Hungarians in the Republika Srpska ( Serb. Magari in the Republic of Srpskoј , Hungarian. Magyarok a Szerb Köztársaság ) are citizens of Hungarian origin who live and work in the territory of the Republika Srpska. Hungarians are recognized as one of the 12 national minorities of the Republika Srpska, their interests are protected by the Council of National Minorities of the Republika Srpska . In the Republika Srpska, there are 116 Montenegrins, according to the 2013 census [1] .
Contacts between the Serbs and the Hungarians actively developed in the XIII century during the existence of the medieval states of Bosnia and Hungary (these were both wars and dynastic marriages). They broke off in connection with the occupation of Bosnia and Serbia by the Ottoman Empire. In 1878, the Hungarians began to move to the territory of Bosnia, which was annexed to Austria-Hungary: the natives of Bukovina, the inhabitants of the surroundings of Senta and the indigenous Hungarians moved actively from 1900 to 1910. Local Serbs called all the settlers “Koufera’s”. Among the Hungarians there were both industrialists and peasants. So, there were many Hungarian gardeners and winemakers in Prnjavor.
Currently, there are rare traces of Hungarian migrants, because the Hungarians too quickly merged with the indigenous population. According to archives, in 1921, 2577 Hungarians lived in the territory of modern Bosnia and Herzegovina, however, many people left their villages during the war . The village of Vuchyak was abandoned, where Hungarians lived at the beginning of the 20th century [2] . The modern Hungarian settlers of the Republika Srpska are natives of Vojvodina. Many of them live in Sarajevo and Banja Luka , and there is an official Hungarian cultural society in Banja Luka that preserves the language and culture of the Hungarian community in the country [3] .
The Hungarians in the Republika Srpska mainly practice Catholicism , although there are Protestants among them.
The largest society is the Society of Hungarians of the Republika Srpska "Magyar So", founded in Banja Luka in 2003. The number of the society is 70 people: representatives of the society live in Banja Luka, Prijedor, Prnyavore and Gradiška [4] .
Famous Representatives
- Sasha Michin , delegate to the Veche of the people of the Republika Srpska of the third convocation.
See also
- Hungarians in Serbia
- Serbs in Hungary
- Population of Republika Srpska
- ↑ Results Popis 2013, Etniczka / national seizure, curiosity, mother-of-war material . Republik factory for statistics. The appeal date is March 22, 2017.
- ↑ Izveshta, 2015 , p. 51.
- ↑ Mahari; About Nama . Saves Natel'nyy maњina Republik Srpske . The appeal date is April 6, 2017.
- ↑ Italyјani; Vјerski obekti Unc . . The appeal date is April 6, 2017.
- New national bih. National Library in BiH ( Neopr .) // Izveshtaј. - 2015.
- Zavez of the national mine service Srpske, Mahari (Serb.)
- The site of the association "Magyar Szo" (Serb.) (Hung.)