The Fedorovsky table (also the Fedorov table , the universal table ) is a rotating device located on the subject table of a polarizing microscope (or as a single subject table), allowing to change the position of the crystal in the form of a thin section for measuring optical constants [1] . In particular, isotropy , uniaxial or biaxiality, the optical sign, the direction of the optical axes , the magnitude of the birefringence and a number of other crystal -optical characteristics are determined using the Fedorovsky table.
Construction History
The initial model of the device was created by Evgraf Fedorov in 1891, using the theodolite principle (rotation around two mutually perpendicular axes) [2] , which two years later described in his monograph “ Theodolite method in mineralogy and petrography ” [3] , which brought him the Mineralogical Society award .
Then the design of the table was improved by the author [4] , and in 1896, Fedorov described a model with 4 axes. The fifth axis was added by the American researcher Emmons in 1929 [5] .
Until the 1960s, the three-axis [6] , four-axis [7], and five-axis [8] schemes continued to develop, to the greatest extent associated with changes in mechanical components and mobility. Subsequently, the theodolite method was practically superseded by X-ray structural and conventional goniometric analysis. Methods for microstructural analysis without the Fedorovsky table [9] have also been developed, due to the deficiency of the currently unproductive Fedorovsky tables and the unsatisfactory high duration of the analysis with their use. By the end of the 1990s leading companies like “ Zeiss ”, “ Leitz ” and “ Nikon ” discontinued the Fedorov tables. [10] However, until now a large number of such devices are used in various laboratories.
Technical capabilities
In addition to the above traditional crystal optics applications, the Fedorov table is used for: mechanized stereo photography of microfauna objects and micropaleontological minerals [11] , the study of three-dimensional spatial distribution and the morphology of neurons [12] , automated determination of cell division phases in histomorphogenesis [13] , fluorescence microscopy [14] and etc. Thus, the main area of application of Fedorov’s tables over the past century has moved from structural crystallography to biological th micrograph .
- ↑ Sobolev V.S. Fedorovsky Method. - Moscow: Nedra, 196 4. - 288 p.
- ↑ Fedorov E. S. Eine neue Methode der optischen Untersuchung von Krystallplatten in parallelem Lichte // Mineralogische und Petrographische Mittheilungen. - 1892. - № Vol. 12 - p . 505-509 .
- ↑ Fedorov E.S. Theodolite method in mineralogy and petrography. - SPb: Commission. Geol. Committee, 1893. - 191 [+ tables 10 p.] With.
- ↑ Fedorov E.S. Universal- (Theodolith-) Methode in der Mineralogie und Petrographie // Zeitschrift für Kristallographie und Mineralogie. - 1894. - № Vol. 22 - p . 229-268 .
- ↑ Emmons RC. A modified universal stage // The American Mineralogist. - 1929. - № 14 . - p . 441-461 .
- ↑ Hallimond A. F., Taylor E. W. An Improved Polarizing Microscope IV. The Fedorov Stage (Three-Axis) // Mineralogical Magazine. - 1950. No. 209 (Vol. 29) . - p . 150-162 .
- ↑ Naidu P. R. J. 4-Axes Universal Stage. - Madras: Com. Print. & Publishing House, 1958. - 106 p.
- Mm Emmons R. C. The Universal Stage, with Five Axes of Rotation // Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem .. - 1943. - № 8 . - p . 205 .
- ↑ Kompaneytsev V.P. Microstructural Analysis without a Fedorov Table // News of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. Geological series. - 1990. - № 6 . - p . 80-85 .
- Ile Kile D. E. The Universal Stage: The Past, Present, and Geochemical News. - 2009. - № 140 . Archived January 17, 2012.
- ↑ Krivobarsky, V.V., Stereoscopic Microphotography of Foraminifera, // Mikrofauna SSSR. - 1960. - № 11 . - pp . 327-335 .
- Bel Berbel, P.J., Villanueva J.J., Regidor J., Lopez-Garcia C. Aimsurfest neuronal dendritic tree using a universal stage // Journ. Neurosci. Meth .. - 1981. - No. 4 (2) . - p . 141-152 .
- Chenko Notchenko, V.V., Gradov, O.V.Anti -Axis - 2013. - № 2 .
- ↑ Iwabuchi S., Koh J. Y., Wardenburg M., Johnson J. D., Harata N. C. Light-microscope specimen holder with 3-axis rotation and small-angle control // Journ. Neurosci. Meth .. - 2014. - № 221 . - pp . 15-21 .