Quota ( lat. Quota ) - the norm, the proportion or part of something permitted under the framework of possible agreements and treaties.
- the share of possible participation in a joint business ( production , marketing , export or import of goods , etc.);
- quota in immigration policy - the limit, the limit of permissible annual influx of immigrants;
- contribution of the member countries of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to the fund’s capital.
- in the Russian Federation, the unit of the volume of expensive medical care provided for by the List of Species [1] of expensive (high-tech) medical care provided at the expense of the federal budget [2] .
Restrictive measures are called quoting.
- share, part, share attributable to each of the participants in the common cause.
- quantitative restrictions (production, sales, consumption, exports , imports of goods) imposed for a certain period of time.
In connection with the practice of restrictions in international trade, quota is also understood as quantitative control over imports and its restriction. Import quotas are set by the federal government to protect domestic producers of selected industries from foreign competitors. The use of such quotas as a protectionist measure has both advantages and disadvantages. The economic gain for producers and people employed in protected industries is very significant, which is reflected in the growth of profitability. Enterprises that are in need of restricting the competition of foreign manufacturers may exert considerable political pressure, demanding the introduction of quotas. Proponents of free trade believe that the costs of such restrictions are passed on to the consumer, since domestic goods are more expensive than under free trade, and the range of consumer choice is reduced.
Quota in the Russian Empire
In the Livland and Estland provinces of the Russian Empire , the word quota meant a legal term in land law that called that part of the manor (landowner) land that was subject to taxes, while the rest of the manor land was free from them [3] .
- ↑ List of types of diseases for which the patient can count on receiving quotas .
- ↑ Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences of April 6, 2005 N 259/19 “On the organization of the provision of expensive (high-tech) medical care at the expense of the federal budget in federal specialized medical institutions subordinated to the Federal Agency for Health and social development, the Federal Medical and Biological Agency and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (amended August 12, 2005, February 6, 2006, October 30, 2007) (unavailable link) . The date of circulation is June 23, 2014. Archived July 14, 2014.
- ↑ Quota // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron : 86 tons. (82 tons and 4 extra.). - SPb. , 1890-1907.