The nationwide movement "Kazakhstan 2050" ( Kazakh. "Kazakhstan 2050" pawns-pillars ) is a non - governmental public organization created to promote the formation of a civil society in Kazakhstan and promote the ideas and values of the strategy "Kazakhstan 2050". A prerequisite for the creation of the movement was a speech by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev at a forum dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the creation of the Bolashak educational scholarship program . A week later, on December 6, 2013 [1] [2] [3] , a group of initiative citizens formed the council of the movement and founded the organization itself.
National movement "Kazakhstan 2050" | |
kaz "Kazakhstan 2050" zhalpyұlttyқ kozғalysy | |
Founding date | December 6, 2013 |
Type of | non-governmental organization |
Number of participants | 14,000 |
Chairman of the board | Mukhtar Mankeev |
Central apparatus | Nur-Sultan , Kazakhstan |
Site | |
By its mission, the national movement “Kazakhstan 2050” proclaims support for the political course of President N. A. Nazarbayev , outlined in the Strategy “Kazakhstan-2050” and aimed at joining the country in the top 30 most developed countries of the world. [3]
The highest governing body of the movement. By open voting, the present members of the movement form the composition of the collegial governing body - the Council of the movement.
Collective governing body - carries out strategic planning and management of the movement. Approves the list of ongoing projects and their compliance with the goals and objectives of the organization. It consists of 5 members, highly qualified experts in various fields, with high prestige and level of public confidence. The council is headed by a chairman .
The central office is the executive body of the movement, carrying out the operational management of the organization’s activities and the implementation of its goals and objectives. The central office consists of 8 members involved in the implementation of projects focused on information and educational work in society, involving citizens in the public life of the country and carrying out expert and analytical work. The central office of the movement is headed by the executive director , who is responsible for finding sources of funding for the projects being implemented and their compliance with the goals and objectives of the organization.
Regional Coordinators
Engaged in the direct implementation of the goals and objectives of the movement in the accountable regions. The tasks of the regional coordinators include the promotion and popularization of the goals and objectives of the national movement “Kazakhstan 2050” and the state development strategy - “Kazakhstan 2050”, working with the population and public organizations of the region, creating a favorable environment for uniting the active part of the population of the region on the basis of movement and increasing citizen involvement in the system of local government. Also, the tasks of regional coordinators include the formation of an information and communication hub and an intellectual center for discussing public initiatives and developing significant political and socio-economic projects aimed at solving the existing problems of the region.
Main Activities
The activity of the movement is built around three main areas of work with a high level of interactivity , convergence and internal interconnect. The “Kazakhstan 2050” movement seeks to inform society and stimulate the manifestation of an active civic stance of the population, involve citizens in the process of public administration and modernization of the country and society, as well as monitor and analyze the activities of state bodies aimed at implementing the “Kazakhstan 2050” strategy and achieving its core goals [4] [5] [6] . The complex effect of the work carried out by the movement is aimed at the formation of a civil society in Kazakhstan that is actively involved in the formation and functioning of an effective model of government [7] . Over the entire period of its existence, the national movement “Kazakhstan 2050” initiated and implemented more than 40 [8] [9] various projects.
Informing society
The first direction of work is implemented through information and educational projects of the movement, including information and communication platforms for exchanging expert opinions, media projects aimed at a wide coverage of the ideas and values of the movement, educational and research projects that contribute to the development and improvement of the level of education of the young generation, and development of expert analytics and scientific activities. In addition, within the framework of educational work, socially useful and socially important educational and methodological manuals are published and distributed. In total, for the period of its existence, the Kazakhstan 2050 movement implemented 15 information and educational projects, including: “Generation +” [10] [11] , “Expert Club”, [12] [13] [14] , "Republican Information and Educational Center "Kazakhstan 2050" [15] [16] , "The Path of Statehood" [17] , the textbook "Critical Thinking" [18] , the book "Heart of a Child" [18] and others.
Involvement in social activities
The second direction of the movement is the involvement of citizens in public life and the process of government. This work is intended to provide an opportunity to implement the ideas and projects of citizens with an active civic stand, as well as to provide them with the necessary resources for the development, implementation and popularization of their ideas and projects. Within this area of work, 11 projects have been implemented with a high level of internal interconnection with information and educational projects of the movement. Many of the projects are designed for the developing citizens' interest in the movement, its goals and values, which were first introduced to them in the framework of organized informational work with the population. Today, such movement projects as Business Breakfast, Happy Families, A Child Should Live in a Family, Institute of Online Petitions, as well as a number of creative and scientific competitions not only help to solve important socio-economic problems of Kazakhstan’s society, but also help active citizens to express their life position, attitudes and contribute to the construction of a successful state.
Performance Monitoring and Analysis
The third activity of the movement “Kazakhstan 2050” is the monitoring and analysis of the effectiveness of the work of state administration bodies in implementing the strategy “Kazakhstan 2050” and state modernization . To accomplish this task, the movement conducts extensive research and analytical work that allows identifying the problem areas of the country's development and the most pressing problems of Kazakhstan society. Among such projects, the organization includes studies of the quality of the urban environment and the comfort of Kazakhstan’s cities , a study of the level of social optimism in society, the creation of public reception centers in all regions of the country, and the publication of regular expert-analytical materials on the main issues of the state’s political, economic and social development. The participants of the movement systematize and classify the problems identified in the course of research, work out recommendations on them, and then send them to the competent state authorities for consideration.
The activity of the movement in the framework of the main areas of work is implemented through specialized projects of a political and socio-economic orientation. During the first year of the organization’s work, 16 projects were implemented [19] , including “Heart of the Child”, “In happy families, our strength”, “Aymak-2050”, “Educated generation”, “Critical thinking”, “IVF package” “ A child must live in a family ”and others [20] [21] [22] [18] [23] [24] [25] . The multiplicative effect of the projects implemented in the first year of operation covered more than 200 thousand Kazakhstanis [21] [22] [26] [27] . In the first year of work, about 6 thousand people became activists of the organization, [21] [22] people, 80% of whom are citizens aged from 25 to 40 years. [26] During 2015, members of the movement implemented 21 projects, including “Zhenіs” [28] , “Temіrkazyk” [29] , “The Path of Statehood” [17] automobile race “Menin Elim” [30] , “Expert Club” [12] [13] [14] , "The Republican Information and Education Center" Kazakhstan 2050 " [15] [16] and others. Volunteers of the movement took an active part in the projects, whose number in various regions of the country reached 4 thousand people [26 The work carried out covered about 1.3 million [31] Kazakhstanis in all regions of the country. Thus, the work carried out ensured action with every 13th resident of the country, and the total number of members of the movement reached 12,000 [31] . One of the main results of the movement was the patriotic act “Magic El” [4] , developed on behalf of the President of Kazakhstan [32] , together with the Administration Of the President , the Government and the Assemblies of the Peoples of Kazakhstan , adopted at the XXIV session of the ANC on December 15, 2014 [33]
In total, during the period of work, the movement implemented 45 [8] [9] various projects of socio-economic and political orientation, 37 of which in the period from 2013 to 2015, and 8 projects implemented in 2016 [34] :
"Fryday HUB by Movement 2050"
Fryday HUB by Movement 2050 is a new project of the “Kazakhstan 2050” movement designed to form a wide network of business and professional contacts among residents of Kazakhstan cities [35] [36] . This networking project of the movement is also intended to contribute both to the growth in the number of movement activists and to the deepening of their interaction in the framework of participation in the organization’s activities [35] . The uniting social project allows to concentrate the ideas and initiatives of the members of the movement, to deepen and bring them to a qualitatively new level thanks to the combination of their efforts, resources and professional opportunities. In addition, the deepening of relationships between active members of the movement contributes to a faster and more effective solution of various life situations and find solutions for the most complex business problems, which is one of the main tasks of the Kazakhstan 2050 national movement - to improve the quality of life of citizens.
The project is planned to hold one-time networking meetings in the nine largest cities of Kazakhstan , the first of which were held in Astana [37] [38] , Almaty [39] , Shymkent [40] and Taraze [41] [42] [43] . The project also includes networking workshops in the article and networking activity. [44]
"Online Petitions"
A project aimed at creating an official mechanism for submitting individual and / or collective petitions (petitions) to the state authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan through the Internet . As part of the project, it is proposed to create an electronic platform for the registration of online petitions addressed to state bodies by citizens of the country. The Kazakhstan model of such a resource has been developed by members of the movement taking into account international experience and similar platforms in the USA (WeThePeople), Great Britain (Petitions to UK Government and Parliament), Russia (Russian Public Initiative) and other countries, as well as taking into account local specifics - form of government, territorial and administrative structure, population, etc. On June 30, 2016, the project proposed by the movement passed the public comment stage, after which it was sent for approval by the competent authorities [45] [46] [47] [48] . With the proposed movement "Kazakhstan 2050" mechanism of online petitions in Kazakhstan can be found by following the link
Generation +
Cultural and educational project aimed at the development of creative and research potential of secondary school students and vocational schools, as well as the development of interest among children and youth in the history of Kazakhstan , local history , culture and basic principles of civil society - equality , tolerance , honesty , hard work and patriotism [10] [11] . The project was developed taking into account the best foreign experience of OECD countries in the development of children's and youth organizations of additional education , involves the younger generation through such tools of motivation, competitive nature, as multi-level projects, competitions and competitions [10] [11] . The project “Generation +” is being implemented jointly with the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan . Detailed information on the progress of the project and its results can be found on the special website of the MES RK.
The project “I am a Citizen” aims to form a critical approach to the quality of services provided by the state in society [49] [50] . The project has two main objectives: 1) providing citizens with the necessary information about the nature and quality of services provided by the state [49] [50] ; 2) the motivation of citizens to combat poorly provided public services and untimely and / or incomplete amount of social benefits [49] [50] . This project has been implemented since 2015 [51] within the framework of which in 2015 the training “State services : quality through monitoring of civil society” and the I-AZAMAT debate tournament was held. 34 people took part in the training [51] , including representatives of NGOs , state-owned companies and professional debaters. [51] 16 people participated in the debate tournament. [51] 16 games were conducted on 6 topics [51] . As a result of the activities carried out, members of the movement made recommendations for citizens. In 2016, from 25 to 26 February, the movement organized two round tables on the themes: “Post-Traumatic Rehabilitation : Disability or Health” and “ Cerebral Palsy : Early Diagnosis and Social Perception”. Within the framework of which, topical issues of the scope and quality of medical care in Kazakhstan were discussed, as well as government measures aimed at social adaptation and social guarantees provided for people with limited mobility [52] and congenital ailments.
"Civic Councils"
They are called upon to promote the implementation of state development programs in the regions through the provision of public monitoring, expertise and implementation of local civil initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life and the development of civil society in the region [53] [54] . Today civil councils function in 6 cities ( Astana , Aktobe , Uralsk , Aktau , Kokshetau , Karaganda ) of Kazakhstan . Council members carefully study the problematic issues of their region, including education , culture , security , employment, development of small and medium-sized businesses , etc., meet with citizens, representatives of authorized bodies, attract experts [53] [54] [55] [56 ] . Based on the results of the analysis and study of the existing problem, they prepare concrete proposals for local executive authorities [57] .
"Ziyatker ұrpak"
The project “Ziyatker Arpak” (Educated Generation) has been implemented by the movement since 2014. The goal of the project is to motivate the young generation living in rural areas to develop themselves , to raise the level of education and self-realization , both personally and professionally [27] [58] . The project is a platform for the development and disclosure of personal potential , increasing civic engagement and motivation to achieve success in studies and careers , as well as strengthen self-confidence [27] [58] .
In 2016, the project was supplemented and now provides an opportunity for successful representatives of various professional spheres of the country to join the team of “national teachers” [58] . A national teacher can be anyone who wants to share his own success story, experience in achieving goals set in life and inspire the young generation to achieve personal and professional heights. Also, the project has gone beyond the countryside and since 2016 covers all secondary schools of the republic.
Since the launch of the project, more than 300 well-known political and public figures , as well as successful businessmen of Kazakhstan [27] took part in it, including a public figure and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu" - Murat Abenov ; cinema, showman - Azamat Satybaldy; actor, head of Astana Zastary KSU - Anuar Nurpeisov; Director of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies - Yerlan Karin ; President of the Union of KVN of Kazakhstan - Yesen Eleuken and others. [58]
To become a “national” teacher it is enough to fill in the application and send it to the email address of the national movement “Kazakhstan 2050”.
"#Create Good"
The goal of the project is to create a platform for the implementation of local citizens' initiatives in the field of charity and social entrepreneurship , thereby maintaining and increasing the level of social optimism in society [59] [60] . The project is concentrated both around the direct support of certain representatives of vulnerable groups of society, especially those who need support in times of crisis , and the implementation of large-scale charitable projects aimed at improving the material condition and social well-being of residents of villages, districts and single-industry towns . The focus of the movement on the broad coverage of work under this project is intended to create an additional motivational factor for citizen participation in charitable activities .
"Our knowledge is our country"
The goal of the project is to increase the level of education of graduate classes of general education schools and universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan [61] [62] . Within the project, activists of the movement and members of the Association and graduates of the international scholarship program of the Bolashak program hold open lectures for students and schoolchildren in order to increase their level of education and vocational guidance [61] [62] [63] [64] . The knowledge transferred by the lecturers of the movement should not only broaden the horizons of young people, but also help their choice of profession and occupation in the future.
See also
- Kazakhstan
- President of Kazakhstan
- Non-Governmental Public Organization
- Civil society
- Public figure
- Charity
- Social entrepreneurship
- ↑ About us - the national movement “Kazakhstan 2050” . The appeal date is October 2, 2016.
- ↑ Created a nationwide movement ”Kazakhstan-2050” - Kazakhstan News | Tengrinews . The appeal date is October 4, 2016.
- ↑ 1 2 In Kazakhstan, the national movement "Kazakhstan-2050" was created . Information agency Interfax-Kazakhstan. The appeal date is October 4, 2016.
- ↑ 1 2 "The activities of the national movement" Kazakhstan-2050 ". Development of the patriotic act "Magіlіk el" .
- О "On the platform of the Movement of Kazakhstan-2050" .
- ↑ Has the “Made in Kazakhstan” promotion helped manufacturers?
- ↑ CONCEPT of strengthening and development of Kazakhstan's identity and unity .
- ↑ 1 2 Projects . The appeal date is October 2, 2016.
- ↑ 1 2 The majority of WKO non-governmental organizations exist only “on paper” - akim of the region .
- ↑ 1 2 3 The project of alternative education "Generation +" is being implemented in Kazakhstan .
- ↑ 1 2 3 Temirtau youth club: “Our knowledge is for our country” .
- ↑ 1 2 Experts see no reason to increase the cost of rental housing in Astana .
- ↑ 1 2 The residential real estate market of Kazakhstan in a crisis .
- ↑ 1 2 The expert predicts a price decline of 10% on the primary housing market in Kazakhstan .
- ↑ 1 2 In the KazNU will open the Republican Information and Education Center "Kazakhstan-2050" .
- ↑ 1 2 The path of statehood .
- ↑ 1 2 3 For breakfast to the Prime Minister .
- КА KAZAKHSTAN-2050 - PLANS FOR THE FUTURE (inaccessible link) . The date of circulation is December 3, 2016. Archived December 20, 2016.
- ↑ Young people in the country are keen to contribute to the implementation of the new economic policy of the country “Nurly Zhol” . The appeal date is October 4, 2016.
- ↑ 1 2 3 The movement “Kazakhstan-2050” united more than 6 thousand activists (inaccessible link) . The date of circulation is October 4, 2016. Archived December 20, 2016.
- ↑ 1 2 3 Another public council will oversee the implementation of the state programs . The appeal date is October 4, 2016.
- ↑ The nationwide movement “Kazakhstan-2050” launched the project “ECO package” .
- ↑ Kazakhstan-2050 movement has launched a new project .
- ↑ Social camp 2014 .
- ↑ 1 2 3 Information support of republican actions within the framework of information support of work on the implementation of the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050" . The appeal date is October 4, 2016.
- ↑ 1 2 3 4 According to the project of the movement “Kazakhstan -2050”, 300 people left for rural schools as volunteers .
- Former partisan - participant of the project "National hero" .
- ↑ In Shymkent, they will look for young people in order to turn them into businessmen (inaccessible link) . Archived December 20, 2016.
- Мен "Menin Yelіm" - the route of friendship (Inaccessible link) . The date of circulation is December 3, 2016. Archived December 20, 2016.
- ↑ 1 2 About the National Movement "Kazakhstan 2050" . - 2015-08-24.
- Әң The Patriotic Act "Magic El" will be developed in Kazakhstan "Matrix.Kz Neopr . The appeal date is October 5, 2016.
- ↑ Patriotic Act - "Magіlіk El". Full text - News of Kazakhstan - fresh, relevant, latest news about everything . The appeal date is October 5, 2016.
- ↑ Projects . The appeal date is October 4, 2016.
- ↑ 1 2 "Connections decide everything" .
- ↑ Fryday HUB by Movement Kazakhstan 2050 .
- ↑ Fryday HUB by Movement 2050 .
- ↑ Fryday Astana Hub by Movement 2050 @ BeefEater Pub & Grill .
- ↑ In Shymkent, “legitimates” of businessmen and officials on “Fryday hub by movement 2050” .
- ↑ The Fryday Hub project by Movement 2050 reached Taraz .
- ↑ An event will be held in Taraz as part of the “Fryday HUB by Movement 2050” project (Unidentified (not available link) . The date of circulation is December 3, 2016. Archived October 28, 2016.
- ↑ Fryday HUB by Movement 2050 . The appeal date is October 5, 2016.
- ↑ Kazakhstan proposes to introduce the institution of official online petitions .
- ↑ In Kazakhstan, they proposed petitions with 15 thousand votes to be considered at the level of the Government .
- ↑ The introduction of an online petition will be another step towards building a civil society .
- ↑ The Kazakhstan-2050 Movement is initiating the introduction of official online petitions .
- ↑ 1 2 3 In Kazakhstan, the network project “I-Azamat” Will be launched .
- ↑ 1 2 3 4 5 I-Azamat . The appeal date is October 5, 2016.
- ↑ Center "ECOR" - Complex formation of an accessible environment "Design for Everyone" . The appeal date is July 19, 2018.
- ↑ 1 2 The movement “Kazakhstan-2050” proposes to create city civil councils in all regional centers .
- ↑ 1 2 Time for bright ideas .
- ↑ Set the right direction .
- ↑ KAZAKHSTAN-2050: The Civil Council of Taraz began its activities from the subbotnik .
- ↑ City Civil Councils - Initiative of the National Movement “Kazakhstan 2050” .
- ↑ 1 2 3 4 The project “Ziyatker Orpak” . The appeal date is October 5, 2016.
- ↑ Relay - 25 good deeds (Inaccessible link) . Archived December 21, 2016.
- ↑ Heroes are often humble people and remain invisible .
- ↑ 1 2 In Kazakhstan, the educational project “Our knowledge to our country” started .
- ↑ 1 2 Our knowledge is our country .
- ↑ Activists of the movement "Kazakhstan 2050" are launching a new project, "Our knowledge to our country" .
- ↑ "Our knowledge is our country" in Karaganda State University (Inaccessible link) . Archived November 19, 2016.
- Official site of the National Movement "Kazakhstan 2050"
- Official site of the State Enterprise "Republican educational and methodical center of additional education" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- The official website of the Kazakhstan Institute of Strategic Studies
- Official site of JSC "National Center for Advanced Studies" Orleu ""