Fulton ( eng. Fulton ) - a city in Missouri (USA). The administrative center of Calloway County. According to the census for 2010, the number of residents was 12,790 people. It is part of the urban agglomeration of Jefferson City .
City | |
Fulton | |
English Fulton | |
A country | USA |
State | Missouri |
District | Calloway |
History and geography | |
Based | |
Square | 32.12 km² |
Center height | 233 m |
Population | |
Population | 12790 people ( 2010 ) |
Density | 400 people / km² |
Digital identifiers | |
Telephone code | +1 573 |
Postcode | 65251 |
FIPS | 29-26182 |
GNIS | |
The city has two universities (Westminster College, William-Woods University) and a school for the deaf and dumb.
Geographical position
According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 32.12 km². 0.36 km² occupied by water.
The first European settlement in Calloway County appeared in 1808 on the banks of the Missouri River. At that time, the territory was part of Louisiana, which was bought by the United States from France in 1803. In 1820, a district was created from a part of Montgomery County. In 1825, the settlement was founded, named after the engineer-inventor R. Fulton . In 1859 the city was incorporated.
In 1946, Winston Churchill made his famous speech here , which began the Cold War .
Population census | |||
Census year | Us. | % ± | |
1870 | 1585 | ||
1880 | 2409 | 52% | |
1890 | 4314 | 79.1% | |
1900 | 4883 | 13.2% | |
1910 | 5228 | 7.1% | |
1920 | 5595 | 7% | |
1930 | 6105 | 9.1% | |
1940 | 8297 | 35.9% | |
1950 | 10,052 | 21.2% | |
1960 | 11 131 | 10.7% | |
1970 | 12,248 | ten% | |
1980 | 11,046 | -9.8% | |
1990 | 10,033 | -9.2% | |
2000 | 12,128 | 20.9% | |
2010 | 12,790 | 5.5% | |
Current 2016 | 13,103 | 2.4% |
According to the 2010 census, the population of Fulton was 12,790 people (of which 54.8% of men and 45.2% of women), there were 4,085 households and 2,255 families in the city. The racial composition : white - 83.4%, Native Americans - 0.5%, African Americans - 12.0%, Asians - 1.2% [1] .
According to the 2010 census, the population of the city was distributed as follows: 17.4% - residents under 18 years old, 10.7% - between 18 and 21 years old, 59.5% - from 21 to 65 years old and 12.4% - aged 65 and over. The average age of the population is 31.3 years. For every 100 women in Fulton, there were 121.4 men, while for 100 adult women, there were already 123.2 men of comparable age [1] .
Of the 4,085 households, 55.2% were families: 36.3% cohabiting couples (13.9% with children under 18); 14.2% are women living without husbands and 4.7% are men living without wives. 44.8% had no family. In 28.5% of households were residents under 18 years old, in 27.3% - over 65 years. On average, there are 2.23 households and an average family size of 2.93 people. 37.4% of the population lived alone, 14.2% were single elderly people (over 65) [1] .
In 2015, out of 10,920 people over the age of 16, 4504 had a job. At the same time, men had a median income of $ 41,116 per year compared to $ 33,029 of average annual income for women. In 2014, the median income per family was estimated at $ 53,434, for a household - at $ 41,275. The per capita income is $ 18,139 per year [1] .
- 2 1 2 3 4 American FactFinder Unreferenced . United States Census Bureau . The appeal date is November 26, 2015.