Jordan (date of birth unknown - after 551 , Byzantium [1] , Lat. Iordanes or Iordanis ) is a Gothic historian of the 6th century , sometimes incorrectly called Yornand .
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Some researchers suggest that Jordan was a notary or an official in one of the territories of Little Scythia (the Black Sea coast south of the Danube), having the status of federation of the Byzantine Empire , others believe that Jordan was the secretary of an Ostrogian or Royan family [2] . There are also suggestions that he belonged to the clergy, according to some sources, was the Bishop of Croton [3] . Some researchers believe that Father Jordan was Alan [3] .
One of his writings, namely, The Abbreviation of Chronicles ( lat. De adbreviatione chronicorum, sometimes Degenera actibusque Romanorum - sometimes Romana ), dedicated to a certain Virgil, perhaps the Pope of that time , is an outline of the universal history brought to his contemporary Emperor Justinian .
However, his work “ On the Origin and Acts of the Geth ” (or “Getica” [4] - simplified) ( Latin: De origine actibusque Getarum ), which is history ready before the fall [5] of Ostrogoths in Italy, is of the greatest interest. This work, according to some authors, is valuable because Jordan used sources that did not reach us, namely , the “Byzantine history and acts of Attila ” and the Gothic history of Cassiodorus . However, in the opinion of [6] other authors, “Getika” Jordan is a compilation of Cassiodor’s work. The attention of modern researchers is attracted not so much by the ancient historiographic topos, described in the Jordan, as the mention of some “ ancient songs ” is ready ( lat. In priscis eorum carminibus [7] ), based on which Jordan substantiates the antiquity of the ready [6] . The Russian historian Nikolai Alekseevich Osokin wrote [8] about Jordan as follows:
“ Of particular importance attached to the high price of his“ History is ready ”was that he used the monuments of folk poetry and, using them for his own purposes, not only preserved for us a whole source of folk art of the Germanic tribe, but showed how important source for the history of the people ... Glory of Jordan created his first work ("History is ready"). In it we are dealing with a hot patriot-barbarian, who, although very tolerantly fluent in Latin, somehow knows the classics, but despises everything Roman. He had a goal to exalt the ready ... Another interesting feature is the political views of the Jordan. Growing up in a Roman environment, he, however, assimilated to himself the original worldview. He believes that "the human race lives for its masters" ... The whole internal warehouse of Gothic life, the political organization of this people, its customs and customs - all this did not deserve its attention . "
- N. A. Osokin . History of the Middle Ages. Minsk, 2008. - p. 568-569.
Jordan himself wrote [9] : " We are more faithful to the read than to the old woman tales ."
However, D. S. Kon'kov [6] quotes A. S. Christensen, who
“ ... puts the words of Jordan into doubt: Jordan (as well as, obviously, Cassiodorus) mixes the history of the Geth, the Scythians and is ready, freely varying these ethnonyms and carrying out their mutual substitution; thereby forming an artificial pseudohistorical construct based solely on a mosaic combination of information from Greco-Roman historiography. Actually, the Goths appear on the pages of the “Getics” no earlier than the rule of Valerian and Gallien (second half of the 3rd century) ... ”, which casts doubt on many of the testimonies given in the“ Gettyk ”.
- ↑ Mochaev, 2007 , p. 152.
- “ Jordanes of the Ostrogothic or Rugian family. He wrote „Getica“ in Byzans in the winter 551 (Wolfram 1988) ”. \\ Troels Brandt . The Heruls , 2013. - R. 7.
- ↑ 1 2 Jordanes . \\ ESBE.
- ↑ “Since 1882, when the essay of Jordan appeared in the composition of“ Monumenta Germaniae historica “, the artificial, but convenient name“ Getica ”proposed by Theodore Mommsen was adopted. \\ Jordan . On the origin and act of the Geth . - M., 1960. - p. 11.
- ↑ A.N. Badak, I.E. Voinich, N.M. Volchek et al . History of the Middle Ages: Europe. \\ Ostgoty in Italy . - Pr, 2000.
- ↑ 1 2 3 D.S. Kon'kov . “The Guetics” of Jordan - Gothic historical legend or conjuncture of the epoch: current state of the study of the problem , 2012.
- ↑ Jordan . On the origin and deeds of the Geth. - SPb .: Aletheia, 1997. - p. 67.
- ↑ N. A. Osokin . History of the Middle Ages. Minsk, 2008. - p. 568-569.
- ↑ Jordan . “Getika” , 38. Translation by E. Ch. Skrzhinskaya.
- Jordanes // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron : in 86 tons (82 tons and 4 add.). - SPb. , 1890-1907.
- Mari biographical encyclopedia / Avt.-sost. V. A. Mochaev. - Yoshkar-Ola : Mari Biographical Center, 2007. - p. 152. - 486 p. - 2032 copies - ISBN 5-87898-357-0 .
- Jordan On the origin and deeds of the Geth. SPb. Aletheia. 1997 Preface . Archived August 25, 2011. Introduction . Archived August 25, 2011. Part 1 . Archived August 25, 2011. Part 2 . Archived August 25, 2011. Review . Archived August 25, 2011. Literature and sources . Archived August 25, 2011. List of Abbreviations . Eastern literature . The appeal date is March 10, 2011. Archived on August 25, 2011.
- Jordan "On the origin and deeds of the Geth" (Russian translation and the Latin original).
- What did Jordan know about the Slavs?