Nikolai Viktorovich Fausek (October 19 ( 31 ), 1895 , Naples - March 15, 1938 , Kommunarka special object , Moscow ) - one of the first Russian pilots, a prominent figure in the Soviet aviation industry, high-altitude theorist, designer of the Moscow Aviation Institute , full-time teacher of the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) .
Nikolay Viktorovich Fausek | |
Date of Birth | October 19 (October 31 ) 1895 |
Place of Birth | Naples , Italy |
Date of death | March 15, 1938 (42 years) |
Place of death | Moscow , USSR ( Kommunark special object ) |
A country | Russian Empire → the USSR |
Scientific field | aircraft construction |
Known as | one of the first Russian model aircraft; aircraft designer |
In his early years (1912) he became the organizer and leader of the first school aviation model school in Russia, a publicist, historian and popularizer of aviation.
Hereditary nobleman , a member of the Civil War , a victim of political repression in the USSR .
The son of a Czech native, well-known zoologist, entomologist, professor at St. Petersburg Women's Medical Institute , professor and director of the Higher Women's (Bestuzhev) courses Viktor Andreyevich Fausek and his wife zoo-scientist, pedagogue, propagandist of the Montessori pedagogical method Yulia Ivanovna Fausek (Androsov ) Nikolai Fausek was born in the town of Vomero, near Naples , where his father - a young zoologist at the time - was assigned to scientific work. With the end of his business trip in December 1896, he lived in St. Petersburg, as well as on the estate of the writer V.N. Ladyzhensky Lipyagi Penza province . In 1906 he entered immediately into the second class of Karl May's gymnasium in St. Petersburg. Among his comrades, N. Fausek stood out for his bright abilities, although he studied with very talented people. Suffice it to say that his classmate and friend was the future eminent physicist, academician Jacob Frenkel . In those years, a whole galaxy of future aviators - pilots and aircraft designers: Grigory Vekshin [1] , Alexander Apukhtin [2] , Victor Kerber , Pavel Depp , a little later - Vladimir Polyak [3] , Boris Yanchevsky [4] , Solomon Dunsker [5] .
Nikolai Fausek was rightfully considered their leader, who together with Vladimir Vekshin (Grigory Vekshin's brother) on January 24, 1912, organized the first aircraft modeling class in St. Petersburg called the Society of Aviation Sport Fans. Soon he built his first flying model with a rubber motor invented by him. Here is how Victor Kerber wrote in his memoirs, however, he erroneously indicated the year:
In 1908, Kohl saw the magazine “Bulletin of Aeronautics” [6] , in which a photograph of the Blerio VIII aircraft was placed in flight. Kohl immediately fired up with the desire to make a model of the same aircraft and be sure to fly. The search for materials began ... He went shopping for a long time and came across Rasteryaev’s shop in Gostiny Dvor. There his eyes scattered: pipes, sheets and wires of various non-ferrous metals. And in one of the furthest corners Kohl raised a sheet and was amazed how light he was. “What is this?” He asked. “Aluminum”, - the seller answered ... A sheet of aluminum was very expensive - 90 kopecks, but Kolya still bought it ... All his free time from lessons Kolya worked on models ... Soon Kolya achieved remarkable results: he put his model on the chassis on the parquet floor school hall and let. The model ran, independently flew up to a height of 2–2.5 m, flew almost the entire hall, and, as the factory worked out, planned and sat on the floor on the chassis. When it became cramped to fly the model in the hall, Kohl moved into the school yard ... Thus, the first domestic model of the aircraft appeared. Being still a high school student of the last class of K. May's gymnasium, he successfully lectured on aircraft models, demonstrating his own in flight. |
In the same year of 1912, as his mother Yulia Fousek remembered, by analogy with the way his friend Gregory Vekshin had done before, Nikolay designed, built and tested his own glider.
In 1913, N. Fausek graduated from the gymnasium with a gold medal, and on the recommendation of his mother’s friend, I. M. Grevs, entered the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute of Emperor Peter the Great . A year later, with the start of the First World War, N. Fausek continued his studies and at the same time began to study the flight case. Theoretical training courses for future pilots were opened at the institute, and he, as a student, was free to attend them. At the same time he worked at one of the Petrograd aircraft factories. Since 1916, while still a student, N. Fausek began to actively publish his technical ideas in the magazine “Automobile” [7] . There is no information when and in what flight school N. Fausek studied, but it is known that during the Civil War he was a pilot in the Red squadron fighting on the Turkestan front. N. Fausek described in detail his impressions of the Civil War in the essay "Frontovoye", published in 1922 by the magazine "New Russia" .
In 1923, N. Fausek moved to Moscow, where he was enlisted in the staff of the teachers of the N. Ye. Zhukovsky Academy of the Air Fleet , only a year ago reorganized from the Institute of Engineers of the Red Air Fleet. This year, the Central Aircraft Model Section was created at the Academy, in which N. Fausek took an active part. A year later, on September 28, mass model airplane competitions took place in Moscow. The model of the winner of the competitions N. Fausek then set a record, flying 45 meters in 13.4 seconds.
Being a full-time teacher of the engineering department of the Academy, engaged in design development, N. Fausek in the 20s became one of the brightest popularizers of aviation. Many of his articles and books on the history of aeronautics, aeromodelling, and original technical ideas in aviation continue to be quoted after 80 and 90 years.
With the organization in 1930 of the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), Fousek was appointed a teacher at its aircraft-building department (later as a faculty). At the same time, in the early 1930s, he was accepted to the position of designer at the Rocket Institute , where, working under the direction of G. E. Langemak , he participated in the creation of rockets for the legendary Katyusha .
N.V. Fausek was arrested six weeks after G.E. Langemak on December 20, 1937 in his apartment in Marina Grove . Ready for such a development of events, he only managed to tell his wife: “Tell Marimondochka [8] that the Maybug [9] has gone for an emergency landing!”
The surname of N. Fausek appeared in the list of “Moscow-Center” , among those intended to condemnation in the 1st category, presented on March 5, 1938 by the senior major of state security V.E. Tsesarsky I.V. Stalin [10] . The list, as usual, was signed without comment. The “Court” of the Special Meeting at the NKVD was held on March 15, 1938. Fausek Nikolai Viktorovich on charges of espionage was sentenced to death. That same night, the sentence was carried out on specials. the object of the NKVD "Kommunarka" that at the 24th kilometer of the Old Kaluga highway. The family was given the standard wording: “10 years without the right to correspond”. By the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR of November 24, 1956, N. V. Fausek was fully rehabilitated [11] [12] .
- Wife: Fausek Vera Vladimirovna (1902, Ashkhabad - not earlier than 1946). 06/28/1938 was convicted by the Special Meeting of the NKVD as "a member of the family of a traitor to the motherland" for 8 years of correctional labor. The punishment served in the Akmola camp the wives of the traitors of the Motherland (ALZHIR) . Released on April 14, 1946. [13] [14]
- Brother: Vsevolod V. Fausek (1889, St. Petersburg - 01/15/1910, St. Petersburg) - a law student at St. Petersburg Imperial University. Killed himself;
- Brother: Vladimir Viktorovich Fausek (1892, St. Petersburg - July 1, 1914, St. Petersburg) - a student at St. Petersburg Imperial University. He died of encephalitis, infected in a scientific expedition;
- Sister: Natalia Fausek (1893, St. Petersburg - after 1949) - before the Great Patriotic War, the actress of the “New Theater” ;
- Maternal uncle: Academician Nikolai Ivanovich Andrusov (December 7, 1861, Odessa - 04/27/1924, Prague );
- A cousin: Academician of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dmitry Nikolayevich Andrusov (November 7, 1897 - April 1, 1976).
Selected Works
- N. Fausek. Front-line (revolution grimaces). - New Russia. - 1922 .
- N. Fausek. More on the organizational and issues of the air fleet involved. - Air Fleet Bulletin. - 1924 , №№ 4-6.
- N. Fausek. Training in shooting and air combat in German aviation. - Air Fleet Bulletin. - 1924 , №№ 4-5.
- N. Fausek. Flying models of airplanes and how to build them / Krasvoenlet Fausek, lecturer. Acad. air fleet; Friends of the air fleet. - M .: Publishing house ODVF RSFSR, 1925 . - 158 s. - (Literature on the models that served as the source).
- N. Fausek. Record flying models. - M .: Publishing house of the Union Aviakhim USSR and Aviakhim RSFSR, 1926 . - 38 s.
- Pokrovsky S. N., Fausek N. V., Matson I. Aviation Fighting Against an Earthly Adversary. - M., L., 1927 .
- A brief guide to the Central Aerochemistry of the M. Frunze Aviakhim / Compiled by: E. V. Babushkin, N. A. Vishnevsky, T. Ya. Zabolotsky, A. L. Leimer, N. V. Fausek and G. A. Shmelev ; Under total ed. E.P. Banchika Union Aviakhim USSR. - M .: Aviakhim, 1927 . - 80 s.
- N. Fausek. High-altitude flights. - Aviation and chemistry. - 1929 , № 1. - p. 11.
- N. Fausek. Automotive diesel engines. - Behind the wheel. - 1929 , № 6. - p. 18.
- N. Fausek. Through the Continents and Oceans: Remarkable Transfers. - M .: Osoaviakhim, 1929 . - 32 s. - (Library of the journal "Aviation and Chemistry"; № 3).
- N. Fausek. Record model of a seaplane. - Aviation and chemistry. - 1929 , № 10. - p. 22-23.
- N. Fausek. New ideas in aircraft construction. - Aviation and chemistry. - 1929 , № 4. - p. 15-16.
- N. Fausek. Dieselmotor - on a tractor and car. - M .: Ogiz Gos. scientific and technical publishing house, 1931 . - 29 s. - (A series of agitation and technical literature Book - drummer).
- Fausek N. Century. Twenties of the dead loop. - The history of aviation. - 1933 , № 10. - p. 46-47.
- ↑ Vekshin Grigori Alekseevich on the website of the Karl May School Friends Society
- ↑ Apukhtin Alexander Leonidovich on the website of the Society of Friends of the School of Karl May
- ↑ Vladimir Yulevich Polyak on the website of the Karl May School Friends Society
- ↑ Yanchevsky Boris Arkadyevich on the website of the Society of Friends of the School of Karl May
- ↑ Dansker Solomon Moiseevich on the website of the Society of Friends of the School of Karl May
- ↑ magazine "Bulletin Bulletin"
- Автомобиль Car magazine
- ↑ marimondochka in children's games Nikolai Fousek called the mother
- ↑ May beetles called themselves all graduates of the gymnasium of Karl May
- ↑ Item 25: 03/05/1938. List of persons - Moscow Center, Moscow Region (AP RF, op.24, case 415, page 181)
- ↑ Fausek Nikolay Viktorovich on the site of the Martyrology of those shot in Moscow and the Moscow Region
- ↑ Fausek Nikolay Viktorovich on the site Open list of victims of political repression in the USSR
- ↑ Fausek Vera Vladimirovna on the site of the Victims of Political Terror in the USSR
- ↑ Fausek Vera Vladimirovna on the website The open list of victims of political repression in the USSR
- Corwin-Kerber, V.L. Recollections about Nicolae Fausek, written for the Museum of Carl May School;
- Nikolai Fousek on the website of the school of Karl May. ;
- Sorokov D. G. Fausek Nikolay Viktorovich: Russian teacher. Family stories and the method of scientific pedagogy by Julia Fausek. - M .: Forum, 2010 . - p. 16.
- Sorokov DG Nikolay, or a high-altitude flight “from May” to MAI with a forced landing: Russian teacher. Family stories and the method of scientific pedagogy by Julia Fausek. - M .: Forum, 2010 . - p. 243-251.
- DG Sorokov. Family Andrusov-Fausek and Maria Montessori. Chronological canvas of life and creativity (1861-1959): Russian teacher. Family stories and the method of scientific pedagogy by Julia Fausek. - M .: Forum, 2010 . - p. 267-315.