Johannes Straubinger , in Argentina is known as Juan Straubinger ( German: Johannes Straubinger , Spanish Juan Straubinger ; December 26, 1883 , Esenhausen, Baden-Württemberg , Germany - March 23, 1956 , Stuttgart , Germany) - Catholic priest , theologian, exegetus, and translator. During the Second World War, he lived in Argentina, where he made a Spanish translation of the Bible with commentaries under the name " Biblia Platense ".
Johannes Straubinger | |
Johannes straubinger | |
Date of Birth | December 26, 1883 |
Date of death | March 23, 1956 (72 years) |
Place of death | |
Occupation |
In 1896 he entered the seminary in Stuttgart, after which in 1907 he was ordained priest. He taught Hebrew, other Oriental languages and a comparative religious history. After discovering St. Catherine of Sinai in the monastery, he began to study biblical exegesis. In 1933, he founded the Bible Catholic Society in Stuttgart (Katholische Bibelbewegung eV), which was engaged in the dissemination of the study and teaching of the Bible [1] .
In 1937 he participated in the editing of the encyclical Pius XI " Mit brennender Sorge ". This document was read on March 21, 1937 in all Catholic parishes in Germany. The punitive organs of the Nazi regime, using the denunciation of one of the Catholic priests, found out that Johannes Straubinger was one of the authors of the translation of the encyclical. Warned that he was wanted, Johannes Straubinger fled to Switzerland. In 1938, the Argentine Bishop of Jujuy, Enrique José Mun, invited him to serve in his diocese. Johannes Straubinger accepted this invitation and went to Argentina, where he lived the following years until his return to Germany in 1951.
In Argentina, he continued his exegetical research and published a biblical journal Revista Bíblica. From 1940 he lived in the city of La Plata, where he taught biblical studies at the local theological seminary. He translated the Bible into Spanish, which today is known as the Biblia Platense (Bible from La Plata).
November 29, 1951 he returned to Stuttgart, Germany. Engaged in biblical exegetics. He was awarded the title of honorary doctor of the University of Westphalia named after Wilhelm .
He died on March 23, 1956 in Stuttgart.
- Wesen, Ziel und Aufgabe der Katolischen Aktio , Stuttgart, 1934
- Die Judenfrage im Licht der Heiligen Schrift , Stuttgart, 1937
- Nuevo Testamento: de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo , La Plata, 1941
- La sagrada biblia: según la Vulgata , La Plata, 1943
- Los Santos Evangelios , La Plata, 1943
- Hechos de los apóstoles , La Plata, 1945
- Cartas de San Pablo , La Plata, 1947
- Nuevo Testamento , La Plata, 1947
- Los Salmos , La Plata, 1948
- Biblia comentada , La Plata, 1951