Igor Bikayev (born September 7, 1974 in the town of Kasimov, Ryazan Region ) - Russian scientist , lawyer and public figure , doctor of legal sciences , editor-in-chief of the federal peer-reviewed journal Actual Problems of Economics and Law , included in the approved list of peer-reviewed scientific documents publications, which should be published basic scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor [1] , indexed in the RISC and the EBSCO, a professor of criminal law and procedure, prim first vice-rector , vice-rector for scientific work of the Kazan innovative university named after VG Timiryasova (IEML) , co-chairman of the regional headquarters of the All-Russian public movement "Popular Front" For Russia " in the Republic of Tatarstan .
Igor Izmailovich Bikeev | |
Date of Birth | September 7, 1974 (44 years) |
Place of Birth | town of Kasimov, Ryazan region |
A country | Russia |
Scientific field | criminal law , anti-corruption , crimes against public safety |
Place of work | Kazan Innovative University named after VG Timiryasova (IEML) , Department of Criminal Law and Procedure |
Alma mater | Kazan State University |
Academic degree | Doctor of Law |
Academic title | Professor |
supervisor | Professor V.P. Malkov |
Born in 1974 in the town of Kasimov, Ryazan Region . He graduated with honors from Kazan State University. IN AND. Ulyanova-Lenin in 1997 and graduate school at KSU in 2000 . In 2000, at the Samara State University, he defended his thesis for the candidate of legal sciences [2] ; in 2009, at the Academy of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Law. [3] In 2013 he was awarded the academic title of professor in the department of criminal law and process. [4] In 2014, the honorary title “Honored Lawyer of the Republic of Tatarstan” was awarded. [five]
Since 1998 on the scientific and pedagogical work. In the period 1998-2002 he worked as an assistant, senior lecturer, assistant professor at the Kazan Commercial Institute of the Moscow State University of Commerce . Since 2002, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Process, Vice-Rector for Research, First Vice-Rector (to the present) of the Kazan Innovative University named after VG Timiryasov (IEML) .
Since 1994, engaged in social activities. Over the years, he led public associations and the trade union organization of the Kazan State University. IN AND. Ulyanov-Lenin , public organizations of students and scientists of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation, was elected deputy chairman of the Student Coordination Council of the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Public Education and Science of the Russian Federation . Since 1999, he has been a member of the Commission on Special State Scholarships of the Republic of Tajikistan, since 2011 - a member of the Council under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan on combating corruption, since 2012 - a member of the Republican expert group on issues of countering corruption, since 2015 - a member of the Commission on Award of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Prize for Contribution to the Development of Civil Society Institutions and the Commission for the Coordination of Anti-Corruption Work in the Republic of Tatarstan. In 2013, he was elected co-chairman of the regional headquarters of the Popular Front “For Russia” All-Russian Public Movement in the Republic of Tatarstan . [6]
Social activities
In 2009, he organized the International Public Tribunal for Crimes in South Ossetia , after the meeting of which the ex-President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili was found guilty. [7] [8]
As one of the founders and current co-chairman of the regional headquarters of the All-Russian public movement “People’s Front“ For Russia ” in the Republic of Tatarstan [9] , Bikeev I.I. In 2014-2016, he became known for organizing rallies in support of the referendum on the status of Crimea [10] and the reunification of Crimea with Russia [11] , as well as performances on them. [12] [13] [14]
Scientific Activities
Professor Bikeev I.I. He is the author of more than 120 scientific publications, a specialist in the field of criminal law, a member of the Russian Criminological Association. In 2008, he created and headed the Volga Research Center for Countering Extremism and Corruption, in 2010 transformed it into a recognized scientific institution as the leading research organization in its field [15] Research Institute for Countering Corruption and headed the Research Institute of Trustees. [6] [16]
Bikeev I.I. gained fame as a scientist who developed the doctrine of objects of heightened danger in criminal law [16] , became one of the authors of the multivolume Encyclopedia of Criminal Law. He is the editor-in-chief of the federal peer-reviewed journal Actual Problems of Economics and Law , a member of the scientific and methodological council of the federal scientific peer-reviewed journal Investigator, and the editorial board of Justice in Tatarstan. [5] Repeatedly served on the program committees of major scientific conferences of national and international levels, spoke at them with plenary reports [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] , a participant in the session of the Conference of the States Parties UN Convention against Corruption . [23] The winner of the interregional contests "The Humanitarian Book - 2008", "The Humanitarian Book - 2009", "The Humanitarian Book - 2012". The winner of the II, III and IV All-Russian competitions of scientific and applied works on combating corruption (2011, 2012, 2013). [five]
Main scientific publications
Encyclopedic, reference and monographic publications
- Arslanov K. M. , Akhmetyanova Z. A. , Bikeev I. I., and others. Problems of legal responsibility. / Under scientific. ed. Z.M. Fatkudinova - Kazan: Taglimat Publishing House, 2003. - ISBN 5-8399-0077-X - 172 p. - 1000 copies
- Akhmetyanova ZA , Bikeev I. I. , et al. Law and Economics: Problems of Theory and Practice / Under scientific. ed. Z.M. Fatkudinova - Kazan: Taglimat Publishing House, 2005. - ISBN 5-8399-0144-X - 528 p. - 500 copies
- Bikeev I.I. Material objects of heightened danger in Russian criminal law: general and special questions. - Kazan: Cognition Publishing House, 2007. - ISBN 978-5-8399-0244-2 - 272 p. - 500 copies
- Bikeev I. I. Criminal liability for the illegal handling of weapons. - Kazan: Cognition Publishing House, 2007. - ISBN 978-5-903486-01-4 - 312 p. - 1000 copies
- Bikeev I.I. , Bikmukhametov A.E. , Gazimzyanov R. R. , et al. Corruption and anti-corruption policy: Dictionary / Ed. ed. R. R. Gazimzyanova . 3rd ed., Perarab. and add. - Kazan: Branch of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Republic of Tatarstan, 2009. - ISBN 978-5-91607-016-3 - 124 p. - 500 copies
- Bikeev I. I. , Latypova E. Yu. Responsibility for crimes committed with two forms of guilt. - Kazan: Cognition Publishing House, 2009. - ISBN 978-5-8399-0305-0 - 228 c. - 1000 copies
- Ageev V.N. , Ageeva O.V. , Bikeev I.I. and others. Anti-corruption expertise of normative legal acts and their projects: a terminological dictionary / Under scientific. ed. P.A. Kabanova . - Kazan: Cognition Publishing House, 2010. - ISBN 978-5-8399-0328-9 - 146 c. - 1000 copies
- I. Bikeev , A. Bikmukhametov , R. R. Gazimzyanov , et al. Corruption and anti-corruption policy: dictionary / Ed. ed. P. A. Kabanova , G. I. Raikova , D. K. Chirkova . - M .: Academy of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2010. - 119 p. - 500 copies
- Bikeev I. I. , Bikmukhametov A. E. , Gazimzyanov R. R. , et al. Corruption and anti-corruption policy: a terminological dictionary / Ed. ed. P. A. Kabanova , G. I. Raikova , D. K. Chirkova . 5th ed., Pererab. and add. - M .: MediaPress, 2010. - ISBN 978-5-902750-15-4 - 128 p. - 1000 copies
- Ageev V.N. , Ageeva O.V. , Bikeev I.I. and others. Scientific and practical commentary to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 17, 2009 No. 172-ФЗ “On anti-corruption expertise of normative legal acts and draft normative legal acts ". - Kazan: Cognition Publishing House, 2010. - ISBN 978-5-8399-0335-7 - 120 c. - 1500 copies
- Bikeev I. I. , Nikitin A. G. Extremism: an interdisciplinary legal study. - Kazan: Cognition Publishing House, 2011. - ISBN 978-5-8399-0393-7 - 320 p. - 3000 copies
- Akopyan K.S. , Burkin A.I. , Bikeev I.I. and others. Concise Dictionary: Innovative Economy and Economic Security / Ed. ed. L.P. Kurakova . - M .: IAEP, 2012. - ISBN 978-5-905934-03-2 - 656 p. - 1000 copies
- Agapov P.S. , Alekhin V.P. , Bikeev I.I. and others. Encyclopedia of criminal law. Volume 21: Crimes against public safety. - SPb: Publishing of Professor Malinin, 2013. - ISBN 978-5-91005-032-1 - 1072 c. - 500 copies
- All about corruption and countering it: a terminological dictionary / Under total. ed. I.I.Bikeeva and P.A. Kabanov . - Kazan: Cognition, 2014. - ISBN 978-5-8399-0479-8 - 228 p. - 1000 copies
- Aleksandrov D.M. , Aleksandrova S.N. , Bikeev I.I. and others. Social sphere and law: dictionary-reference book / Ed. L.P. Kurakova . - M .: IAEP, 2014. - ISBN 978-5-905934-14-8 - 704 p. - 1000 copies
- Ageev V.N. , Ageeva O.V. , Bikeev I.I. and others. Scientific and practical commentary to the Model Regulations on the Commission for the Coordination of Work on Combating Corruption in the Subject of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation №364 of July 15 2015 / Under scientific. ed. I.I.Bikeeva , P.A. Kabanov . - Kazan: Kazan Innovative University. V.G. Timiryasov (IEML), 2016. - ISBN 978-5-8399-0606-8 - 152 p. - 500 copies
Textbooks and tutorials
- Z.A. Akhmetyanov , I.I. Bikeev , A.V. Krasnov, etc. Fundamentals of law. Textbook for high school students of secondary schools (basic level). - Kazan: Taglimat Publishing House, 2006. - ISBN 5-8399-0158-X - 248 c. - 1000 copies
- Akhmetyanova Z.A. , Bikeev I.I. , Krasnov A.V., et al. Hokuk nigezlere. Hurt is turned white Birkche uku yortlary өchen dəreslek (tөp baskych). - Kazan: Taglimat Publishing House, 2006. - ISBN 5-8399-0200-4 - 264 c. - 1000 copies
- Bikeev I. I. , Epihin A. Yu. , Krasnov A. V., and others. Fundamentals of law: Textbook for senior students of secondary schools (basic level). 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - Kazan: Cognition Publishing House, 2007. - 340 p. - 1000 copies
- Bikeev I.I. , Krasnov A.V. , Epikhin A.Yu. , et al. Fundamentals of law: textbook for the senior classes of secondary schools (basic level). 3rd ed. - Kazan: Cognition Publishing House, 2008. - ISBN 978-5-8399-0268-8 - 360 c. - 1500 copies
- Bikeev I.I. Criminal and legal policy in the field of handling material objects of increased danger: Russian, international and foreign aspects. - Kazan: Cognition Publishing House, 2008. - ISBN 978-5-8399-0237-4 - 104 p. - 500 copies
- Bikeev I.I. , Latypova E.U. , Gorbunova L.V. , Malkov V.P. , Nikitin S.G. , Petrova I.S. The collection of tasks on the criminal law of the Russian Federation (General part) (teaching and methodical) manual for law students). - Kazan: Cognition Publishing House, 2010. - 135 p. - 1000 copies
- Bikeev I.I. , Kabanov P.A. , Maklakova A.N. , Pankratov A.Yu. , Rakhimov S.F. Organization of the work of the commissions to comply with the requirements for official conduct of municipal employees and the settlement of conflicts of interest in local governments of the Republic of Tatarstan (Toolkit). - Kazan: IPC UDP RT, 2012. - 119 p. - 140 copies
- Bikeev I. I. , Kabanov P. A. , Pankratov A. Yu. Anti-corruption planning and programming: legal foundations, organization and assessment of efficiency: curriculum (textbook) // Investigator. - 2013. - №9. - C. 30-38.
- Badrutdinov M. S. , Bikeev I. I. , Gorshenko G. N. Anti-Corruption Management: Innovative Anti-Corruption Educational Programs (Educational Guide) / Pod obsch. ed. I. I. Bikeeva and P. A. Kabanov : in 3 volumes. T. 1. - Kazan: Cognition Publishing House, 2013. - ISBN 978-5-8399-0424-8 - 232 p. - 1000 copies
- Bikeev I.I. , Kabanov P.A. Organization of the work of the commissions on the observance of the requirements for official conduct of state civil servants of the Republic of Tatarstan and the settlement of the conflict of interests (methodological guide) - Kazan: Cognition Publishing House, 2015. - ISBN 978-5-8399-0571-9 - 80 c. - 300 copies
Articles in leading scientific journals
- I. Bikeev. Discussion questions of criminal responsibility for the illicit trafficking of firearms // Russian legal journal. - 1998. - №2. - C. 84-92
- Bikeev I. I. Actual problems of responsibility for the multiplicity of crimes // Criminal Law. - 2001. - №4. - C. 13-14.
- Bikeev I. I. Actual problems of teaching about the subjective side of a crime // Criminal Law. - 2002. - №3. - C. 9-13
- Bikeev I.I. Flammable substances and pyrotechnic products as objects of crime under Russian criminal law // Actual problems of economics and law. - 2007. - №4. - C. 120-124.
- Bikeev I. I. The concept and types of objects of increased danger in criminal law // Actual problems of economics and law. - 2007. - №1. - C. 141-149.
- Bikeev I.I. Kholodnoe, including throwing, weapons as a subject of crime under Russian criminal law // Actual problems of economics and law. - 2007. - №3. - C. 112-117.
- Bikeev I.I. Public security as an object of crime under Russian criminal law // Investigator. - 2007. - №7. - C. 2-7.
- Bikeev I. I. Objects of increased danger in Russian criminal law. On the concept and classification // Law and Law. - 2007. - №11. - C. 37-40.
- Bikeev I. I. Ships of air or water transport, railway rolling stock as a subject of crimes // Investigator. - 2007. - №6. - C. 2-6.
- Bikeev I. I. , Nikitin A. G. Criminal law analysis of legislation on countering extremist activity and some issues of its improvement // Investigator. - 2007. - №4. - C. 2-7.
- Bikeev I. I. On the mechanism of crime with the participation of material objects of increased danger // Actual problems of economics and law. - 2008. - №1. - C. 98-102.
- I. Bikeev. Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of March 12, 2002 No. 5 “On judicial practice in cases of theft, extortion and illicit circulation of weapons, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices” with due account of changes and additions: realized // Actual problems of economics and law. - 2008. - №2. - C. 108-110.
- Bikeev I. I. Some Issues of Qualification for Disregarding Life Support Objects, Oil Pipelines, Oil Pipelines and Gas Pipelines // Russian Justice. - 2008. - №2. - C. 32-34.
- Bikeev I.I. Some issues of criminal responsibility for the unlawful treatment of material objects of increased danger // “Black Holes” in the Russian legislation. - 2008. - №3. - C. 142-143.
- Bikeev I. I. Some issues of criminal law policy of countering the illegal handling of material objects of increased danger // Law and Politics. - 2008. - №1. - C. 115-124.
- Bikeev I. I. On the definitions of the concepts of certain material objects of increased danger in criminal law // Law and Law. - 2008. - №5. - C. 99-101.
- Bikeev I. I. Responsibility for the illegal handling of material objects of increased danger: some criminal legal and economic aspects // Bulletin of the Academy of Economic Security. - 2008. - №2. - C. 81-85.
- Bikeev I. I. Gaps of criminal liability for illegal handling of weapons: comparative legal aspect // “Black holes” in the Russian legislation. - 2008. - C. 260-261.
- Bikeev I. I. Gaps of criminal liability for illegal handling of weapons: a comparative legal aspect // Gaps in the Russian legislation. - 2008. - №1. - C. 272-273.
- Bikeev I.I. , Nikitin S.G. Problem Aspects of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court "On the Judicial Practice of Considering Criminal Cases on the Organization of the Criminal Community (Criminal Organization)" // Criminal Law. - 2008. - №5. - C. 54-57.
- Bikeev I. I. Problems of criminal liability for the illegal handling of weapons // Criminal Law. - 2008. - №1. - C. 13-17.
- Bikeev I. I. Criminal liability for crimes related to nuclear materials and radioactive substances // Law and Law. - 2008. - №6. - C. 30-32.
- Bikeev I. I. Hijacking an aircraft of air or water transport or railway rolling stock and piracy: some issues of criminal responsibility // Law and Law. - 2008. - №7. - C. 68-71.
- Bikeev I. I. Corruption and corruption-related areas in modern Russian society // Investigator. - 2009. - №2. - C. 15-17.
- Bikeev I. I. Ensuring national security in the field of handling material objects of increased danger: international legal aspects // Legal issues of national security. - 2009. - №2. - C. 91-95.
- Bikeev I. I. , Kabanov P. A. Anti-corruption education as one of the tools to combat corruption: the issues of its formation and implementation in the Republic of Tatarstan // Investigator. - 2010. - №8. - C. 4-9.
- Bikeev I. I. , Ibragimov Z. Kh. Failure to fulfill the obligations of raising a minor // Legality. - 2010. - №3. - C. 43-45.
- Bikeev I. I. , Ibragimov Z. Kh. On the treatment of cruel treatment of minors in its forms // Actual problems of economics and law. - 2011. - №1. - C. 232-236.
- Bikeev I. I. , Kabanov P. A. , Maklakova A. N. , Pankratov A. Yu. Anti-corruption monitoring: issues of organization and conduct // Investigator. - 2012. - №10. - C. 19-22.
- Bikeev I.I. , Kabanov P.A. , Maklakova A.N. , Mingaleev I.I. , Tsyganova O.N. Monitoring of the State Anti-Corruption Policy in the Republic of Tatarstan: Results of Independent Peer Review // Investigator. - 2012. - №12. - C. 2-7.
- Bikeev I.I. , Khairutdinova L.R. Monitoring the state of involvement of representatives of civil society institutions in the activities of specialized anti-corruption bodies of ministries and departments of the Republic of Tatarstan // Investigator. - 2012. - №9. - C. 11-16.
- Bikeev I. I. , Kabanov P. A. , Dudko E. V. , Plaksimova A. N. , Khairutdinova L. R. Monitoring the interaction of public authorities of the Republic of Tatarstan and civil society institutions in the implementation of the state anti-corruption policy: a sociological research results // Investigator. - 2013. - №10. - C. 2-4.
- Bikeev I. I. Problems of delimitation of a bribe from a gift in Russia and abroad: practice and trends // Actual problems of economics and law. - 2013. - №1. - C. 245-249.
- Bikeev I. I. , Kabanov P. A. , Anti-corruption by subdivisions of personnel services of state bodies of the Republic of Tatarstan // Investigator. - 2015. - №1. - p. 5-11.
- ↑ Profile of the journal "Actual problems of economics and law" on the official website of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
- ↑ Bikeev I.I. Responsibility for illicit trafficking in firearms, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices: Diss. ... Cand. legal Sciences, 2000
- ↑ Bikeev I.I. Responsibility for crimes against public safety related to the illegal handling of material objects of heightened danger: theory and practice: author. diss. ... Dr. Juridical of science
- ↑ Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1036 / nk dated December 31, 2013 “On the assignment of academic titles to a professor in the department and a professor in the specialty, associate professor in the department and an associate professor in the specialty and issuance of certificates for the assignment of academic titles”
- ↑ 1 2 3 Profile Bikeeva I.I. on the official website of the journal "Actual problems of economics and law" (inaccessible link) . The appeal date is April 13, 2016. Archived on September 7, 2016.
- ↑ 1 2 Profile Bikeeva I.I. on the Single portal of state and local government bodies of the Republic of Tatarstan
- ↑ Kozina A. Echo of War // Portal 116.ru
- ↑ Komsomolskaya Pravda. - March 4, 2009
- ↑ ONF in the Republic of Tatarstan
- A rally in support of residents of the Crimea will be held in Kazan on March 18 // Arguments and Facts. - March 17, 2014
- ↑ 5,5 thousand people in Kazan came to the rally “We are together” // IA “Tatar-inform”. - March 18, 2015
- ↑ Antonov K. Tatarstan stood for the Crimea // Kommersant.ru. - April 6, 2014
- ↑ The rally-concert “We are together” gathered 5,500 people in Kazan // Internet media “Events”. - March 18, 2015 (Not available link) . The appeal date is April 13, 2016. Archived October 21, 2016.
- Е. Kolebakina E., Scriabin I. Meetings for the Crimea: “The weather is trying to impose sanctions against us, but we are not afraid!” // Newspaper “BUSINESS Online”. - March 19, 2016
- ↑ Ed. ed. Yu.A. Tikhomirov. Participation of civil society institutions in the fight against corruption. - M .: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, 2013. - P. 82. - ISBN 978-5-906644-01-5 .
- ↑ 1 2 Profile Bikeeva I.I. on the website of the Saratov Center for the Study of Organized Crime and Corruption Problems (inaccessible link) . The appeal date is April 10, 2019. Archived June 26, 2017.
- ↑ Dolotov R.O. Photo and video review of the All-Russian Scientific Conference "Dialectics of Combating Corruption" (Kazan, December 9, 2011) // December 11, 2011
- ↑ Program of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Dialectics of Countering Corruption" (December 7, 2012)
- ↑ Shindyapina E.D., Cherepanova E.V., Dymberova E.D., Belousova O.V. Improving the legal and institutional framework for combating corruption in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation // Journal of Russian Law. - 2013. - pp . 100-112 .
- Dialectics of Combating Corruption: Proceedings of the III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, December 4, 2013 - Kazan: Cognition Publishing House, 2013. - P. 4
- Report of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan on the IV All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Dialectics of Countering Corruption” (December 3, 2014)
- ↑ Program of the plenary session of the V All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation “Dialectics of Combating Corruption” (November 20, 2015)
- Convention United States Convention against Corruption Conference Provisional List of Participants (2-6 November 2015) // CAC / COSP / 2015 / INF / 2