Parthenocarpy (from the Greek. Parthenos - "virgin" and karpos - fruit; literally - "virgin fruit") - a special case of parthenogenesis , virgin fertilization without pollination in plants , usually with the formation of fruits without seeds. Parthenocarpy is a widespread phenomenon in fruit, citrus and vegetable plants. Partenocarpy, like most types of sterility , is regressive and has no evolutionary significance.
Vegetative parthenocarpy , also called autonomous, is distinguished when the fruits on the plant are set and subsequently developed without the direct process of pollination . Stimulated parthenocarpy will also be identified , in which the formation of fruits requires the stimulation of the stigma of the flowers by pollen from other plant species. For example, apple pollen can cause parthenocarpy in pears , and tomato pollen in eggplant . This type of parthenocarpy can be caused artificially by mechanical, chemical, or thermal stimuli. Because of this, it has a certain economic value, since the fruits obtained in this way are characterized by their abundance, great juiciness, fleshyness and high palatability, and also have advantages in processing.
Fruits that are formed during parthenocarpy, either seedless or contain “empty” seeds without germs. Plants characterized by the development of only seedless fruits multiply exclusively by vegetative means .
Partenocarpia is known in many cultivated plants and is often well established varietal trait. It is found in a number of grapes , apples, pears, tomatoes, mandarins , oranges , bananas, gooseberries , persimmons , cucumbers, and many others.
See also
- Pear 'Bessemyanka'
- Dictionary of botanical terms. - Kiev: Naukova Dumka. Under the general editorship of Dr. Sci. I. A. Dudki. 1984
- Source: "Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary." Ch. ed. M. S. Gilyarov; Edited .: A. A. Babaev, G. G. Vinberg, G. A. Zavarzin and others - 2nd ed., Amended. - M .: Owls. Encyclopedia, 1986.
- Biology. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. "Glav. Ed. A. P. Gorkin; M .: Rosmen, 2006
- Pausheva 3. P. - Workshop on plant cytology. Agropromizdat, 1988. - 272 p. ISBN 5-10-000614-5