“The Red Orm” ( Swede. Röde Orm ) is a novel by the Swedish writer Franz Gunnar Bengtsson . The novel is also known under the name "Dragons of the Sea". But it is believed that the “Dragons of the Sea” were translated into Russian only after the translation of the original novel from Swedish into English, and only then into Russian. Therefore, the Redhead Orm is more complete and relevant.
In the center of the plot is a fictional character: Viking Orme Redhead. Along with the fictional characters in the novel there are a number of historical personalities, such as: Harald Sinezuby , the commander Al-Mansur . see creativity
The novel is filled with irony and humor and is a classic Viking novel about the incredible adventures of the Red Orm - his captivity, slavery to Caliph Cordoba, working as a galley rower, adopting Christianity , liberation, marrying the daughter of King Harald and finally searching for treasure near the Dnieper rapids.
Statedness of historical material in combination with the caustic irony of the author, who never misses an opportunity to make fun of the Vikings, their customs and customs.