Colette ( Fr. Colette ; January 13, 1381 , Corby - March 6, 1447 , Ghent ) - the saint of the Catholic Church .
Born in Picardy , came from the name Buale. Already in her early youth she assisted the poor and the sick. After the death of her parents, she first joined the Berek , then the Clarissinka, and for three years she lived as a recluse in Korbon Abbey. In an effort to restore the original severity of the rules of the order, she was supported by Pope Benedict XIII , recognized in France , who dedicated her to the prioress of the order. Thus arose, sprouting from the Clarissinas, a new order - mendicant Clarissinki or colettocans . Already Sixt V counted Colette to be the blessed , but her canonization was hampered by her initiation by the Avignon pope from the times of the great schism. She was canonized by Pius VII in 1807 .
- Coletta // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron : 86 t. (82 tons and 4 extra.). - SPb. , 1890-1907.