Miparti ( mi-party ; Fr. - lat. mi-parti , “divided in half”) - a suit divided by different colors vertically in half. Different colors of the left and right side spread from headgear to colorful shoes. [1] [2] In more complex cases, not only the costume itself is divided into different colors, but also its separate parts: sleeves, legs, shoes, etc. [3] [4]
Clothes miparti appeared at the end of the XII century in Western Europe . She was closely associated with heraldry , as it was widespread that vassals (mostly young people and page-boys ) and feudal servants wore the clothes of his coat of arms at the celebrations. [1] [2] [5] In the style of Miparti, until the XVI century there was also a military uniform, it lasted the longest in Switzerland . [four]
Out of fashion, miparte remained as a theatrical [3] and clown [6] costume.
- ↑ 1 2 Smirnova E.D. Miparti // Medieval world in terms, names and names. - Minsk: Belarus, 1999. - 383 p. ISBN 9850101512 , ISBN 9789850101518
- ↑ 1 2 Journey to the world. Fashion. - OLMA Media Group, 2002. - 239 p. - p. 62 . - (Traveling to the world) ISBN 5-94846-058-4 , ISBN 978-5-94846-058-1
- ↑ 1 2 Gradova K. V., Gutina E. A. Theatrical costume. T. 2. Male costume. - All-Russian Theater Society, 1987. - p. 132.
- ↑ 1 2 Weiss G. The history of material culture. The external life of peoples from ancient to our times. - DirectMEDIA. - p. 2748 , 2758 . ISBN 5-9989-1338-8 , ISBN 978-5-9989-1338-9
- ↑ Klimenko N. А. Historical prerequisites for the formation of the German household costume of the Middle Ages . Tambov State Music and Pedagogical Institute. S.V. Rakhmaninov
- ↑ Art studies: Journal of Art History and Theory, Issue 1 / State Institute of Art Studies, Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Russian Academy of Sciences. Department of literature and language. - Editorial "Art Studies", 2005. - p. 231.
- Veronika Mertens: Mi-Parti als Zeichen. Zur Bedeutung von geteiltem Kleid und geteilter Gestalt in der Ständetracht, in literarischen und bildnerischen Quellen sowie im Fastnachtsbrauch vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart (Kulturgeschichtliche Forschungen, hg.v. Dietz-Rüdiger Moser, Bd. 1), Remscheid, 1983. ISBN 3- 922055-86-9
- Wikimedia Commons has media related to Miparti