Rational psychotherapy is a method of psychotherapy proposed by Paul Dubois for the treatment of mental disorders through clarification and logical persuasion [1] [2] . Patients are explained the causes of the disease, the laws of formal and dialectical logic, correction of erroneous judgments, attitudes, and attitudes, as well as methods of psychophagics are used [3] .
The method was presented in the book Psychoneuroses and Their Mental Treatment (Dubois, 1912 [4] ), which describes impaired thinking in various mental diseases.
Rational psychotherapy in Russia was practiced by V.M. Bekhterev (“explanatory psychotherapy”, 1911), S.I. Constorum (1962), I.S. Pavlov (1980), D.V. Pankov [5] , B.E. Egorov [6] and others. [7]
Method Content
The main objective of the method is to correct the misconception about the disease, which is formed under the influence of the patient's personal characteristics, hypertrophied feelings about the disease, lack of literacy, attitudes to the disease and adverse life circumstances. Hence, a great role is given to the competence of the psychotherapist in the field of medicine, his ability to convincingly convince the patient in the absence of a somatic disease, explain the results of tests and other research, as well as knowledge of the laws of logic to correct the inconsistency, lack of evidence and uncertainty of the patient's thinking. Such thinking can manifest itself in convincing a patient of the incurability of his illness, in searching for somatic, rather than mental causes of the disease, underestimation of the role of imagination in triggering symptoms.
As a result, a competent adequate understanding of the causes of the disease and its prognosis is formed, which increases the effectiveness of treatment [7] .
The main differences between Beck’s cognitive psychotherapy and Ellis rational-emotional therapy (which are essentially rational psychotherapy options) are in the nosological approach to the disease, the inclusion of dialectical logic, the use of moral principles of didactics , which gives a more systemic and wide arsenal of psychotherapeutic influence [3 ] . Based on the medical bias of diagnostics and treatment (the history of the disease, etiopathogenesis, clinical data are taken into account, the traditional medical conceptual apparatus is used, the anatomy and physiology data are used [8] ), the method is closest to the direction of clinical psychotherapy [3] [9] . Previously, this type of therapy was called "Socratic conversations . "
The success of therapy depends on the depth of persuasion and the strength of the psychotherapist's sincerity in recovery. A false fear about functional disorders is removed, the patient is convinced that everything will go away as soon as he stops paying attention to the symptoms, begins to accept life as it is, adapt to the conditions of life, switch from itself to the environment. Moral tone of the patient, his mental strength, faith in himself [10] .
Indications for rational psychotherapy are neuroses (sexual, obsessive-compulsive disorder), psychasthenia, alcoholism, drug addiction, deviant behavior of adolescents [7] .
The method is widely used in modern practice to study the internal picture of the patient's disease [11] , in working with its correct assessment as safe for life and disability, which mobilizes the potential of the individual in overcoming the disease [12] [13] [14] .
Anyone who wants to treat a neuropath must first of all be a clinician so that by identifying various organic disorders, find their causes; but it is also necessary to be a moral psychologist in order to be able to fundamentally influence the mental mood of the patient ( Dubois , Psychoneuroses and their mental treatment, 1912, p. 135).
- Dubois P. About psychotherapy / P. Dubois; [Preface: O. Feltsman]. - Moscow: Science, 1911. - VI, 131 p. - (Psychotherapeutic Library / Under the editorship of Dr. NE Osipov and OB Feltsman; Vol. 2).
- Dubois P. Imagination as the cause of the disease / Prof. dr. P. Dubois; Sign in per. Dr. MB Shapiro; [Preface: O. Feltsman]. - Moscow: Science, 1912. - 76 p.
- Dubois P. Self-Education / Dr. Paul Dubois; Per. from 3rd fr. ed. 1909 N. Palchinskoy. - St. Petersburg: type. t-va "Society. benefit", 1911. - 234 p.
- Dubois P. On the Influence of the Spirit on the Body: Publ. lecture / P. Dubois, prof. Berne. un-that; Sign in per. L.B. Havkina-Hamburger. - St. Petersburg: type. B.M. Wolf, 1911. - 42 p.
See also
- Socrates Method
- ↑ V. A. Zhmurov. Great encyclopedia of psychiatry // 2nd ed. - M.: Gian-gar. - 2012.
- ↑ V. Bleicher, I. V. Kruk. Ed. Cand. honey. Sciences S. N. Bokova. Explanatory Dictionary of Psychiatric Terms // Voronezh: ed. NGO "MODEK". - 1995. - p. 640 s .
- ↑ 1 2 3 Psychotherapeutic Encyclopedia / Ed. B.D. Karvasarsky. Psychotherapeutic encyclopedia // 3rd ed. - SPb .: Peter. - 2006. - p. 944 p .
- ↑ Dubois, Paul. Psychoneuroses and their mental treatment / Dr. Dubois, "Les psychonèvroses et leur traitement moral". - St. Petersburg: K.L. Ricker - 1912. - 397 s.
- ↑ Pankov D.V. Rational psychotherapy / Ed. prof. V. Ye. Rozhnova . - M-Health USSR. Centre. In-t improvement of doctors. Training a television. - Moscow: [TSOLIUV]. - 1975. - 26 p.
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- ↑ Golovin S.Yu. (comp.) Dictionary of practical psychologist . - Harvest, 1998. - p. 660.
- ↑ Prostomolotov V.F. Modern cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy as the development of the ideas of Dubois-Dejerine. // Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei. Ştiinţe Medicale Numărul 1 (37) / 2013 / ISSN 1857-0011.