Below is a list of valid names of genera of flowering (angiosperm) plants starting with “O”, included in The Plant List database, opened in December 2010 as a joint encyclopedic Internet project of the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew ( United Kingdom ) and the Missouri Botanical Garden ( USA ).
In total, the Plant List database included as of March 8, 2011 904,649 names of flowering plants in the rank of a species , of which 273,174 names are valid; the number of real names of the genera of flowering plants is 14,038 , the families of flowering plants are 406 [1] .
Birth List
In the first column of the table, 14,042 Latin genus names are arranged in alphabetical order (in the statistics section of the The Plant List database there are 14,038 genera) [1] .
The second column indicates the family in which this genus belongs.
Title | Family |
Oberna | Caryophyllaceae |
Oberonia | Orchidaceae |
Oberonioides | Orchidaceae |
Obetia | Urticaceae |
Oblivia | Compositae |
Obolinga | Leguminosae |
Obregonia | Cactaceae |
Obtegomeria | Lamiaceae |
Ocellochloa | Poaceae |
Ochagavia | Bromeliaceae |
Ochetophila | Rhamnaceae |
Ochlandra | Poaceae |
Ochna | Ochnaceae |
Ochoterenaea | Anacardiaceae |
Ochradenus | Resedaceae |
Ocherinclea | Rubiaceae |
Ochrocarpos | Clusteriaceae |
Ochrocephala | Compositae |
Ochroma | Malvaceae |
Ochrosia | Apocynaceae |
Ochrosperma | Myrtaceae |
Ochthocharis | Melastomataceae |
Ochthochloa | Poaceae |
Ochthocosmus | Ixonanthaceae |
Ochthodium | Brassicaceae |
Ocimum | Lamiaceae |
Oclemena | Compositae |
Ocotea | Lauraceae |
Octamyrtus | Myrtaceae |
Octarrhena | Orchidaceae |
Octoceras | Brassicaceae |
Octolepis | Thymelaeaceae |
Octolobus | Malvaceae |
Octomeria | Orchidaceae |
Octopoma | Aizoaceae |
Octotropis | Rubiaceae |
Oddiodendron | Leguminosae |
Odicardis | Plantaginaceae |
Odisha | Orchidaceae |
Odixia | Compositae |
Odonellia | Convolvulaceae |
Odonia | Leguminosae |
Odontadenia | Apocynaceae |
Odontanthera | Apocynaceae |
Odontelytrum | Poaceae |
Odontites | Orobanchaceae |
Odontocarya | Menispermaceae |
Odontochilus | Orchidaceae |
Odontocline | Compositae |
Odontoglossum | Orchidaceae |
Odontonema | Acanthaceae |
Odontophorus | Aizoaceae |
Odontorrhynchus | Orchidaceae |
Odontostelma | Apocynaceae |
Odontostomum | Tecophilaeaceae |
Odontotrichum | Compositae |
Odostelma | Passifloraceae |
Odostemon | Berberidaceae |
Odyendyea | Simaroubaceae |
Odyssea | Poaceae |
Oeceoclades | Orchidaceae |
Oecopetalum | Icacinaceae |
Oedematopus | Clusteriaceae |
Oedera | Compositae |
Oedibasis | Apiaceae |
Oedina | Loranthaceae |
Oehmea | Cactaceae |
Oemleria | Rosaceae |
Oenanthe | Apiaceae |
Oenocarpus | Arecaceae |
Oenostachys | Iridaceae |
Oenothera | Onagraceae |
Oeonia | Orchidaceae |
Oeoniella | Orchidaceae |
Oerstedina | Gesneriaceae |
Ouestlundia | Orchidaceae |
Ofaiston | Amaranthaceae |
Oftia | Scrophulariaceae |
Ogastemma | Boraginaceae |
Ohbaea | Crassulaceae |
Ohwia | Leguminosae |
Oiospermum | Compositae |
Okenia | Nyctaginaceae |
Olax | Olacaceae |
Oldenburgia | Compositae |
Oldenlandia | Rubiaceae |
Oldenlandiopsis | Rubiaceae |
Oldfeltia | Compositae |
Oldfieldia | Picrodendraceae |
Olea | Oleaceae |
Olearia | Compositae |
Olgaea | Compositae |
Oligactis | Compositae |
Oliganthes | Compositae |
Oligocarpus | Compositae |
Oligoceras | Euphorbiaceae |
Oligochaeta | Compositae |
Oligocladus | Apiaceae |
Oligocodon | Rubiaceae |
Oligomeris | Resedaceae |
Oligoneuron | Compositae |
Oligosporus | Compositae |
Oligostachyum | Poaceae |
Oligothrix | Compositae |
Olimarabidopsis | Brassicaceae |
Olinia | Penaeaceae |
Olivaea | Compositae |
Oliverella | Loranthaceae |
Oliveriana | Orchidaceae |
Olmeca | Poaceae |
Olmediella | Salicaceae |
Olneya | Leguminosae |
Lsynium | Iridaceae |
Olyra | Poaceae |
Omalotheca | Compositae |
Ombrocharis | Lamiaceae |
Ombrophytum | Balanophoraceae |
Omiltemia | Rubiaceae |
Omoea | Orchidaceae |
Omphacomeria | Santalaceae |
Omphalea | Euphorbiaceae |
Omhalocarpum | Sapotaceae |
Omhalodes | Boraginaceae |
Omphalogramma | Primulaceae |
Omhalopappus | Compositae |
Omhalotrigonotis | Boraginaceae |
Omhalotrix | Orobanchaceae |
Onagra | Onagraceae |
Oncella | Loranthaceae |
Oncidium | Orchidaceae |
Oncinema | Apocynaceae |
Oncinocalyx | Lamiaceae |
Oncinotis | Apocynaceae |
Oncoba | Salicaceae |
Oncocalamus | Arecaceae |
Oncocalyx | Loranthaceae |
Oncodostigma | Annonaceae |
Oncosiphon | Compositae |
Oncosperma | Arecaceae |
Oncostemum | Primulaceae |
Oncotheca | Oncothecaceae |
Ondetia | Compositae |
Onokeokea | Olacaceae |
Onira | Iridaceae |
Onix | Leguminosae |
Onobroma | Compositae |
Onobrychis | Leguminosae |
Ononis | Leguminosae |
Onopordum | Compositae |
Onoseris | Compositae |
Onosma | Boraginaceae |
Onosmodium | Boraginaceae |
Onuris | Brassicaceae |
Onychopetalum | Annonaceae |
Onychosepalum | Restionaceae |
Oonopsis | Compositae |
Oophytum | Aizoaceae |
Oparanthus | Compositae |
Opercularia | Rubiaceae |
Operculicarya | Anacardiaceae |
Operculina | Convolvulaceae |
Ophelia | Gentianaceae |
Ophellantha | Euphorbiaceae |
Ophidion | Orchidaceae |
Ophiocarpus | Leguminosae |
Ophiocaryon | Sabiaceae |
Ophiochloa | Poaceae |
Ophiocolea | Bignoniaceae |
Ophioglossella | Orchidaceae |
Ophiopogon | Asparagaceae |
Ophiorrhiza | Rubiaceae |
Ophiuros | Poaceae |
Ophrestia | Leguminosae |
Ophryosporus | Compositae |
Ophrys | Orchidaceae |
Ophthalmoblapton | Euphorbiaceae |
Ophthalmophyllum | Aizoaceae |
Opilia | Opiliaceae |
Opisthocentra | Melastomataceae |
Opisthopappus | Compositae |
Opithandra | Gesneriaceae |
Opizia | Poaceae |
Oplismenopsis | Poaceae |
Oplismenus | Poaceae |
Oplonia | Acanthaceae |
Oplopanax | Araliaceae |
Opopanax | Apiaceae |
Opophytum | Aizoaceae |
Opulaster | Rosaceae |
Opuntia | Cactaceae |
Orania | Arecaceae |
Oraniopsis | Arecaceae |
Orbea | Apocynaceae |
Orbeanthus | Apocynaceae |
Orbeopsis | Apocynaceae |
Orbexilum | Leguminosae |
Orchi-aceras | Orchidaceae |
Orchi-serapias | Orchidaceae |
Orchidactyla | Orchidaceae |
× Orchidactylorhiza | Orchidaceae |
Orchidantha | Lowiaceae |
× Orchigymnadenia | Orchidaceae |
Orchigymnadenia | Orchidaceae |
× Orchimantoglossum | Orchidaceae |
Orchipedum | Orchidaceae |
× Orchiplatanthera | Orchidaceae |
Orchis | Orchidaceae |
× Orchiserapias | Orchidaceae |
Orchiserapias | Orchidaceae |
Orcuttia | Poaceae |
Oreanthes | Ericaceae |
Orectanthe | Xyridaceae |
Oreinotinus | Caprifoliaceae |
Oreithales | Ranunculaceae |
Oreobambos | Poaceae |
Oreoblastus | Brassicaceae |
Oreobolopsis | Cyperaceae |
Oreobolus | Cyperaceae |
Oreobroma | Montiaceae |
Oreocallis | Ericaceae |
Oreocallis | Proteaceae |
Oreocarya | Boraginaceae |
Oreocereus | Cactaceae |
Oreocharis | Gesneriaceae |
Oreochloa | Poaceae |
Oreochrysum | Compositae |
Oreocnide | Urticaceae |
Oreocomopsis | Apiaceae |
Oreodaphne | Lauraceae |
Oreoleysera | Compositae |
Oreoloma | Brassicaceae |
Oreomunnea | Juglandaceae |
Oreomyrrhis | Apiaceae |
Oreonana | Apiaceae |
Oreopanax | Araliaceae |
Oreophysa | Leguminosae |
Oreophyton | Brassicaceae |
Oreopolus | Rubiaceae |
Oreorchis | Orchidaceae |
Oreoschimperella | Apiaceae |
Oreosolen | Scrophulariaceae |
Oreostemma | Compositae |
Oreostylidium | Stylidiaceae |
Oreosyce | Cucurbitaceae |
Oreotrys | Saxifragaceae |
Oresbia | Compositae |
Oresitrophe | Saxifragaceae |
Orestias | Orchidaceae |
Orfilea | Euphorbiaceae |
Oriastrum | Compositae |
Oribasia | Rubiaceae |
Organum | Lamiaceae |
Orinus | Poaceae |
Orites | Proteaceae |
Oritrophium | Compositae |
Orixa | Rutaceae |
Orlaya | Apiaceae |
Orleanesia | Orchidaceae |
Ormocarpopsis | Leguminosae |
Ormocarpum | Leguminosae |
Ormosia | Leguminosae |
Ormosolenia | Apiaceae |
Ornichia | Gentianaceae |
Ornithidium | Orchidaceae |
Ornithoboea | Gesneriaceae |
Ornithocephalus | Orchidaceae |
Ornithochilus | Orchidaceae |
× Ornithocidium | Orchidaceae |
Ornithogalum | Asparagaceae |
Ornithoglossum | Colchicaceae |
Ornithophora | Orchidaceae |
Ornithopodium | Leguminosae |
Ornithopus | Leguminosae |
Ornithostaphylos | Ericaceae |
Orrobanche | Orobanchaceae |
Orbus | Leguminosae |
Orochaenactis | Compositae |
Orogenia | Apiaceae |
Ortium | Araceae |
Oropetium | Poaceae |
Orophaca | Leguminosae |
Orophea | Annonaceae |
Orophochilus | Acanthaceae |
Orostachys | Crassulaceae |
Orxylum | Bignoniaceae |
Oroya | Cactaceae |
Orphanodendron | Leguminosae |
Orphium | Gentianaceae |
Ortachne | Poaceae |
Ortega | Caryophyllaceae |
Ortegocactus | Cactaceae |
Orthaea | Ericaceae |
Orthantha | Orobanchaceae |
Orthanthera | Apocynaceae |
Orthilia | Ericaceae |
Orthion | Violaceae |
Orthocarpus | Orobanchaceae |
Orthoceras | Orchidaceae |
Orthoclada | Poaceae |
Orthogynium | Menispermaceae |
Ortholoma | Gesneriaceae |
Orthomene | Menispermaceae |
Orthopappus | Compositae |
Orthophytum | Bromeliaceae |
Orthopichonia | Apocynaceae |
Orthopterygium | Anacardiaceae |
Orthosia | Apocynaceae |
Orthosiphon | Lamiaceae |
Orthosphenia | Celastraceae |
Orthrosanthus | Iridaceae |
Orthurus | Rosaceae |
Orrychophragmus | Brassicaceae |
Oryctanthus | Loranthaceae |
Orryctina | Loranthaceae |
× Oryticum | Poaceae |
Oryxis | Leguminosae |
Oryza | Poaceae |
Oryzidium | Poaceae |
Oryzopsis | Poaceae |
Osa | Rubiaceae |
Osbeckia | Melastomataceae |
Osbertia | Compositae |
Osbornia | Myrtaceae |
Oschatzia | Apiaceae |
Oserya | Podostemaceae |
Osmadenia | Compositae |
Osmanthus | Oleaceae |
Osmiopsis | Compositae |
Osmitopsis | Compositae |
Osmorhiza | Apiaceae |
Osmoxylon | Araliaceae |
Ossaea | Melastomataceae |
Ossiculum | Orchidaceae |
Osteocarpum | Amaranthaceae |
Osteomeles | Rosaceae |
Osteophloeum | Myristicaceae |
Osteospermum | Compositae |
Ostericum | Apiaceae |
Ostodes | Euphorbiaceae |
Ostrowskia | Campanulaceae |
Ostrya | Betulaceae |
Ostryocarpus | Leguminosae |
Ostryopsis | Betulaceae |
Osyridicarpos | Santalaceae |
Osyris | Santalaceae |
Otacanthus | Plantaginaceae |
Otachyrium | Poaceae |
Otanthus | Compositae |
Otatea | Poaceae |
Oteiza | Compositae |
Otholobium | Leguminosae |
Otonna | Compositae |
Étiophora | Rubiaceae |
Otites | Caryophyllaceae |
Otoba | Myristicaceae |
Otocarpus | Brassicaceae |
Otochilus | Orchidaceae |
Otoglossum | Orchidaceae |
Otomeria | Rubiaceae |
Otopappus | Compositae |
Otoptera | Leguminosae |
Otospermum | Compositae |
Otostegia | Lamiaceae |
Otostylis | Orchidaceae |
Ottelia | Hydrocharitaceae |
Ottleya | Leguminosae |
Ottoa | Apiaceae |
Ottochloa | Poaceae |
Ottonia | Piperaceae |
Ottoschmidtia | Rubiaceae |
Ottoschulzia | Icacinaceae |
Ottosonderia | Aizoaceae |
Oubanguia | Lecythidaceae |
Ouratea | Ochnaceae |
Ourisia | Plantaginaceae |
Ovidia | Thymelaeaceae |
Oxalis | Oxalidaceae |
Oxandra | Annonaceae |
Oxera | Lamiaceae |
Oxyacantha | Rosaceae |
Oxyanthus | Rubiaceae |
Oxybaphus | Nyctaginaceae |
Oxycarpha | Compositae |
Oxycaryum | Cyperaceae |
Oxyceros | Rubiaceae |
Oxychloe | Juncaceae |
Oxychloris | Poaceae |
Oxycoccus | Ericaceae |
Oxydendrum | Ericaceae |
Oxygonum | Polygonaceae |
Oxygraphis | Ranunculaceae |
Oxygyne | Burmanniaceae |
Oxylaena | Compositae |
Oxylobium | Leguminosae |
Oxylobus | Compositae |
Oxymitra | Annonaceae |
Oxymyrrhine | Myrtaceae |
Oxypappus | Compositae |
Oxypetalum | Apocynaceae |
Oxyphyllum | Compositae |
Oxypolis | Apiaceae |
Oxyrhachis | Poaceae |
Oxyrhynchus | Leguminosae |
Oxyria | Polygonaceae |
Oxyspora | Melastomataceae |
Oxystelma | Apocynaceae |
Oxystigma | Leguminosae |
Oxystophyllum | Orchidaceae |
Oxytenanthera | Poaceae |
Oxytenia | Compositae |
Oxytheca | Polygonaceae |
Oxytropis | Leguminosae |
Oyedaea | Compositae |
Oziroe | Asparagaceae |
Ozomelis | Saxifragaceae |
Ozoroa | Anacardiaceae |
Ozothamnus | Compositae |
- ↑ 1 2 Families in Angiosperms. Statistics // The Plant List (2010). Version 1. Published on the Internet; (accessed 1st January) (lat.) (English) (Verified March 8, 2011)
- Angiosperms (Flowering plants) - all genera // The Plant List (checked March 8, 2011)
- The Plant List (2010). Version 1. Published on the Internet; (accessed 1st January) (English) (Tested on March 8, 2011)