clouds disappeared, and the clouds became crimson, red, pink, yellow, blue ... Described “colored light like a rainbow on the earth” , “clouds around the sun that cast light of different shades on people” , “falling flowers” . Witness Manuel Pedro Marta subsequently swore to the church commission that he noticed "a glowing rotating ball in the clouds" [2] .
Around August 19, 1917
The children let sheep graze at Aljustrel when they felt the cold, the sun turned yellowish, and everything was lit up with rainbow colors. There was a glow. [2] The virgin promised to perform a miracle during the last of her events this year and asked to build a chapel in this place. She also said:
Pray, pray a lot, and offer sacrifices for sinners, because many souls go to hell, because no one prays for them or sacrifices.
September 13, 1917
September 13, about 30 thousand people came to the place and read prayer beads . At noon, the sun became less bright, and a glowing ball began to descend from the east, white “petals” fell down, disappearing as they approached the earth [2] . The virgin asked to continue reading the Rosary in order to ask for the end of the war . Lucia sent requests for healing the sick, but Virgo said she would heal some of them, but not all. A miracle was promised in October.
October 13, 1917
On the night of October 12, people from different classes began to converge in Fatima (lumpens, peasants, workers, as well as representatives of the press, clergy, government and with a very different attitude to what was happening (there were also believers to children and non-believers who were later converted to Christianity) It was cold, snow fell, there was heavy rain on October 13. There was also a noticeable aroma, the rain stopped, and the clouds dissipated [2] . A shine appeared and a Lady appeared over the tree. Lucia asked:
- What do you want from me?
- I want to tell you that here you need to build a chapel in my honor. I am the Queen of the Rosary. It is necessary to continue to read the Rosary daily. The war is coming to an end, and the soldiers will soon return to their homes.
“I would like to ask you many things: could you cure a few sick people and convert several sinners, and much more.”
- Some - yes, some - no. They must be corrected and ask for the forgiveness of their sins.
And even sadder, she said: - They should no longer insult the Lord, who is already so offended by them.
As Lucia testifies in her report to the Bishop of Leiria , Virgo “opened her hands and made the sun shine. When She rose, Her Own light again reflected in the sun. That was the reason, Your Eminence, why I exclaimed that everyone should look at the sun. I did not mean to attract the attention of the people, because I did not realize that there was someone near me. I did it only by inward humor. ”
Further, about 70 thousand people saw how the Sun turned white-yellow, so dim that you could look at it, turned into a silver disk. “This strange disk quickly rotated around its axis, throwing beams of colored light in all directions. Red rays broke through the edge of the sun and colored clouds, earth, trees, people; then, alternating each other, the rays are purple, blue, yellow and other colors " [2] . He stopped three times and resumed movement three times. Only people fell on their knees for fear, as he "zigzagged down to the ground and frightened people" [2] . Then the disk returned to its place and again became an unbearably shining sun (according to Valle, the disk disappeared in the rays of the "genuine" sun [2] ), and the clothes of all those present were dry, it all lasted about 10 minutes [3] .
Professor Almeida Garrett from the University of Coimbra describes:
It was raining very hard ... Suddenly, the sun was breaking through the dense clouds, and everyone began to look in that direction ... The object looked like a disk with very clear contours. It shone brightly, but not blind. I did not have the impression, like some others, that the object was dull silver. Rather, his changing color can be compared to a pearl one ... The disk looked like a well-polished metal object ... I didn’t resort to poetic hyperbolas at all, because I saw everything with my own eyes ... And now this disk suddenly began to unfold, spinning faster and faster ... Suddenly the crowd published scream of horror. Continuously rotating "sun", changing color to blood red, rushed to the ground with a stone, threatening to crush everyone with its terrible weight ... [3]
Even the anti-clerical Portuguese newspapers (for example, "O Seculo") wrote about the "dance of the sun" (as the events of October 13, 1917 began to be called) seen by so many people.
After the Virgin disappeared, Lucia claims that she saw St. Joseph with the Christ Child and the Virgin Mary dressed in a white and blue cape near the sun. Then Lucia saw the Virgin Mary in the image of the Sorrowful Mother of God and Queen Carmel .
The fate of three children and the predictions of Jacinta
Francisco and Jacinta died in 1919 and 1920. respectively. Before her death (in particular, Jacinte in Lisbon ), the Mother of God again appeared to the children and conveyed a number of more revelations and prophecies. Here are some of them transmitted by Jasinta [5] :
“The sins that lead the most to the soul to hell are the sins of the flesh.”
- There will be fashion that will greatly offend our Lord. People who serve God should not follow mods. The Church has no mod. Our Lord is always the same.
- The sins of the world are very great.
- If people knew what eternity is, they would do everything to change their lives.
- People perish because they do not think about the death of Our Lord and do not repent.
- Many marriages are not good; they are not pleasing to our Lord, nor are they from God.
In 2000, Jacinta and Francisco were canonized by the Catholic Church, and in 2017 they were canonized.
Lucia became a nun and died on February 13, 2005 .
Subsequent Apparitions of the Virgin Lucia
The Virgin also appeared later in Lucia in the Spanish cities: Pontevedra ( 1925 - 1926 ), Tui ( 1929 ) and Rianxo ( 1931 ) [6]
The phenomena in Tui and Rianho touched the dedication of Russia .
After the first meeting with the “Dame”, Zacintus let her mother talk about her observations, and the children were ridiculed. They did not believe their parents, Lucia even beat. On August 14-17, 1917, the village headman interrogated the children together and separately, but found no contradictions in their stories. “Either you will tell the truth,” he became angry, “or I will fry you alive in a red hot frying pan”. This did not affect their testimony. Lucia later said: "Of course, I thought that he would do what he said, and I would die in a frying pan, but I could not give out secrets and surrendered to the hands of the Mother of God."
The incident was recognized by the Catholic Church after a 13-year investigation, which gave an opinion in 1930 [2] :
The solar phenomenon of October 13, 1917, described in the press of that time, was an amazing event and made a great impression on those who had the good fortune to observe it ... This phenomenon, not recorded by any astronomical observatory and, therefore, not having a natural origin, was observed by people of different categories and different social groups, believers and non-believers, journalists of the largest Portuguese newspapers and even people who were a few kilometers from this place. This excludes any explanation of the phenomenon as a fact of collective illusion.
The Three Secrets of Fatima
The first two secrets of Fatima: the vision of hell and the need for dedication to Russia , the Virgin commanded to make public after the appearance in Tue in 1929. Fatima Lucía recorded the third secret and it was ordered to be made public in 1960 ; however, neither John XXIII , nor Paul VI , nor John Paul I did this. In May 1981, a terrorist captured and hijacked an Irish airliner to France , vainly demanding that the Vatican make it public.
It was published only in 2000 . The published text contained the following [7] :
I am writing from obedience to You, my God, who commanded me to do this through His Eminence Bishop Leiria and the Mother of God. After two parts, which I have already explained, to the left of the Mother of God and a little higher, we saw an Angel with a fiery sword in her left hand. Burning, the sword spewed out flames that could burn the whole Earth, but they faded away, touching the magnificent radiance that the Mother of God radiated towards them from her right hand. Pointing to the ground with his right hand, the Angel shouted in a loud voice: “Repent, repent, repent!” We saw in an infinitely bright light that there is a God, something like the images of people appear in the mirror when they pass in front of him: dressed in white - it seemed to us that it was the Holy Father. There were other bishops, priests, religious men and women. They climbed up a steep mountain, on top of which was a large Cross made of uncressed corkwood trunks. Before getting there, the Holy Father passed through a large city, half in ruins, half shuddering. He walked to a stop, suffering from pain and grief, and praying for the souls of those whose corpses he met on his way. Reaching the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the Cross, he was killed by a group of soldiers who shot him with bullets and arrows. And in the same way other bishops, priests and believers, men and women, and various lay people of different ranks and classes died there one after another. On both sides of the Cross, there were two Angels, each with a crystal robe in hand, in which they collected the blood of the martyrs and sprinkled souls on their way to God.
However, according to some versions, only part of the third Fatima secret was made public.
Discussions around the Fatima secrets
The first dispute concerns whether the dedication of Russia was duly accomplished. Pope Pius XII (see Dedication of the World to the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary of 1942) and John Paul II performed several such ceremonies, but they were not performed together with all the bishops of the world, or they were initiations of the world and Russia was not directly mentioned in them. It is widely believed that the dedication of Russia was nevertheless accomplished in 1984, however, it is disputed. The opinion that the dedication of Russia has not yet been accomplished in the way that the Most Holy Virgin Mary herself asked in Fatima and Tui and the initiations that have been committed to this either do not meet the necessary criteria or were only partial - especially among Catholics -traditionalists . Thus, the Brotherhood of St. Pius X regularly conducts the Crusades of the Rosary in the intention of consecrating Russia to the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary properly [8] .
The second dispute concerns the third secret, its content and interpretation. Some researchers and experts, in particular, the famous Italian Vaticanist journalist Antonio Sochchi, believe that, although the secret was ordered to be made public in 1960, and in 2000 only part of this secret was published. There is a lot of evidence (including the hierarchs of the Catholic Church) that the third secret of Fatima consisted of two documents, placed in two different envelopes and only one of them was published [9] . There are contradictions regarding the interpretation of the published text of the third secret. A common interpretation is that what it describes refers to the (unsuccessful) attempt on Pope John Paul II , which took place on May 13, 1981 . However, in the text, the pope dies, and so on. All this prompts the assumption that what is described in the third secret does not apply to this event, but to what is yet to happen.
Regarding what may be contained in the unpublished part of the third secret, supporters of this version believe that there may be talked about the Third World War , the disastrous consequences of the liberal reforms of the Second Vatican Council in the Catholic Church leading to apostasy , etc.
Other explanations of phenomena
According to J. Valle , "a series of observations of the creature, which was taken for the Virgin Mary, began two years earlier with a whole series of classic observations of UFOs ." [2]
Sunlight dispersion
In the book “ Encyclopedia of Wonders ” by V. A. Mezentsev , a report on the observation of the Sun from Kiev with the help of a smoked glass window is given, as a result of which it was possible to see how the sun shimmers with multicolored rays. This observation explains, in the opinion of the author, the vision in Fatima [10] .
See also
- Three secrets of Fatima
- Santos, Lucia de Jesus Rosa
- World War I (July 28, 1914 - November 11, 1918)
- ↑ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Priesthood Luis Condor SVD (ed.). Memoirs of Sister Lucia about Fatima .. - Fatima, 2006. - ISBN 972-8524-72-2 .
- ↑ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J. Vallee Spiritual component: the morphology of miracles // Parallel World. - M., 1995.
- ↑ 1 2 3 D. Kiel . UFO: Operation Trojan Horse. - SPb., 1992.
- ↑ The Apparition at Tuy (1929)
- ↑ Jacinta's Visions and prophecies
- ↑ Fatima Essentials. The Facts.
- ↑ Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith . Message of Fatima (English) . The appeal date is January 8, 2010. Archived on April 13, 2012.
- ↑ Bishop Fellay Announces a New Rosary Crusade. . - July 06 2016.
- ↑ Antonio Socci . Il quarto segreto di Fatima, Milano, Rizzoli, 2006. ISBN 9788817022279
- ↑ V. A. Mezentsev . Encyclopedia of wonders . Prince 1. - M .: Knowledge , 1968. - 400 p. See also the translation of this edition into Ukrainian : Volodymyr Mezentsev. Encyclopedia of Miracles . The Book of Perch. Extremely quiet. - Kiev: Veselka, 1983. - p. 75-77. - 198 p.
- A. A. Borelli The Fatima message: tragedy or hope? - 1995
- The book "The Tale of Fatima - the greatest miracle of our time"
- Brother Michael of the Holy Trinity "The whole truth about Fatima", Volume I, Chapter 4 "I am from Heaven!" (Sunday, May 13)
- Michel de la Sainte Trinite The Whole Truth about Fatima. Volume I.
- Michel de la Sainte Trinite The Whole Truth about Fatima. Volume II. (eng.)
- Michel de la Sainte Trinite The Whole Truth about Fatima. Volume III. (eng.)
- Fatima Essentials. The Facts. (eng.)
- America needs Fatima: Jacinta's Visions and prophecies (eng.)
- The Spirituality of Fatima (Eng.)
- Gerard Mura. Fatima - Rom - Moskau: Durch die Weihe Russlands zum Triumph Mariens, 2016. ISBN 3932691687 ISBN 978-3932691683 .