The Knife Intifada ( Israeli-Palestinian conflict (2015–2016) ) - In September 2015, attacks on Israeli citizens became more frequent. The violence that the Israelis received the name of “The Wave of Terror” or the “Single Intifada” [1] [2] has been defined by the international media as the “Knife Intifada” [3] .
The beginning of the escalation of the conflict began to unrest on the Temple Mount in September 2015. In the Arab press, increased violence is associated with the question of establishing the status quo of the Temple Mount. In many ways, this escalation was triggered by a speech by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas , who spoke from the podium of the UN General Assembly and called for a protest campaign [4] [5] . In the period until October 9, 2016 were recorded [by whom? ] hundreds of terrorist attacks, which killed 39 civilians, more than 440 were injured of varying degrees of severity.
Events that triggered the Knife Intifada
Palestinian leadership
In 2008, Al-Jazeera reported that the Hamas leadership had called for a third intifada [6] , but analysts then noted that these appeals would never be realized. [7] Some commentators suggest that “Silent Intifada” (a term sometimes used to define the period of increase in violence during the conflict in 2014) was actually the Third Intifada [8] . Other sources believe that the resumption of violence in September and October 2015 can be called the beginning of the Third Intifada [9] [10] , but the Palestinian leadership refrains from such a description of events [11] . Nohad Ali, a sociologist at the University of Haifa, suggested that the events in October 2015 were not the Third Intifada [12] . There are commentators who note that the events of 2015 are different from previous intifadas in that there was no single organizational structure, recognized political leadership and clear goals [11] . In addition, mainly Arab residents of East Jerusalem were involved in the events of the first two weeks in October. [13]
The House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee unanimously called on Palestinians to end incitement against Israel. Eliot Engel said that “The wave of violence here is not some random flash. This is the product of many years of anti-Israeli propaganda and ideological processing. Some of these ideas are actively promoted by officials of the Palestinian Authority and its institutions. ” [14] And one of the high-ranking officers of the Shabak said that most of the incitement comes from Hamas. [15]
On October 14, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian media announced that 13-year-old Ahmed Manasra, who had committed a terrorist attack in Pisgat Zeev with his brother, was "executed" by Israel, but Dr. Asher Salmon, deputy, director of the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, reported that the boy is alive and is in the hospital. Photos of Manasra from the hospital were published. However, in the English translation of Abbas’s speech proposed by the PLO, it was said that Israel calmly “shoots” Palestinian children - this was what they did to the child Ahmed Manasra, replacing the word “execution” with a more moderate language. In fact, while Manasra Hassan’s cousin was killed during their knife attack, Ahmed was not shot. After the attack, he was hit by an Israeli car and got a head injury. In the world press, the story about the terrorist was in many ways distorted. [16] [17] [18] [19]
Glorification of terrorist acts
October 17, Djibril Rajoub, one of the oldest members of the Palestinian ruling party Fatah, said in an interview that “These are clearly separate operations, but they require heroism, courage and a special value system. This system makes the Palestinian elite and Palestinian national forces see the words of one of the these heroes, who told about himself in a blog, a document that could be taught in schools in the classroom, talking about the meaning of martyrdom ... "
Official views from the Palestinian side
Palestinian Ambassador to the United Nations, Riyad Mansour, said that the situation was “extremely dangerous” and accused the “Israeli side” of trying to “impose a Jewish presence” on the Temple Mount. He warned that such attempts cause clashes on religious grounds, which have "consequences in all parts of the Middle East and beyond." “Religious confrontation is what ISIS dreams of” [21]
Instigation by the Islamic State
Representatives of the Islamic State have filled numerous websites with messages aimed at teaching terrorism to Palestinians and Israeli Arabs. [22]
According to the opinion of cybersecurity experts from NIIS, the new “wave of terror” in Israel has been developed largely due to external factors. The Israeli security service said that the terrorists who killed four people in Tel Aviv were trained by mentors from the Islamic State. [23] This Shabak message was confirmed by words previously voiced by the Palestinian security services. [23] After the Tel Aviv terrorist attack in June 2016, the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz wrote that the first terrorist attacks, inspired by ISIL, were recorded in Israel before the beginning of the Knife Intifada. [23]
On the night of Rosh Hashanah in Jerusalem, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held an emergency meeting. It was decided to toughen penalties for stone throwers, to increase fines for parents whose children throw stones. The decision was directed against troublemakers throwing stones and Molotov cocktails. The security cabinet also passed a law on wage increases to border officials in Jerusalem, calling for reserve police and border guard forces. Netanyagu later blamed the Arabs, especially from among the residents of the Palestinian Authority and the Islamic movement in Israel, inciting the flames of hatred, forbade all members of the Knesset from climbing the Temple Mount, although some deputies, both Jews and Arabs from the United Arabic list of the MK, said they will ignore these rulings. [24]
On July 30, the Knesset approved an amendment to the Prisons Ordinance, which would force-feed a prisoner if the doctor determines that there is a real danger to the life of the prisoner. [25] [26]
Fighting in the forefront
Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat called on licensed weapon owners during the “Wave of Violence” to have a weapon with him “for increased security” and compared this need with the “military collections” of reservists. Later, the mayor noted that "Many of the terrorist attacks in Jerusalem were prevented or neutralized due to quick actions and the reaction of responsible witnesses." Netanyagu said that "civilians are at the forefront of the fight against terrorism and should be as internally prepared as possible." [27]
The Jerusalem Mayor’s speech was perceived by a Palestinian official in Jerusalem, Adnan Husseini, as a “declaration of war” to all Palestinian residents. [27]
After the escalation of violence in the month of Tishrei (September-October), Israeli police and border guards were distributed throughout the country, and especially in the Jerusalem area. [28]
On October 20, Israeli troops again arrested Hassan Yousef, one of the leaders of Hamas in the West Bank, accusing him of "calling for violence and speaking out against Israel among the Palestinian population." [29] [30]
Israeli view of officials
According to most Israeli politicians, there is a link between attacks with a knife and a sharp decline in the number of suicides in Palestinian society since the end of 2015. Ordinary residents of the Palestinian Authority were told that if they participated in the terrorist acts, they secure a martyr's death for themselves and join the shahids. The main participants in the attacks are teenagers of both sexes from problematic families, women accused of something that dishonors their family, as well as people suffering from mental disorders. [31]
2015 Intifada start
On September 12 and 13, on the eve of the celebration of Rosh Hashanah (the New Year on the Jewish calendar), dozens of masked Arabs entrenched themselves in the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Temple Mount. Armed with stones, sticks, incendiary bottles, fireworks and improvised bombs, they prepared to prevent Jewish worshipers on the Temple Mount and the Western Wall to celebrate the Jewish New Year. When the police climbed the Temple Mount and encountered terrorists calling for a fight for the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the main task was to confiscate weapons. They were met by a group of young Arabs armed with stones and homemade bombs. [32] [33] Police officers used rubber bullets and tear gas. Several terrorists and policemen were injured. Arab countries (including Jordan) condemned Israel and accused it of provocations on the Temple Mount. The same night, on the day of Rosh Hashanah, 64-year-old resident of Jerusalem Alexander Levlovich was killed. The cause of death were stones thrown into the car, with the result that the driver lost control of the vehicle, causing heart attack and death. On September 26, Shabak arrested 4 Arabs aged 16–19 who confessed to the murder. During the holiday, the Arab attacks in Jerusalem continued. There were several clashes on the Temple Mount, the Arabs threw stones at vehicles, and an attack was made on Jews in Jerusalem.
September 17th The Arabs began to throw stones at a bus that happened to be in the vicinity of the Arab settlement of Ras al-Amud. The driver fled after they set fire to the bus. On the same day, in the vicinity of Jerusalem, there were many attacks of stone throwers on vehicles with Israeli numbers.
September 18th Friday. Muslims who climbed the Temple Mount for prayer have rioted in Jerusalem. Police officers threw stones and incendiary bottles. Four policemen were slightly injured in the Government House.
September 21st. A Palestinian terrorist attempted to throw a grenade, ambushing vehicles on Mount Hebron, but the grenade exploded in his hand. In the following days, Hebron becomes the center of confrontation and conflict.
September 24th The Israel Security Cabinet has approved new laws regarding rioters. Netanyagu said that "The security cabinet unanimously took a number of measures in our fight against stone throwers, those who throw incendiary bottles, use fireworks and improvised bombs." The new law allowed security forces to fire when third-party life is at stake. Prior to that, Israeli soldiers had the right to fire live ammunition only if their own life was in danger. Now the minimum four-year prison sentence threatened those who threw dangerous objects. This did not require parliamentary approval. [34]
September 26th Palestinian Islamists set fire to the church in Bethlehem. The Palestinian Authority did not condemn the attack, thereby justifying it.
September 27. Jewish holiday Sukkot. The unrest on the Temple Mount resumes, the Arabs throw stones and improvised bombs at the police. Police pushes them to the mosque to avoid civilian casualties.
October 1st. In the area of the village of Beit Furik, terrorists opened fire on a car with Israeli license plates. Rabbi Aitam Khenkin and his wife Naama were killed in the car. Four children who witnessed the attack were not injured.
October 3 An Arab terrorist attacked Jews in the Old City, near the Lion Gate in Jerusalem. He stabbed a soldier Aaron Bennet, who later died from his injuries, his wife was seriously wounded, and his two-year-old son was slightly wounded in the leg. Nehemiah Lavi came running for help. The terrorist managed to snatch a gun from him and fired. Subsequently, a rabbi acting in the old town of the yeshiva died from wounds in the hospital. The terrorist was shot dead by the security forces. [35]
The 4th of October. An Arab stabbed a Jewish teenager near the Shekhem Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem. The terrorist was shot dead by the security forces. [36]
October 7th. Palestinian terrorists threw stones at Israeli vehicles moving along the road between Tkoa and Jerusalem. One driver was slightly injured and seven cars were damaged. On the same day, an Arab woman with a knife attacked Jews in the Old City of Jerusalem, injured two. [37] A little later an Arab terrorist stabbed the soldier in Kiryat Gat and seized a weapon. The police eliminated the terrorist. On the same day, a terrorist stabbed a 25-year-old man in the center of Petah Tikva. The young Israeli was slightly injured, the terrorist was detained.
October 8th. On Arlozorov Street in Afula, near the Aroma Cafe, an Arab terrorist attacked an IDF soldier, inflicting a knife wound of moderate severity. The terrorist was neutralized by police and civilians. Near the Eastern Gate in Kiryat Arba, a terrorist stabbed a Jew. The terrorist managed to escape. In the center of Tel Aviv, not far from the Kiriya military base, on the corner of Moses and Menachem Begin, a terrorist armed with a knife wounded five people. The terrorist is liquidated. In Jerusalem, an Arab with a knife seriously wounded a religious Jew. The terrorist is disarmed. [38]
October 9th. In Kiryat Arba, a terrorist armed with a knife attacked a policeman trying to grab a pistol. The policeman was slightly injured. The attacker was shot dead. At the central bus station in Afula, an Arab woman armed with a knife attempted to attack a soldier. The attacker is neutralized and taken to hospital. In Jerusalem, on the street Shmuel a-Navi was attacked with cold weapons. Wounded 16-year-old Jewish teenager. The attacker escaped from the scene, but was soon detained [39] The terrorist attacked a Jewish resident in Dimona with a knife at 4 am. The wife of the mayor of the city in Samaria and five children (three of them her) were slightly injured in an accident that occurred after unidentified armed men threw stones at the car.
October 10th. Armed attack on border guards near the Shekhema gate in Jerusalem. Three fighters injured. The terrorist is killed. An Arab terrorist armed with a knife wounded two people on the Prophets Street in Jerusalem. The attacker is shot dead by the police. [40]
October 11. On Highway 65, not far from the Gan Shmuel junction, a terrorist stabbed three people who were standing at the bus stop. As a result of the attack, two girls of 14 and 19 years old were injured, as well as a 20-year-old man. The condition of one of the wounded is assessed as severe. Terrorist, Arab resident of Umm al-Fahme, arrested. Car bomb explosion at a checkpoint near Maale Adumim, a policeman was slightly injured. The terrorist was seriously injured.
October 12th. Several knife attacks in jerusalem. An Arab armed with a knife attacked a border guard near the Lion Gate of the Old City in Jerusalem. The terrorist is liquidated. A Arab woman armed with a knife attacked a border guard near the police headquarters in Jerusalem. The policeman (MAGAV) was slightly injured, the terrorist was neutralized. [41] In the regular bus that went along Shazar Street, not far from String Bridge, an Arab stabbed two passengers and tried to steal a weapon from a serviceman. The terrorist is liquidated. [42] In the Pisgat Ze'ev district of Jerusalem, two terrorists armed with knives committed a series of attacks on passersby. Two people injured. A 13-year-old was taken to a hospital in critical condition. One terrorist eliminated, his accomplice neutralized. [43]
October 13th In the morning several attacks in a short time. Jerusalem bus armed attack. Two people, 51-year-old Alon (Andrew) Govberg and 78-year-old Haim Haviv, died, at least 16 people were injured, eight of them were taken to hospital in critical condition, one of them, 76-year-old Richard Leikin, died injuries after two weeks. Two terrorists neutralized [44] . As a result of a car bombing on Malkey Israel in Jerusalem, Yeshayahu Krishevski was killed, four were wounded. [45] In total, 4 people were killed in Jerusalem in one day. On the same day, an armed attack was made at a bus stop in Ra'anana. An Israeli was slightly injured. The terrorist neutralized by local residents. On October 13, another 4 people were injured in the same city as a result of the attack. The terrorist is detained. [46]
October 14. At the Shchem Gate in Jerusalem, an Arab terrorist armed with a knife was eliminated while attempting to attack a guard. [47] In the evening of the same day, at the bus stop on Jaffa Street, next to the bus station in Jerusalem, the terrorist struck numerous women with knife stabs. The terrorist is liquidated. [48]
On the night of October 15-16, the tomb of Joseph in Schem was set on fire.
October 16th Found a bomb near the checkpoint Issavia. Sappers blew it. At A-Zait crossroads near Hebron, an Arab armed with a knife wounded an Israeli. The terrorist is destroyed.
17 October. During the day a variety of attacks. The terrorist stabbed a policeman at the Kalandia checkpoint. A policeman is slightly injured. The soldiers neutralized the assailant. A Arab terrorist armed with a knife attacked a soldier at a checkpoint in Hebron and caused him moderate injuries. The terrorist is neutralized. Arab terrorist easily stabbed a border police officer with a knife. The attacker is neutralized. In Jerusalem, an Arab terrorist with a knife in his hands attacked the border guards and was shot dead. In Hebron, a knife-armed Arab attacked an Israeli. There were no casualties, the terrorist was neutralized.
October 18th. At the central bus station in Beersheba an armed attack was committed with the use of weapons and firearms. Sergeant Omri Levi died, eight people were injured. The terrorist is liquidated. By mistake, guards shot an illegal from Eritrea Avathum Zarhum.
The 20th of October. An Arab terrorist stabbed an IDF officer in the Negohot settlement area. The terrorist is killed. A little later, in the Hebron area, the Arabs threw stones at a car. A 50-year-old Israeli Abraham (Asher) Hassano got out of the car and was killed by a truck driven by an Arab driver. Analysis of the images subsequently proved that the hitting was intentional. On the same day, at a Gush Etzion crossroads, a Palestinian Arab hit two Israelis in his car. The terrorist is liquidated. The injuries sustained by the Israelis as a result of the attack are assessed as light. In the evening, two attacks with a knife on a soldier in Kiryat Arba.
October 21. In the afternoon, at a crossroads of Adam in Binyamin district, a Palestinian terrorist stabbed a soldier with a knife. The criminal was shot, his accomplice detained. In the evening, on the road number 60, not far from the Arab village of Beit Umar, an Israeli car was attacked by a stone. After the people in the car came out to assess the damage, they were hit by a car that was driven by an Arab. Four people injured, one of them seriously. The terrorist is neutralized.
22 of October. Two armed terrorists attempted to attack a bus carrying children to school. The attackers were repulsed by civilians, fled to the synagogue, and stabbed a yeshiva student with a knife. Neutralized by the police.
October 23. An Arab terrorist armed with a knife attacked a soldier near the village of Gwaot in Judea and wounded him. The attacker is neutralized and detained. Arabs threw petrol bombs into a car on the Beit El road, causing a family of five to suffer.
October 24th On Derekh-Shchem, an Arab with a knife attacked a Jew who resisted a terrorist and managed to snatch cold weapons. The offender fled the scene. No harm done. The terrorist at CAT Gilboa was posing as a peddler. After a while, he pulled out a knife and attacked the guards, was shot before he could strike.
the 25th of October. Near the settlement of Metsad (in Gush Etzion), the Arabs threw stones at a car with Israeli license plates. When the driver got out of the car, one of the stone throwers hit him with a knife. The terrorist has disappeared. An Arab terrorist armed with a knife attacked a soldier in Hebron. The Israelite was not injured, the criminal was neutralized. At the Ariel crossroad in Samaria, they were attacked with cold weapons. One person injured. As a result of a series of police measures, a terrorist was arrested.
October 26th. In Anun Square (north of Kiryat Arby), a terrorist stabbed an Israeli and was neutralized. Injured in serious condition. On the same day, an Arab terrorist armed with a knife attacked soldiers near the Cave of the Forefathers in Hebron. The terrorist is neutralized.
27th October. That same night, an Arab terrorist was killed in Hebron who tried to attack the IDF troops with a knife. Two terrorists armed with knives attacked an Israeli near the Gush Etzion crossroad. Terrorists neutralized. An Israeli was injured of moderate severity. 28 of October. At the Jilbar junction in Hebron, a Palestinian Arab attacked Israeli soldiers with a knife. The terrorist is neutralized. There are no injuries among the Israelis. In a parking lot near a Rami Levi supermarket in Gush Etzion, a knife-gunned terrorist wounded a woman. The offender is arrested.
29th of October. A terrorist with a knife attacked a soldier near the Caves of the Forefathers (Mearat Ha-Machpelah) in Hebron. The soldier was injured from mild to moderate severity. The terrorist is neutralized. An Arab armed with a knife wounded a woman in Xativat Golani Street in Eilat. Later this attack was recognized as a terrorist act.
October 30. Arab terrorist attacked with a knife in Jerusalem at the tram stop. Two people injured. The attacker is neutralized. The partner of the criminal is easily injured. During the riots at the Ayosh junction north of Ramallah, two Arabs attacked the border guards, one of whom intended to throw a bottle of combustible mixture, and the second to strike with a knife. The attackers are neutralized, there are no injuries.
October 31. At the Gilboa checkpoint near Jenin, an Arab terrorist tried to strike with a guard’s knife, but was neutralized in time. There were no casualties.
Nov. 1. In the area of the village of Beit Anun (not far from Hebron), an Arab armed with a knife attacked a soldier. The Israelite was not injured. The assailant is killed. At the crossroads of Beit Anun, a car driven by an Arab driver shot down three Israelis. Three people injured. Hitting was recognized as a terrorist attack. The terrorist managed to escape. [150]
November 2. Two Arabs armed with knives attacked the military at a checkpoint near Jenin. Terrorists neutralized, one of them killed. None of the Israelis was hurt. [151] On the same day, a Palestinian mined car was deactivated at a checkpoint near Jerusalem. [152] A terrorist armed with a knife attacked passersby in Rishon Lezion. Three people were injured of varying severity. The terrorist is detained. [153] In the center of Netanya, an Arab armed with a knife attacked an elderly man from behind, inflicting heavy wounds on him. The terrorist is neutralized. [154]
November 4th. At the intersection of Halhul, a car driven by an Arab crashed into a group of servicemen. As a result of a car bombing, two people were injured. Seriously wounded fighter MAGAVA. The terrorist is liquidated. [155]
November 5. At the crossroads of Gush Etzion, a terrorist with a knife rushed at the Israelis standing at the bus stop. None of the Israelis was hurt. The terrorist is liquidated.
November 6th. Near Halhul, an Arab woman tried to crush a soldier in a car. The border guards fired at the car and seriously wounded the driver. In the Benjamin industrial zone, north of Jerusalem, an Arab terrorist inflicted a heavy wound on Israel and fled the scene. In the area of the Cave of the Forefathers in Hebron, terrorists fired at Israelis, injuring two people. In the Beit Anun district, a terrorist shot from a passing car at an Israeli, as a result of which he was seriously wounded.
November 8th At the Tapuah junction, a Palestinian Arab shot down three Israelis who were injured of varying severity. The run was intentional. In Beitar Ilit, an Arab woman armed with a knife attacked a guard and easily wounded him. The terrorist is neutralized. On Highway 55, not far from Alfei Menashe (Samaria), an Israeli was seriously injured by a knife blow. The terrorist has disappeared.
November 9. At the Eliyah checkpoint in Samaria, an Arab woman attacked the guard with a knife and was neutralized. None of the Israelis was hurt. The terrorist died from her injuries.
10th of November. Two Arab teenagers, armed with knives, attacked Israelis in the Jerusalem quarter of Pisgat Zeev. A security guard was injured. Terrorists neutralized. After 15 minutes, an attempt was made to attack with a knife near the Shechem Gate of the Old City in Jerusalem. The attacker is shot dead.
November 12th. Armed with a knife, an Arab attacked a military checkpoint near the Rachel Tomb in Beit-Lehem. No one was hurt in this incident. The attacker has disappeared.
the 13th of November. An Arab terrorist shot at Israeli cars in the Otnielya region in the south of the Hebron Highlands, four people were injured, and two injured people soon — Rabbi Jacob Litman, 40, and his son, Netanel Litman, died 18 years old. According to the MDA study, the Palestinian Red Crescent Ambulance doctors, on arrival, did not provide the wounded with the necessary medical care. This was the cause of their death and caused protest from Israel. A day later, the security forces arrested the killer.
November 14th In the area of the village of Psagot, a terrorist hit a car by car. The terrorist was killed, and a knife was found in his car.
15th of November. Two terrorists killed in a shootout during the destruction of the house of the killer Danny Gonen by the security forces.
November 17th Three terrorists opened fire, attacking the soldiers of the IDF. One attacker was shot on the spot, two others were detained.
November 19th Attack with a knife in the building "Panorama" in Tel Aviv. Two people were killed, one was injured of moderate severity and another one was injured easily. A terrorist who had previously worked at a nearby restaurant was detained. Terrorist attack in Gush Etzion. The terrorist opened fire on the car, and then hit a group of people standing on the sidelines. Names of the dead: Ezra Schwartz (18 years old), US citizen Yaakov Don (50 years old) and Shadi Arafa (40 years old) - a resident of the Palestinian Authority. Nine people were injured of varying severity.
20 November. In Abu Dis, in the Arab region of Jerusalem, a terrorist on a car tried to crush a border guard, who was slightly injured. The terrorist has disappeared.
November 21. An Arab terrorist attacked passers-by in Kiryat Gat and injured four people. The terrorist escaped from the scene, but later he and his two accomplices were arrested.
November 22. A Arab woman armed with a knife attacked Israelis near a military base in Samaria. The terrorist is neutralized, none of the Israelis was hurt. An hour later, an Israeli group was attacked at the Kfar Adumim junction, north of Jerusalem. As a result, an Israeli was slightly injured. The terrorist is liquidated. At noon, at an intersection in Gush Etzion, an Arab terrorist attacked a young woman, Adar Buchris (21), who later died of injuries in a hospital. The terrorist is liquidated.
November 23 Two Arab schoolgirls, 14 and 17 years old, armed with scissors, attacked passers-by on Jaffa Street in Jerusalem. Four people injured. The attackers are neutralized. An Arab armed with a knife attacked Israeli soldiers at the Khawara checkpoint (south of Nablus). The attacker is shot dead. Almost simultaneously, an attack occurred in the area of the 443rd highway. The 18-year-old IDF soldier Ziv Mizrahi was killed, two people were injured. The terrorist is liquidated.
November 24th Car bombing at the Tapuah (Samaria) intersection. Three Israelis are lightly injured. The terrorist is neutralized.
November 25. Terrorist attack near Hebron. One person was injured, the terrorist neutralized.
November 26th. Attempt to attack at Tapuah intersection. The assailant was shot by border guards.
November 27th. Car attack in the area of Kfar Adumim: two Israelis were injured, the terrorist was destroyed. A few hours later, a new attempt at car hitting a bus stop. Two soldiers were injured. The terrorist is liquidated. In the evening, an Arab terrorist attacked with a knife a policeman in Nahariya. The policeman was slightly injured.
29th of November. Armed with a knife, an Arab attacked a border guard on Agay Street near the Shechem Gate of the Old City in Jerusalem. The border guard was injured moderate severity. The terrorist is neutralized. The terrorist stabbed a woman on Shamgar Street in Jerusalem. The victim received 39 stabs. The attacker escaped, but was soon arrested.
December 1st. The terrorist attacked an Israeli at the Gush Etzion crossroad. The servicemen eliminated the attacker, the Israeli was slightly injured. Terrorist attack with cold weapons in Samaria, near the village of Einav. The terrorist is neutralized.
December 3rd. An Arab terrorist (an officer of the Palestinian Authority’s security forces) shot at soldiers at the Hizma checkpoint. Several people were injured. The assailant is killed. In the evening, an Arab armed with a knife attacked a policeman on Navi Street, not far from the Shechem Gates in Jerusalem. The policeman was injured moderate severity. The assailant is killed.
December 4th. A soldier was wounded in a terrorist attack in the Tel Rumeida (Hebron) area. Two terrorists who carried out the attack, destroyed. As a result of a car bombing of Ofra in Benjamin County, two Israelis were injured. The terrorist is killed. An Arab terrorist stabbed an Israeli in the area of Halamish and severely wounded him. The terrorist shot.
December 6. On the first day of the Hanukkah holiday in the center of Jerusalem, an Arab terrorist hit a pedestrian, then got out of the car and stabbed another person. The terrorist is neutralized.
December 7th. In Hebron, a terrorist attacked a forty-year-old Israeli with a knife. The terrorist is killed. December 30, Gennady Kaufman died from his injuries.
9th December. In Hebron, a terrorist wounded two Israelis. The attacker is destroyed. In the area of Tul-Karem, a car with Israeli license plates was shot at from a passing car. As a result of the terrorist attack, two Israelis were injured, the doctors recognized one of them to be serious. The terrorists managed to escape.
December 10th. Near Beit Arieh, in the regional council of Mate Benjamin, a Palestinian driver hit a group of Israelis. As a result of the collision, three Israelis suffered, one of them suffered serious injuries. The terrorist fled.
December 11th. An Arab terrorist attempted to commit a car bombing at the Halhul intersection. There were no casualties. The terrorist is neutralized.
December 13th. In the Kiryat Arby area, an Arab woman armed with a knife attacked Israelis. The terrorist is neutralized. None of the Israelis was hurt.
December 14th. As a result of hitting the car at the bus stop at the entrance to Jerusalem, fourteen people were injured. The terrorist is liquidated.
December 15th. In Modiin, a Palestinian Arab attacked builders with a knife. Two people injured. The attacker is arrested.
December 16th. During the night operation in the area of Kalandia, three soldiers were slightly injured as a result of the shooting while neutralizing two terrorists who were trying to crush soldiers with cars. The attackers are destroyed.
December 17th. At the Khawara checkpoint, near Nablus, an Arab armed with a knife attacked the military. The assailant is killed.
December 19th. A terrorist stabbed three people in Raanana. The condition of one of the victims was assessed as severe. The terrorist is neutralized.
December 20. At the Hasam Shother checkpoint in Hebron, an Arab woman with a knife tried to attack the soldiers. The attacker is neutralized.
December 23rd. Near the Jaffa Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem, two terrorists armed with knives attacked Israelis. Two dead: Ofer Ben Ari (46 years old) and Reuven Birmaher (45 years old), another two were injured of varying degrees of severity. The attackers were shot by border guard girls.
December 24th. In the industrial zone of Ariel was attacked with cold weapons. Two people were injured moderate severity. The terrorist is neutralized. An Arab armed with a knife attacked Israelis at the crossroads between the Arab village of Yata and Hebron (Hebron Highlands). The attacker is shot dead. None of the Israelis was hurt. Car attempted terrorist attack near Aram (Binyamin Regional Council). A serviceman was slightly injured. The terrorist shot.
December 25th. Attempt to car attack under Silvad. The driver, the mother of four children, was seriously wounded.
December 26th. An Arab armed with a knife attacked a policeman in the IDF square in Jerusalem. The policeman was not injured, the terrorist was neutralized. Attempt to automobile attack at the checkpoint "Havara" under Shechem. One soldier is lightly wounded. The terrorist was wounded, later died in hospital.
27th of December. Near the central bus station, an Arab armed with a knife attacked a soldier and wounded him. The attacker is arrested.
27th of December. The attack with the use of cold arms at the checkpoint "Havara", south of Nablus. As a result of the attack wounded two soldiers. Two attackers shot dead.
31th of December. Car attack at the intersection of A-Bitot, south of Nablus. An IDF soldier was slightly injured. The terrorist is killed. The attacks in Kiryat Arba, Tel Aviv and Eilat were also prevented on this day.
2016 year
1st of January. An Israeli Arab opened fire with an Italian pistol, the Spektr machine gun, at A-Simta pub, Dzhapanika sushi bar and Sidwelk cafe, located near House 130 on Dizengoff Street in Tel Aviv. As a result of the attack, two people were killed: Alon Bacal of Karmiel — one of the managers of the Tel Aviv bar A Simla and Shimon Ruimi of Ofakim. Seven more were injured. Then the assailant shot the taxi driver and fled. The terrorist was discovered and liquidated by the police on January 8th.
January 3 In Hebron, near the Caves of the Forefathers, an Arab sniper shot at an IDF soldier. The terrorist has disappeared.
4 January. During the day, three attempts at a knife attack: at a training base in Samaria, at the junction of Tapuah and in Jerusalem. Two people injured. Terrorists neutralized.
5 January. An Arab terrorist attacked with a knife a soldier at the Gush Etzion crossroad. The assailant is killed. [49]
January 7th. At the Gush Etzion crossroad, two terrorists were shot dead while attempting to attack the military, and another was seriously wounded and later died. In the Arab village of Beit Anun, near Hebron, an attempted terrorist attack with cold weapons was attempted. The terrorist is liquidated.
January 9. Two Arab terrorists attempted to attack the Israeli military at the Bekaot checkpoint in the Jordan Valley. The attackers were fired, they were injured and hospitalized.
January 12th. An armed Arab attacked military personnel near the village of Beit Anun, near Hebron. The terrorist shot.
January 14th. An armed terrorist attacked military personnel near the village of Beit Anun, near Hebron. The soldier was slightly injured. The terrorist shot. An armed Arab attacked an IDF officer near Mount Eival near Shechem. The officer was slightly injured. The attacker is shot dead.
January 17. In the settlement of Otniel, an armed terrorist entered the house and seriously wounded the hostess, Dafnu Meir (38 years old). From the wounds of the woman died. The terrorist managed to escape. He was detained on January 19th. [50] Attempts at terrorist attacks in Kiryat Moshe and Kiryat Arba.
January 18th. In the Tkoa settlement, an Arab terrorist armed with a knife seriously wounded a pregnant woman. The attacker is shot dead. [210]
January 23. A thirteen-year-old terrorist armed with a knife tried to attack a guard at the entrance to Anatot. The attacker is neutralized. [51]
January 24th. A Palestinian Arab exploded while attempting to throw an improvised bomb at Israeli soldiers in the Abu Dis district of Jerusalem.
The 25th of January. The terrorist attack in the settlement of Beit Horon. Two Israeli women wounded. One of the victims - Shlomit Krigman (24 years old) later died. Terrorists destroyed. [52] January 26th. At the checkpoint on the highway number 443, in the Beit Horon settlement, an Arab driver sent a car to a group of Israeli soldiers. One person was slightly injured. The driver fled to the territory of the Arab village of Beit Ur-al-Tahta.
January 27th. At the gas station in Givat Ze'ev, near Jerusalem, a terrorist attack was committed with the use of cold weapons. As a result of the attack, one person was seriously wounded. The terrorist is detained. [53]
January 30. Two Arab terrorists easily wounded a 17-year-old youth near the Shechem gates in Jerusalem and fled the scene. They were later detained. [54]
January 31st. The terrorist opened fire towards the Israelis at the Focus checkpoint in the Beit El area. Three Israelis were injured of varying degrees of severity. The terrorist is neutralized. An attempted car bombing at the Bel checkpoint in the Maccabim district. None of the Israelis was hurt, the terrorist was shot. An Arab terrorist shot at three soldiers at a checkpoint near Ramallah. The terrorist is killed. [55]
1st of February. Attempt of act of terrorism in the area of settlement Salit in Samaria. None of the Israelis was hurt, the terrorist was shot.
February 3rd. Terrorist attack in the Shechem Gate area of the Old City in Jerusalem. Two border guards were seriously injured, one of them - 19-year-old Adar Cohen died later, a passer-by was injured. Three terrorists were shot. [56]
February 4th. The terrorist attack on the central bus station in Ramla. Two Arab minors attacked the guard and stabbed him in the leg. The man was slightly injured. The attackers are detained. [57]
February 6. A Palestinian Arab stabbed a sixty-five-year-old woman in a market in Rahat. She was seriously wounded. The terrorist has disappeared. [58] Arab terrorists set fire to a synagogue near Carmi Zur, which was opened in honor of the three boys who were abducted and killed in June 2014.
February 7th. A dark-skinned "alien" stabbed a serviceman in Ashkelon. The soldier was slightly wounded, the attacker, a migrant from Sudan, was seriously wounded and soon died in hospital. [59]
February 8th. In Ramla, an 11-year-old child was hit in the back with scissors several times. The terrorist fled, but was soon captured. [60]
February 9th. In Jerusalem, a 16-year-old Arab woman tried to strike with a knife a border guard near the Shechem Gate of the Old City. No one was hurt, the attacker was detained. [61] A 30-year-old Israeli was wounded by a knife near the village of Neve-Daniel. The attacker managed to escape. [62]
February 13. An Arab woman armed with a knife attacked a soldier in the area of the Cave of the Forefathers and easily wounded a soldier. The terrorist was destroyed. [63]
The 14th of February. Two Arabs armed with an automatic rifle and a knife, despite the security fence attempted to commit a terrorist attack in the Shaked village, in northern Samaria. One of them opened fire on the military. Both trespassers shot dead. [64] Attempt to attack military personnel at checkpoints in the Jerusalem Ho Ar district of Jerusalem. None of the soldiers was injured, the attacker, a 17-year-old Arab from the Beit-Lehem area, was liquidated. [65] At the Ikul-160 checkpoint on the outskirts of Hebron, a terrorist woman with a knife tried to attack the border police. Neutralized before she managed to hurt the border guard. [66]
The 14th of February. Near the Shkhemsky gate in Jerusalem, two terrorists opened fire on the border guards. None of the Israelis was hurt. The attackers are destroyed. [67]
February, 15. The terrorist attempted to attack with a knife in Jerusalem. [68]
18th of Febuary. In the Rami Levy supermarket in the Shaar-Binyamin industrial zone, two Israelis were injured by terrorists. One of the wounded, a 21-year-old IDF sergeant Tuvia Yanai Vaisman (21), later died. Terrorists neutralized. [69] [70] February 19th. Armed attack near the Shechem gate in Jerusalem. Two border guards received minor knife wounds. The terrorist is neutralized.
24 February. An Arab armed with a knife attacked an Israeli at the Gush-Etzion crossroad. The attacker is wounded and detained. When neutralizing a terrorist, 30-year-old captain of the reserve service, Eliave Gelman, was mortally wounded.
February 26th In Maale Adumim, a guard was seriously wounded. The terrorist disappeared, but was detained a day later.
28th of February. In the area of Nazareth, an Arab driver hit a policeman, mortally wounding him. On May 20, a police officer died from his injuries.
2nd of March. Two terrorists entered the territory of the settlement of Eli (Samaria) and attacked a local resident. The injured man managed to fend off the terrorists and lock the door. Passing by the military neutralized the attackers.
March, 3rd. A 14-year-old terrorist with a knife attacked a policeman in the village of Ujah (Jordan Valley). Traffic police officer was slightly injured. The attacker is arrested.
March 8. An armed Arab woman attacked the border guards near the Shekhem Gate of the Old City in Jerusalem. None of the policemen was hurt, the terrorist was shot. In the center of Petah Tikva, an Arab stabbed an Israeli with a knife. 35-year-old man was injured moderate severity. The attacker is eliminated. [71] In old Jaffa on the quay of Tel Aviv an attack was made on the rest. One of the victims - a US citizen Taylor Allen Force (29 years old), died on the way to the hospital, eleven people were injured. The terrorist shot. [72] [71]
9th of March. The terrorist attack near the Shechem Gate of the Old City in Jerusalem. As a result of the attack, one person was seriously injured. Two terrorists shot. [73] The terrorist attacked a soldier in the Ariel area (Samaria). The Israeli was not injured, the terrorist was killed.
11th of March. As a result of the terrorist attack on the highway 443, two soldiers were injured.
March 14th. Two Arabs fired on soldiers at the entrance to Kiryat Arba. One soldier was slightly injured. The attackers are shot dead. Fifteen minutes later there was an attempt to bring down the people who were on the site of the first terrorist act. The officer was slightly injured. The attacker is shot dead.
March 17. Two terrorists attacked an IDF soldier near Ariel. The girl was seriously wounded. Terrorists shot dead.
March 18. An Arab terrorist armed with a knife got out of the car and tried to attack an Israeli at the Gush Etzion crossroad. There were no casualties, the terrorist was shot.
March 19th In the area of the Caves of the Forefathers in Hebron, an Arab easily wounded a border guard with a knife. The terrorist is destroyed.
March 24. In the Hebron area, at the Gilber crossroad, two terrorists armed with knives attacked military personnel. One soldier wounded. The attackers are destroyed.
March 25. In the Jerusalem district of Isaou, an Arab armed with a knife attacked Israeli policemen. As a result of this attempted terrorist attack, no one was hurt. The police arrested the attacker.
April 3rd. On A-Melah Street in Rosh HaAyin Industrial Zone, an Arab woman armed with a knife easily injured a woman. The terrorist is arrested.
14th of April. An Arab armed with an ax attacked IDF troops near the village of Al-Aroub. The terrorist is neutralized.
April 18th. On Moshe Baram Street in Jerusalem, an explosive device was activated in a bus of route 12 of the Egged Company. As a result of the attack, at least 20 people were injured. The terrorist himself was seriously wounded and later died.
April 27th. Two Arabs attempted to attack the police at the Kalandia checkpoint. The attackers are neutralized.
May 2. Two religious Jews were wounded with a knife near the Lion Gate in Jerusalem. The attacker managed to escape, after a short time he was arrested.
May 3 Car bombing near the village of Dolev. Three servicemen suffered. The terrorist is destroyed.
May 4-6. Escalation on the border with Gaza. Numerous attacks by Palestinians lead to shootouts.
May 10. An armed attack in the Jerusalem area of Armon HaNaziv. Two elderly women were injured. A suspicious item was found near the village of Khizma. The explosive device worked when the soldiers of the search and rescue battalion "Ram" arrived, one of the servicemen was seriously wounded. Later, about 9 more explosive devices and a gas cylinder were discovered near the checkpoint. A few days later, two suspects of involvement in the attack were detained.
16th of May. An Arab easily stabbed an Israeli on A-Neviim Street in Jerusalem. The terrorist is arrested.
2 June. The terrorist attempted to attack the soldiers of the IDF near the settlement of Einav (Samaria). None of the soldiers was hurt, the attacker was shot.
June 5th. Near the village of Hauara, a bus with pupils of Yesheshev was shot at with automatic weapons. No harm done. Bus damage done.
June 8. The attack of armed terrorists in the area of the complex "Sarona" in Tel Aviv. Four people died. These are Ido Ben-Ari (42), Ilana Nave (39), Michael Feige (58), Mila Mishaeva (32). Another 16 were injured. Terrorists arrested. 21st of June. Arabs threw stones and bottles with a Molotov cocktail in the direction of Israeli cars on the highway number 443 near the village of Beit Sira. Three people injured. One Arab killed, three detained. The victim, apparently, was not involved in the attack on cars. [74]
June 24. An Arab terrorist on a car tried to crush a group of Israelis in the vicinity of the entrance to Kiryat Arba. One person received minor injuries. The terrorist was destroyed.
30 June. The terrorist entered the house in Kiryat Arba and attacked with a knife at the thirteen-year-old Alel Yaffa Ariel. Security staff arrived at the scene. In a fight with a terrorist, one of them was wounded. The girl in the hospital also later died from her injuries. The terrorist is killed. In Netanya, a terrorist attacked with a knife and wounded two people: a 40-year-old man was seriously injured, a 60-year-old woman was taken to hospital in a state of moderate severity. The terrorist is liquidated. [75] [76] [77] [78]
July 1. In the Adoraim (South Hevron Highlands) area, terrorists opened fire on a car with Israeli license plates, after which the car overturned. As a result of the terrorist attack, a resident of the settlement of Daniel Michael (Miki) Mark was killed. His wife was seriously injured, and two children were injured easily. An Arab terrorist armed with a knife attacked frontier guards in the area of the Caves of the Forefathers (Maarat a-Machpela) in Hebron. There were no casualties. The border guards opened fire and eliminated the attacker.
5'th of July. At the Gitai intersection near Ariel, an attempt was made of an armed attack on people standing at the bus stop. The terrorist is neutralized.
July 6th. At the entrance to the village of Neve Daniel, the Palestinian driver went to ram an army jeep. As a result of the attack, three Israeli soldiers were injured. The terrorist was seriously injured and was hospitalized.
July 9th. The terrorists fired at an Israeli car near the village of Tkoa in Gush Etzion, and a man about 30 years old was injured. The gunmen fled.
July 17th. An Arab was detained at a tram stop in the center of Jerusalem, in a bag of which there were several explosive devices.
July 18th. An Arab, armed with a screwdriver, attacked soldiers on Highway 60 near Al-Aroub refugee camp. Two soldiers were slightly injured, the attacker was seriously wounded.
July 31st. At a checkpoint near the village of Howuvara, a Palestinian terrorist armed with a knife was liquidated while attempting to attack Israeli soldiers.
11th August. In the Jerusalem quarter of A-Tour, an 18-year-old religious Jew was attacked. The young man was injured moderate severity. The attacker disappeared and was caught in a few days.
August 14th At the Shaked checkpoint, an Arab woman resident of the Palestinian territories attacked Israeli soldiers with a knife. A soldier was slightly injured while fighting a terrorist. The terrorist is neutralized.
24 August. A Palestinian Arab, armed with a knife, easily wounded a soldier near the village of Yitzhar. The attacker is shot dead.
September 1. During the pilgrimage of Jews to the tomb of Yosef in Nablus, an Arab terrorist opened fire on Israeli soldiers guarding the pilgrims. One soldier was injured.
September 5th Attempt to car bombing in Jerusalem. None of the Israelis was hurt. One Arab was shot, the second was wounded and detained.
16 of September. Armed with a knife, an Arab attacked policemen in the Shechem Gate area of the Old City in Jerusalem. One of the police officers fired and neutralized the assailant. An attempted car bombing at the Elias intersection in Kiryat Arba. Two Palestinians on the car tried to crush the soldiers. The soldiers opened fire, as a result one terrorist was killed, the second one was wounded. Armed with cold weapons, a terrorist attacked in Hebron. One person was slightly injured. The terrorist is neutralized.
September 17th The terrorist hit the soldier with a knife at a checkpoint in Hebron. The soldier was slightly injured. Other soldiers shot the terrorist.
September 18th On the territory of Efrat, an armed Arab attacked an IDF officer. As a result of the attack, an Israeli was injured of moderate severity. The terrorist is neutralized.
September 19th An Arab armed with a knife attacked police officers in the Flower Gate area of the Old City of Jerusalem. As a result of the attack, the police were seriously injured. The attacker is neutralized. Two Palestinian Arabs attacked frontier guards in the Cave of the Forefathers (Mearat Ha-Machpelah) with knives. One of the terrorists was liquidated on the spot, the second - later died from his wounds in the hospital.
September 20th At the checkpoint at the entrance to the village of Bani Naim, an armed Arab attacked the military. The terrorist shot. None of the soldiers was injured.
September 21st. A 14-year-old Arab woman attacked guards at the Eliyahu checkpoint (Samaria region). The attacker is neutralized.
23 September. Armed with a knife, an Arab attacked Israelis at the Elias junction near Kiryat Arba. The terrorist is neutralized.
September 30th. An Arab armed with a knife seriously wounded a soldier at the Qalandia checkpoint and was shot dead.
October 9th. An armed attack in Jerusalem in the Givat a-Tahmoshet area. Levan Malihi was killed - a resident of Jerusalem and police foreman Yosef Kirma (29), six people were injured. The terrorist shot.
October 13th An Arab terrorist armed with a knife easily wounded an Israeli border guard near the village of Al-Adar near Jerusalem and fled from the scene. October 15th. The attack with a knife on a soldier in the area of Jerusalem, the terrorist fled.
October 19th At the crossroads of Tapuah (Samaria), a terrorist, armed with a knife, tried to attack the border guards (MAGAV). The assailant is shot dead.
29th of October. An Arab attempted to attack troops in the area of the Ofra checkpoint. There were no casualties. The terrorist is neutralized.
October 30. On the Gush Etzion-Hebron highway in the Arab village of Beit Umar, an Arab driver sent his car to a group of Jews. Two people injured. The terrorist is liquidated.
October 31. The terrorist opened fire towards the Israelis at the Focus checkpoint in the Beit El area. Three servicemen received injuries of varying severity. The terrorist is liquidated.
the 3rd of November. A terrorist armed with a knife attempted to attack a soldier guarding a bus stop near the village of Ofra. Another soldier, noticing the actions of a terrorist, opened fire. The terrorist is liquidated. In the area of Tulkarem, automatic gunfire was opened towards Israeli troops. One soldier wounded. The terrorist managed to escape.
November 9. A terrorist with a screwdriver tried to attack soldiers in the village of Hawara. None of the soldiers was hurt. The attacker is wounded.
November 22. The terrorist attacked the guards at the Kalandia checkpoint. None of the Israelis was hurt. The attacker is shot dead.
November 22. A wave of fires spread throughout Israel. There is evidence that many fires are arson. The Israeli police defined them as nationalistic terrorism. An investigation is underway, followed by arrests of arsonists and instigators.
November 25. An Arab armed with a knife attacked guards at a checkpoint in the Shuafat refugee camp. The attacker is eliminated.
December 8th. An Arab armed with a knife was shot while trying to attack Israelis at the Tapuah checkpoint.
December 13th. An Arab woman tried to crush soldiers at the Qalandia checkpoint (north of Jerusalem). The soldiers fired a shot into the air, the terrorist stopped the car and got out with a knife in her hands. She is detained.
December 14th. A terrorist armed with a screwdriver attacked police officers in the Old City of Jerusalem, slightly injuring three people. The attacker was seriously injured and later died in hospital.
December 19th. In Benjamin district, between the villages of Halamish and Beit Arie, a car was shot at. The driver was slightly injured by broken glass.
December 30th. A Arab woman armed with a knife attempted to attack the Israelis at the Qalandia checkpoint. The attacker is arrested.
International reactions
In October 2015, France called for the deployment of international observers on the Temple Mount in order to maintain the status quo. Israel, however, rejected the proposal, saying that such an action would violate the status quo. [79]
Angela Merkel met with Benjamin Netanyahu on October 21 to discuss a wave of violence. She said that Germany expects from Mahmoud Abbas “condemnation of all that constitutes acts of terror. You can not start negotiations with Israel, if this does not happen. " She also said that "young Palestinians need perspective and unilateral steps are useless." [80]
After talks with British Prime Minister David Cameron, King Abdullah II warned Israel on September 9 that “provocations in Jerusalem will affect relations between Jordan and Israel. Unfortunately, Jordan will have no choice but to take certain measures. ”
State Department spokesman John Kirby on September 9 condemned "all acts of violence" on the Temple Mount and called on Israel to continue restrictions on Jewish visitors. “The United States is deeply concerned about the recent violence and the escalation of tension around the Temple Mount. We strongly condemn all acts of violence. It is important that all parties refrain from provocative actions and rhetoric, always maintaining the historical status quo of the Temple Mount. ” He added that "all parties must exercise restraint." [21]
The United Nations (UN) condemned the terrorist activities in Israel and called on both sides to restore calm. In addition, Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General (2007-2016), made an unexpected visit to Israel. [81]
- ↑ Analysis of what is the current Palestinian terrorist wave? , The Jerusalem Post (February 6, 2016). The appeal date is February 17, 2016.
- ↑ For Time The First in the Wave Current Terror, Israel Severely The restricts the Access the To, the From Ramallah , Haaretz (1 February 2016). The appeal date is February 17, 2016.
- ↑ When an Israeli soldier kills a wounded terrorist , The Economist (April 5, 2016). The appeal date is April 18, 2016.
- ↑ Stone, knife and intifada (December 13, 2017). The appeal date is February 7, 2019.
- ↑ Kerry warns Abbas against Israel The appeal date is November 6, 2015.
- ↑ Hamas Calls for Third Intifada (Unidentified) // Al Jazeera. - 2008. - 28 December.
- Ri Uri Friedman, The 'Price Tag' Menace: Israeli Settler Attacks Spread , At The Atlantic Wire , 3 October 2011: The Jewish settlers "settlers" It’s not a problem.
- ↑ Wilson, Simone. In Israel, No One's Backing Down from a Third Intifada (Eng.) // The Jewish Journal: journal. - 2014. - 12 November.
- Sho A Shooting Attack in Southern Israel , The Atlantic (October 18, 2014). The appeal date is October 19, 2015.
- ↑ Gordis, Daniel. Israel and a Third Intifada (Unsolved) // BloombergView. - 2015. - 8 October.
- ↑ 1 2 Hass, Amira. Abbas Can't Control the Lost Generation of Oslo (Neopr.) // Haaretz . - 2015. - 11 October.
- ↑ Ben Solomon, Ariel. This is Not the Third Intifada Yet (Undefeated) // The Jerusalem Post . - 2015. - 9 October.
- ↑ Elior Levy, Yoav Zitun, 'Firebomb-throwing gone awry,' Ynet 14 October 2015.
- ↑ US House Panel Unanimously Votes to Condemn Palestinian Incitement . .
- ↑ Tobin, Andrew. “Israel has had success against 'lone wolf' terrorists - here's how.” Jewish Journal . 27 July 2016.
- ↑ IN PICTURES: 'Dead' 13-year-old terrorist alive and well , Ynet (October 15, 2015). The appeal date is November 6, 2015.
- ↑ Video of Palestinian stabber proves Abbas' 'execution' of the victim still alive , The Jerusalem Post (October 15, 2015). The appeal date is November 6, 2015.
- ↑ Abbas Accuses Israel of 'Executing' 13-year-old , Haaretz (November 6, 2015). The appeal date is November 6, 2015.
- ↑ Viral video puts Israelis and Palestinians at sharp odds , Reuters (October 14, 2015). The appeal date is November 6, 2015.
- ↑ MEMRI: Jibril Rajoub: We Are Proud of Heroic Palestinian Attackers; We Are Proud of Heroic Palestinian Attackers; We won’t pay the price for the Holocaust . IMRA. The appeal date is November 6, 2015.
- 2 1 2 US: Israel Maintain Temple Mount Ban Ban - Global Agenda - News - Arutz Sheva . Arutz Sheva .
- ↑ [1]
- 2 1 2 3 First signs emerge of ISIS-inspired terrorism in Israel - Israel News -
- Any Netanyahu Bars Politics From The Holy Week The appeal date is April 18, 2016.
- ↑ Knesset passes controversial 'force-feeding' bill for prisoners . The date of appeal is November 4, 2015.
- ↑ Israel passes law sanctioning force-feeding prisoners; doctors vow court fight . The date of appeal is November 4, 2015.
- 2 1 2 Alexandra Sims, 'Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat urges Israelis to carry firearms,' The Independent 8 October 2015.
- Security Israeli Security Forces Heavily Deployed in Jerusalem - World Affairs Journal (Not available link) . The appeal date is April 18, 2016. Archived October 22, 2016.
- UN urges Israelis and Palestinians to end violence . The Irish Times (October 20, 2015).
- ↑ IDF arrests senior Hamas figure Hassan Yousef in West Bank . Jerusalem Post (October 20, 2015).
- Ah Nahum Barnea, 'Beitunian nights: The IDF in the West Bank,' Ynet 18 March 2016: ' When the knife is unsheathed, an accursed outcast is transformed into a martyr, a hero. It is also a financial assistance. They want to be killed. True, this is a very convenient explanation for the Israeli establishment. Palestinian youths willingness to die on their knives; It was a diplomatically, economically, militarily and militant way. In short, it fits current policy like a glove. Nevertheless, it is worthy of discussion .. '
- Police Israeli police, Palestinians clash at Jerusalem holy site (September 13, 2015). The date of appeal is November 4, 2015.
- ↑ Clashes ERUPT on the Mount Temple then ahead of the New Jewish Year , of The The Jerusalem the Post (13 September 2015). The date of appeal is November 4, 2015.
- ↑ Israel tightens crackdown on petrol bomb, stone-throwers , Reuters (November 4, 2015). The date of appeal is November 4, 2015.
- ↑ Staff writers (3 October) "Two Israeli men killed, 2 injured, in Jerusalem stabbing attack" , Retrieved 3 October.
- ↑ Staff writers (4 October) "In second attack, Israeli teen stabbed near Jerusalem's Old City" , Retrieved 4 October.
- Jew “Jew stabbed by Jerusalem’s Old City inside Jerusalem’s Old City” ,
- Israeli "Israeli man, 25, hurt in Jerusalem stabbing attack" ,
- "Israel continue to stare attacks” , Retrieved 9 October.
- "Attacks in Jerusalem Leave Five Wounded, Two Dead" , Retrieved 10 October.
- Female "Female terrorist shot after stabbing Border Police officer in Jerusalem" , Retrieved 12 October.
- Four "Four terrorist attacks rock Jerusalem over 12 hours" , jpost. Com. Retrieved 12 October.
- Boy "Boy, 13, stabbed as he rode his bike in third time , " Retrieved 12 October.
- "Jerusalem: Israelis killed as attackers ambush bus" , Retrieved 13 October.
- "Israelis killed in Jerusalem bus stabbing and car ramming" , Retrieved 13 October.
- "Two Stabbing Attacks in Ra'anana Leaves Six Wounded" , Retrieved 13 October.
- "Terrorist shot dead at Jerusalem's thawed stabbing attack" , Retrieved 14 October.
- Ter "Terrorist stabs woman boarding bus at Jerusalem Central Bus Station" , Retrieved 14 October.
- ↑ Palestinian boy killed after stabbing soldier . The appeal date is February 3, 2016.
- Otniel, a terrorist assassinated woman The Jerusalem Post - . The appeal date is February 3, 2016.
- ↑ 13-year-old Palestinian shot dead after alleged stab attempt . Maan News Agency . The appeal date is February 3, 2016.
- Killed Woman killed, another wounded in terror stabbing in the West Bank settlement store . The Jerusalem Post - . The appeal date is February 3, 2016.
- ↑ Israeli Israeli Israeli не не The Jerusalem Post - . The appeal date is February 3, 2016.
- ↑ Israeli lightly wounded in stabbing attack by Palestinians in Jerusalem . The Jerusalem Post - . The appeal date is February 3, 2016.
- ↑ Palestinian police officer shoots three soldiers at check point near Ramallah . The Jerusalem Post - . The appeal date is February 3, 2016.
- ↑ Border Police Officer, 19, Dies After Jerusalem Terror Attack .
- Ramle Central Bus Station .
- ↑ Jewish woman stabbed in suspected terror attack in Rahat Neopr .
- ↑ Soldier lightly hurt in Sudanese national in Ashkelon .
- ↑ Assailant stabs Jewish boy, 11, in Ramle attack .
- ↑ Border Police thwart stabbing attack at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem .
- Ass Palestinian assailant wounds j Israeli jogger in Gush Etzion stabbing .
- ↑ 17-year-old Palestinian shot and killed after Hebbron .
- ↑ IDF unit shoots dead 2 West Bank terrorists in exchange of fire .
- Shot Palestinian shot after rushing police station near Jerusalem .
- ↑ PA calls for international protection after IDF kills three Palestinian teenage assailants Neopr .
- Two Border Police at Damascus Gate .
- ↑ Security forces thwart attempted stabbing attack at Damascus Gate .
- ↑ Levinson, Chaim . Israeli Killed, Another Wounded, in Stabbing at West Bank Supermarket , Haaretz (February 18, 2016).
- "Soldier killed and wounded in Sha'ar Binyamin stabbing attack." Ynetnews . 18 February 2016.
- ↑ 1 2 Hartman, Ben . Jaffa stabbing spree: Palestinian kills American tourist, wounds 10 others , Jerusalem Post (March 8, 2016).
- ↑ Hadid, Diaa . American Graduate Student Killed in Stabbing Rampage Near Tel Aviv , New York Times (March 9, 2016).
- ↑ Yanovsky, Roi . Civilian wounded in terror in Jerusalem , Ynet (March 9, 2016).
- ↑
- ↑ FEDERMAN, JOSEF Palestinian kills Israeli girl, 13, sleeping in her bedroom . Date of circulation is July 10, 2016. (unavailable link)
- K Palestinian kills teen in the Israeli settlement, then shot dead (June 30, 2016). The date of circulation is July 10, 2016.
- ↑ One Dead, 5 Wounded in Palestinian Palestinian Terrorism , Israel Today (July 1, 2016). The appeal date is August 16, 2016.
- Killed Father killed in West Bank terror attack . The date of circulation is July 10, 2016.
- ↑ France Pushes Security Council Observatory to the Temple Mount .
- ↑ Merkel: 'We expect abbas to condemn acts of terrorism' . The Jerusalem Post - .
- ↑ IAN DEITCH, Associated Press. UN chief visits Jerusalem to help quell violence . The Columbian (October 20, 2015).