This article lists the works of the Slovenian poet Franz Preshern . The translation into Russian is indicated according to the work of Fyodor Evgenievich Korsch “Poems of Franz Preshirn from the Slovenian and German Originals” of 1901. In some cases, an alternative translation is indicated in brackets. For works, only the year of editions are indicated, since in most cases it is impossible to determine the time of writing.
Title in Russian [1] | Title of the work in original | Publication year [1] |
Strings | Strunam | 1847 |
For girls | Dekletam | |
Under window | Pod oknam | 1847 |
Request | Prošnja | 1847 |
Where? | Kam? | 1836 |
Orders | Ukazi | 1843 |
Goodbye | K slovesu | 1841 |
Power of memory | Sila spomina | 1843 |
Lost faith | Zgubljena vera | 1842 |
Sailor | Mornar | 1843 |
Recruit | Soldaška | 1832 |
In memory of Valentin Vodnik | V spomin Valentina Vodnika | 1843 |
In memory of Andrey Smolit | V spomin Andreja Smoleta | 1843 |
Railway | Odd železne ceste | 1843 |
Abandoned | Zapušena | 1841 |
Single mother | Nezakonska mati | 1847 |
To the poet | Pevcu | 1838 |
Ballads and Romances
Title in Russian [2] | Title of the work in original | Publication year [2] |
Daughter's advice | Hčere svet | 1831 |
Schoolboy | Ucenec | 1832 |
Doctor | Dohtar | 1833 |
Turyatskaya Rosamund | Turjaška Rozamunda | 1832 |
Jewish girl | Judovsko dekle | 1845 |
Love medicine | Zdravilo ljubezni | 1837 |
Water | Povodni mož | 1830 |
Secondary burial | Prekop | 1836 |
Uncorrupted heart | Neiztrohnjeno srce | 1847 |
Fisherman | Ribič | 1838 |
Female loyalty | Ženska zvestoba | 1847 |
Organist | Orglar | 1839 |
Various poems
Title in Russian [3] | Title of the work in original | Publication year [3] |
Astrologers | Zvezdogledam | 1832 |
In memory of Matvey Chop | V spomin Matija Čopa | 1845 |
New Literary School | Nova pisarija | 1831 |
The first love | Prva ljubezen | 1832 |
Farewell to youth | Slovo od mladosti | 1830 |
Gloss | Glosa | 1833 |
Title in Russian [4] | Title of the work in original | Publication year [4] |
Preface and Excuse | Predgovor in zagovor | 1832 |
The condition of the non-golden age | Vzrok nezlatega veka | |
New Pegasus | Novi pegazus | |
"Pchelkina" epigrammars | Čebelice pušičarjam | |
"Pchelkina" fabulist | Čebelice pravljičarjam | |
"Pchelkin" to hexameter aggregators | Čebelice šestomerjovcam | |
On the poem "Bees" without p and with | Čebelice pesmam brez s in c | |
"Pchelkina" singers of the year | Čebelice pevcam letnih časov | |
Forester and Levnicnik | Lesničnjeku in Levičnjeku | |
Former poet, then homeopath | Pred pevcu, potlej homeopatu | |
Publisher "Bees" | Čebelarju | |
Vodnik | Vodnik | |
Ravnicaru | Abecedarju | |
On Akhatslevy songs | Ahaceljnovim pesmam | |
Kremplu | Krempeljnu | 1847 |
Some writers of spiritual songs | Nekim pevcam duhovnih pesem | |
Hoofcat | Kopitar | |
Darnich | Daničarjam | |
Four brawlers the largest Slavic peoples | Bahači četvero bolj množnih Slave rodov | |
Caton inside out | Narobe katon | |
Real poems | Pričujoče poezije |
Title in Russian [5] | Title of the work in original | Publication year [5] |
My song sings loudly | Pesem moja je posoda tvojega imena | 1833 |
I tried to find an answer in my eyes. | Oki sem večkrat prašal ali smem | |
Everyone around me recognized without difficulty | Ostalostna komu neznana je resnica, de jo ljubim | |
I know how you are informed by the ladies' choir | Draga! vem, kako pri tebi me opravljajo ženice | |
Between the children played in the past year you | Med otroci si igrala, draga! lani - čas hiti | |
Farming, whether he will harvest his fruit from the fields | Al bo kal pognalo seme, kdor ga seje, sam ne ve | |
Everything, appreciating my creations, judged disagreement | Kdor jih bere, vsak drugači pesmi sodi |
Title in Russian [6] | Title of the work in original | Publication year [6] |
Glorious examples from our ancestors | Očetov naših imenitne dela | 1831 |
Myriads of suns shine above the sun | Vrh sonca sije soncov cela čeda | 1831 |
Like your stars on a dark horizon | Tak kakor hrepeni oko čolnarja | 1831 |
Fell my mind, accustomed to see deceptions | Dve sestri videle so zmoti vdane | 1832 |
Cupid and mother, she's your commodity | Kupido! ti in tvoja lepa starka | 1831 |
Walked since the angels flight | Je od vesel'ga časa teklo leto | 1847 |
Sonnet Wreath (Sonnets Wreath [7] ) | Sonetni venec | 1847 |
A certain nobleman | Ni znal molitve žlahtnič trde glave | 1847 |
I dreamed that happiness without limit | Sanjalo se mi je, de v svetem raji | 1847 |
O Togenburg, glorified thou art | Velika, Togenburg! bila je mera | 1836 |
You are Moses, was in Canaan from rock | Bilo je, Mojzes! tebi naročeno | 1836 |
The month of the moon shines meek light | Na jasnem nebi mila luna sveti | 1847 |
Once in a lifetime way sacred committing | Marskteri romar gre v Rim, v Kompostelje | 1847 |
It so happens that Muslims at once | Zgodi se včasih, de mohamedani | 1847 |
My gaze was only looking for ways for it. | Oci bile pri nji v deklet so sredi | 1836 |
When the patient is experienced doctors | Kadar previdi učenost zdravnika | 1836 |
The last trial of the fighters for paradise | Odprlo bo nebo po sodnem dnevi | 1837 |
How to continue to write to us: kasha or kasha? | Al prav se piše kasha ali kaſha | 1832 |
Why yawn us? in moskvityanskih books | Ne bod'mo šalobarde! Moskvičanov | 1832 |
At the trial, Apelles put the picture | Apel in Čevljar | 1833 |
Oh Verba, where I left my father's house | O Vrba, srečna, draga vas domača | 1833 |
Going into the desert in Africa, the road | Popotnik pride v afrike pušavo | 1833 |
Oak, winter swirl ripped and knocked down | Hrast, ki vihar na tla ga zimski trešne | 1833 |
To whom fate has given hardship | Komur je sreče dar bila klofuta | 1833 |
Life is a prison, in it time is an evil executioner | Življenje ječa, čas v nji rabelj hudi | 1833 |
From my mouth, henceforth, O rock, stern | Čez tebe več ne bo, sovražna sreča! | 1833 |
Memento mori | Memento mori | 1832 |
Matthew Chop | Matiju Čopu | 1836 |
Baptism at Savica
Title in Russian [8] | Title of the work in original | Year of publication [8] |
Baptism at Savica (Savica's Baptism [9] ) | Krst pri savici | 1836 |
Posthumously published
Title in Russian [10] | Title of the work in original | Publication Year [10] |
Nun | Nuna | 1849 |
Spinster | Zarjovêna dvičica | 1866 |
Toast | Zdravljica | 1848 |
Heavenly procession | Nebeška procesija | 1848 |
Saint senan | Sveti senan | 1848 |
Building a church on Maryina Mountain | Od zidanja cerkve na Šmarni gori | 1866 |
Maryina Gora | Šmarna gora | 1848 |
Love yoke | Vi, ki vam je ljubezni tiranija | 1866 |
Michael Castelz | Mihu Kastelcu | 1900 |
Be happy your lot | Vso srečo ti želim | 1875 |
The inscription on the monument to Matthew Chop | Jezike vse Evrope je učene | 1866 |
Gods and demons at home in Ljubljana | Ljubljančanam | 1849 |
Poetry in German
Title in Russian [11] | Title of the work in original | Year of publication [11] |
For the songs of a gift in exile languishing | Obschon die Lieder aus dem Vaterlande | 1833–1834 |
Blessed is he who has not tasted carelessly | Wohl ihm, dem fremdt geblieben das Erkennen | |
Why is she worthy of greeting | Warum sie, wert, daß Sänger aller Zungen | |
Spring is coming; river, mountain, dubrova | Der Frühling kommt aus Auen, Bergen, Flüssen | 1834 |
As the one who was in the struggle of the elements of cruel | Wie der, dem alles, was er mitgenommen | |
How passionately thirsty, who in the darkness of the vault | Wie brünstig sehnt sich, wer an dunkler Stelle | |
In memory of Matvey Chop | Dem Andenken des Matthias Čop | 1835 |
Slovenian poems in German | Ihr, die entsprossen aus dem Slawenstamme | 1838 |
Young poetess | An eine junge dichterin | 1844 |
Not translated into Russian.
- Rotarjovima dekletoma
- Licova strelci
- Elegija svojim rojakam
- Pov'do let starih čudne izročila
- Izdajavcu Volkmerjovih fabul in pesem
- Un dan si začela
- Tri želje Anastazija Zelenca
- Benečanska trojka
- Janezu N. Hradeckitu
- Kar je, beži
Ballads and Romances
- Lenora
- Ponočnjak
- Parizina
- Romanca od Strmega grada
- Izdajavcu Volkmera fabul in pesem
- Novicarjam
- Pušičarjem I, II
- Pesmi od posušila močvirja
- Glosatorju
- Zakaj se moj rojak napenja
- Čudni dihur
- Kdor ne zna napisa brati
- Ker stara para zlomek devištva preveč vzel
- Tempora mutantur
- Steze popustil nemškega parnasa
- Opasal vere je orožje
- Jasni so in srečni b'li
- Zaljšal cerkve vidijoče
Different messages
- Moj bron je najden bil v dnu morja, ko Turčije
- Prijat'lju Lašanu
- Gospodu Smuku (Posvetilo primerka Krsta)
- Gospodu Izmajlu Sreznjevskemu v spomin velikega tedna leta 1841
- Prijatlju Ferdinandu Šmidu
- Zapustil boš ti svoje zlate
- Metka, Metka!
- Sonce se skriva
- Bela ko mleko
- Zastavica
- V Ljubljan 'je en mož
- Eno rož'co m 'je dala
- Tukaj počiva Franc Prešeren
Poetry in German
- Der seemann
- Die macht der erinn'rung
- Der verlor'ne Glaube
- Die wiederbestattung
- Wohl groß war, Toggenburg! mein Schmerzgeselle
- Aufthun wird sich, wenn da Gericht vollendet
- Nichts trägt an ihm des dichtergeists gepräge
- Aus dem polnischen des adam mickiewicz
- An die madchen
- Literärische Scherze in August v. Schlegel's manier
- Error typi
- Relata refero
- In Meeres Tiefen, auf der Erde Fluren
- Du staunst, mein Freund! und fragst, woher und wie es kam
- Ihr hörtet von der Zwerge argem Sinnen
- An pauschek und stelzich
- In Laibach, der Slowennen Stadt, geboren
- Toast
- Wohin?
- Das freie herz
- Den Schönen Laibachs
- Du spieltest, spielst noch; denn die Töne, die verlangen
- O! Volkslied, der Erinnerungen
- Der mench muß untergehen
- Die Mutter und den Sohn, der ihr entsprossen
- Dem Wohlgebornen Fräulain Aloisia Crobath
- An den Herrn kk Appellationsrat Anton Tschopp
Chanting of folk songs
- Od lepe video
- Od kralja matjaža
- Od Rošlina in Verjankota
- Svarjenje
- Soldaška (prva)
- Druga soldaška
- Sanje
- Od marjetike
- Od Matjaža, ogrskega kralja
- Od majerce
- Žlahtni gospod Baroda
- Ljubček se na pot napravil
- Črni kos
- Lisica
Part of the poet's heritage belongs to the epistolary genre. The preschern correspondence is mainly in German, since it was the language of the Slovenian intelligentsia of those years that spoke it.
Personal correspondence
- with Count Anton Alexander Auersperg ( c. 1843-1844 and August 23, 1845 );
- with Jozsef Blaznik ( June 8, 1847 );
- with Janesh Bleivays ( January 21, 1847 );
- with Frantisek Chelakovsky ( March 14, 1833 , April 29, 1833 and August 22, 1836 );
- with Matia Chop ( February 5, 1832 , February 13, 1832 , February 20, 1832 , March 7, 1832 and March 31, 1832 );
- with Mikhail Kastelits ( March 10, 1832 );
- with an unknown person ( August 22, 1834 );
- with parents ( March 24, 1824 );
- with Stanko Vrazom ( March 4, 1837 , between May 13 and June 10, 1837 , July 5, 1837 , July 19, 1838 , October 26, 1840 , July 29, 1843 , December 12, 1843 and February 5, 1847 ).
Working correspondence
- with Albert Merck ( October 8, 1848 );
- with an unknown person ( date unknown ).
- ↑ 1 2 Korsch F. E. Preface of the translator. Songs // Poems by Franz Preshirn : Slovenian and German Scripts - M .: G. Lissner and A. Heschel Printing House , 1901. - p. XLVI – LII.
- ↑ 1 2 Korsch F. E. Preface of the translator. Ballads and Romances // Poems by Franz Preshirn : Slovenian and German Originals - M .: G. Lissner and A. Heschel Printing House , 1901. - p. LII – LV.
- ↑ 1 2 Korsch F. Е. Preface of a translator . Different poems // Poems by Franz Preschirn : Slovenian and German Originals - M .: G. Lissner and A. Geshel Printing House , 1901. - p. LV – LVII.
- ↑ 1 2 Korsch F. E. Preface of the translator. Epigrams // Poems by Franz Preshirn : From the Slovenian and German Originals - M .: G. Lissner and A. Heschel Printing House , 1901. - p. LVII.
- ↑ 1 2 Korsch F. E. Preface of the translator. Gazelles (1833) // Poems by Franz Vershirn : Slovenian and German Originals - M .: G. Lissner and A. Heschel Printing House , 1901. - p. LVII – LVIII.
- ↑ 1 2 Korsch F. E. Preface of the translator. Sonnets // Poems by Franz Preshirn : Slovenian and German Scripts - M .: G. Lissner and A. Geshel Printing House , 1901. - C. LIX – LXVI.
- ↑ Franz Prestern. Sonnet. Gazelle . The appeal date is April 9, 2016.
- ↑ 1 2 Korsch F. E. Preface of the translator. Baptism at Savica (1836) // Poems by Franz Preschirn : Slovenian and German Originals - M .: G. Lissner and A. Heschel Printing House , 1901. - C. LXVII – LXIX.
- ↑ Slovenian literature [Text] = Slovenska književnost: from the beginnings to the turn of the 19th — 20th centuries / Russian Acad. Sciences, Institute of Slavic Studies, Scientific.-issled. center of the Slovenian Acad. sciences and arts; [resp. ed. N. N. Starikova]. - Moscow: Indrik, 2010. - 246, [1] p .: tabl .; 22 cm; ISBN 978-5-91674-105-6
- ↑ 1 2 Korsch F. E. Preface of the translator. Posthumous Poems // Poems by Franz Preshirn : Slovenian and German Originals - M .: G. Lissner and A. Heschel Printing House , 1901. - C. LXIX – LXXII.
- ↑ 1 2 Korsch F. E. Preface of the translator. German Poems // Poems by Franz Preshirn : From Slovenian and German Originals - M .: G. Lissner and A. Heschel Printing House , 1901. - C. LXXII – LXXV.