The flight-over-flight is the intersection of an enemy, air force- friendly air force zone, area or strip covered by air defense weapons . The number of airspaces serves as an estimate of the volume of the combat activity of the enemy aviation during any operation or for a certain period of time (day, month, etc.) [1] [2] [3]
- β Span-airplane // Military Encyclopedia / P. S. Grachev . - Moscow: Military Publishing House, 2003. - Vol. 7. - p. 361. - ISBN 5-203-01874-X .
- β Airplane flight // Soviet military encyclopedia . - Moscow: Military Publishing House of the USSR Ministry of Defense, 1980. - T. 7. - p. 231.
- β Flight-span . Encyclopedia . The website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The appeal date is October 20, 2016.