230 ( two hundred and thirty ) is a natural number between 229 and 231 .
- 230 days a year - August 18 (in a leap year August 17 ).
230 | |
two hundred thirty | |
← 228 · 229 · 230 · 231 · 232 → | |
Factorization | 2 · 5 · 23 |
Roman notation | CCXXX |
Binary | 11100110 |
Octal | 346 |
Hexadecimal | E6 |
In Math
- In the decimal system is divided without a remainder by the sum of its digits.
In other areas
- 230 year ;
- 230 BC e.
- 230 meters - the size of the base of the Cheops pyramid.
- In Unicode, 00E6 16 is the code for the character “ æ ” ( Latin Small Letter Ae).
- NGC 230 is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Keith .
- 230 volts is the standard voltage in the networks of the EU countries.
In science
- In Crystallography, there are 230 different spatial crystallographic groups.