Kugelblitz (from German. Kugelblitz - “ball lightning”) is a concept of theoretical physics that means such a strong concentration of light that it forms an event horizon : according to the general theory of relativity , if a sufficient amount of radiation is concentrated at one point, the concentration of energy can lead to a curvature of space -time sufficient to become a black hole (even if the initial mass-energy of the object was in the form of radiant energy , and not matter ). In other words, kugleblits is a black hole formed from energy, not from mass . According to Einstein’s general theory of relativity, when an event horizon is formed, the type of mass-energy that created it no longer matters. According to calculations, the temperature of the kugelblitz should exceed the Planck temperature - the temperature of the Universe 5.4–10 −44 seconds after the Big Bang .
Probably the most famous reference to the concept of kugelblitz in the English-language literature is contained in the 1955 work of John Wheeler “Geons” [1] , in which he, in particular, investigated a simplified model of a particle as a curvature of space-time . Wheeler's work also contains the idea that the electric charge lines trapped near the wormholes can be used to model the properties of pairs of charged particles .
In culture
Kugelblitz is an important element of the plot in Frederick Paul ’s science fiction novel .
See also
- Geon
- ↑ JA Wheeler. Geons ( Neopr .) // Physical Review . - 1955. - T. 97 . - p . 511-536 . - DOI : 10.1103 / PhysRev.97.511 . - .