Evstratiy is a priest of the Constantinople Orthodox Church , presbyter , author of a number of spiritual works, dating from the end of the 6th century. The period of activity is set between 583 and 602 years. [one]
Life and activity come at the end of the 6th century. He was a student of the Patriarch of Constantinople Eutychius .
The author of the essays: “Against those who recognize the complete inactivity of the soul after separation from the body and denies the effectiveness of prayer for the dead”, “On the state of the soul after death” (in Latin translation De statu animarum post mortem was reprinted 1841.). Most of this work was published by Leo Allacy .
- ↑ Nicholas Constas. Anesthesia Presbyter of Constantinople: An Apology for the Cult of the Saints in Late Antiquity: Journal of Early Christian Studies. - The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002. - No. 10: 2 . - p. 267 -285 .
Evstratiy // Encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron : in 86 tons (82 tons and 4 extra). - SPb. , 1890-1907.