Marc Vibi Liberal ( lat. Marcus Vibius Liberalis ) - Roman politician of the second half of the II century.
Mark Vibi Liberal | |||||||
lat Marcus Vibius Liberalis | |||||||
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Liberal, apparently, was of Italian origin. Nothing is known about his parents. From March to April 166, he held the position of consul-effect with Publius Martius Vere . It is known that Liberal professed Christianity. Perhaps he should be identified with the martyr Liberal, who had a noble origin.
- Christophe Badel. La noblesse de l'Empire romain: les masques et la vertu. Editions Champ Vallon, 2005. p. 91.
- Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven (1970-). Ancient Society, Volumes 7-8. Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven., 1976. p. 283.
- Margaret M. Mitchell, Frances M. Young, K. Scott Bowie. Cambridge History of Christianity: Volume 1, Origins to Constantine. Cambridge University Press. R. 307.