Epizootology (from gr. Epi - on, zoon - animal, logos - science, concept), or veterinary epidemiology - an independent link in veterinary medicine - a science that studies epizootics , the manifestation of an epizootic process during which an infection affects a large number of animals, studies the objective patterns of occurrence , manifestation, spread and extinction of epizootics (infectious diseases) and on this basis develops methods of prevention and measures to combat them.
The task is to prevent, prevent or eliminate epizootics. The main tasks of epizootiology at the present stage is to develop the theoretical and practical bases of a scientifically based strategy and tactics of antiepizootic measures in order to ensure the sustainable well-being of animal husbandry for infectious diseases, its high productivity and reliable protection of the population from zooanthroponoses. Since the development of infectious diseases has a permanent and decisive impact on the external environment in which the epizootic process takes place, another study of this discipline is the study of animal habitats. [one]
Knowing the laws of the epizootic process (a biological phenomenon, it develops according to certain biological laws that do not depend on the will of man), specialists of veterinary medicine can actively intervene in the development of the epizootic process of a particular infectious disease and effectively deal with its prevention and elimination.
Science is divided into:
- General epizootology - studies the general patterns of development and extinction of infectious diseases; immunity studies and infectious diseases; the study of general and special animal treatment measures.
- Special - study of the characteristics of the pathogen, pathogenesis, distribution, pathological-anatomical changes, methods of diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment, economic losses, development of measures for elimination and prevention.
To solve the problem of epizootiology, fundamental knowledge of veterinary genetics and immunology is needed.
Epizootology as a science especially developed after the 1920s. Scientists have studied in detail a number of little-known or completely unknown infectious diseases, have developed questions of diagnosis and immunity, pathogenesis , specific prophylaxis for many infections of farm animals, birds and bees.
- ↑ RFSosov et al. Epizootology. - M .: Kolos, 1969. - 400 p.
- Private epizootology / Ed. S.N. Vyshelessky . - M .: Selkhozgiz, 1948. - 616 p.
- Gannushkin M. The course of epizootology. - Ed. 6th - M .: Selkhozgiz, 1952. - 424 p. - 50 000 copies
- Rally Yu. M. Natural foci and epizootology of the plague / Preface. Acad. E. N. Pavlovsky . - M .: Medicine , 1965. - 364 p. - 1400 copies (in the lane)
- Epizootology and Infectious Diseases: Textbook / Ed. V.V. Maksimovich . - M .: ITC Ministry of Finance, 2013. - 784 p. - 1000 copies - ISBN 978-985-6993-94-0 .