Rainer Warning ( him. Rainer Warning ; born April 10, 1936 , Osnabruck ) - German literary critic.
He studied philology, philosophy, and history at universities in Germany and France. In 1964, he defended his doctoral dissertation at Triester Shandy and Jacques-fatalist at the University of Giessen , and in 1972 he habilitated at the University of Constance with the work Function and Structure. Ambiguities of the Spiritual Drama "( it. Funktion und Struktur. Die Ambivalenzen des Geistlichen Spiels ); both dissertations were published in separate editions in the Munich series of monographs “Theorie und Geschichte der Literatur und der Schönen Künste”, and the second is also translated into English and published in the USA (2001). In the years 1972-2002. Professor of Romance Philology and General Literary Studies at the University of Munich . As a visiting professor, he taught at Stanford and Cornell Universities, as well as in France and Israel. The author of the textbook "The course of Romance poetry. From the Troubadours to Surrealism "( German: Lektüren romanischer Lyrik. Von den Trobadors zum Surrealismus ; 1997).
Published about 100 scientific papers. In the field of literary theory, he was primarily concerned with issues of receptive aesthetics and pragmatics of fiction. Throughout his scientific career he turned to the study of works by Marcel Proust , also wrote about Honore de Balzac , Charles Baudelaire , Francois Rabelais and other French writers. Author of introductory articles for German editions of Emil Zola’s novels. One of the founding members (1963) of the Poetics and Hermeneutics research group, co-editor of four collections of her works.
Full member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences .