Embassy Arapova - Representation of the Governor of Orenburg, Lieutenant-General A. P. Lochinov at the headquarters of Abylay Khan on the Kylshakta River (June - August 1764). The ambassador was the translator of the Orenburg office Matvey Arapov. The main task of the embassy was to collect information about Abylay’s foreign policy and the establishment of military and trade relations between Russia and the Kazakh Khanate .
Arapov raised the question of the Russian protectorate , pointing out that under the protectorate the Kazakhs are "safe from the enemies of the enemy" and have the opportunity to trade "in the bidding established especially for them at the border," and the rulers receive an "annual considerable salary" from Russia. Abylay, in response, said that although he was being inclined to the Manchu side, he would remain loyal to Russia.
The report of Arapov is of interest as a description of the situation in the Middle Zhuz in this period.
Arapov concluded that the Kazakhs of the Middle Zhuz belong to Russia friendly, which was confirmed by regular trade in the Trinity Fortress . In relation to the tsin, the Kazakhs "do not have a general inclination"; Arapov also mentioned the “intolerable harassment” of the Ch'ing administration in the cities of Malaya Bukharia .
Arapov drew attention to the movement of the Manchu military units on the border with the Middle Zhuz with the aim of “hostile to Russia”.
- Arapovskoe Embassy // Kazakhstan. National Encyclopedia . - Almaty: Kazakh encyclopedias , 2004. - T. I. - ISBN 9965-9389-9-7 .
- Valentin Yakovlevich Bassin. Russia and the Kazakh Khanate in the XVI-XVIII centuries: Kazakhstan in the system of foreign policy of the Russian Empire . Science, 1971. p. 181.
When writing this article, material from the “ Kazakhstan. National Encyclopedia "(1998-2007), provided by the editorial" Kazakh encyclopedia "under the license Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 Unported .