“Al-Fatihin” ( “Al-Fatihin” , translated from Arabic as “The Conquerors” ) is an Islamic state newspaper published on the Internet for the countries of Southeast Asia and also for people from these countries in the IG. Articles mainly in Indonesian language . The first issue was released in June 2016. Focused on the supporters of the IG in Malaysia , Indonesia , Brunei , Singapore , southern Thailand and the southern Philippines - regions that are geographically within the boundaries of the “Caliphate”, proclaimed by the organization “ Djemaa Islamia ” [1] . Published by the media center " Furat " [2] .
The launch of the newspaper may have been a preparation for declaring the territory of the Philippines to one of the provinces of the IG - “Al-Filibin wilayat” ( 2) .
The newspaper calls on individual groups of Southeast Asian jihadists to unite and declare loyalty to the leader of the IG Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi [1] . The first 20-page issue, which was released in the holy month of Ramadan , described the meaning of Ramadan, jihad and fasting rituals. The first three pages presented the advice of the Egyptian ideologue Abu Ayyub al-Masri with calls for the IG fighters to continue jihad and kill their opponents. The newspaper also contains material about the famous suicide bomber (“martyr”) Abu Bilale al-Homsi, news from the IG, statistics of hostilities, a map of the provinces of the IG, as well as information on the collection and distribution of Zakat in Syria [2] .
Two days after the release of the first issue of the newspaper, IG released a video in which it declared the Philippines its territory and called for supporters who cannot reach Syria to go to war in the Philippines [1] .
Singapore authorities have banned the publication of the newspaper, accusing it of promoting terrorism [3] .