Tomotsugu Muramatsu (January 30, 1921, Maruko, Tisagana County, Nagano Prefecture (now part of Ueda ) - March 16, 2009 [1] ) - Japanese poet, literary scholar, teacher, publisher and translator, researcher of Japanese poetry hockey and Russian classical literature.
From 1944 he was a teacher in primary and secondary schools in Nagano and Tokyo. In 1962 he entered the Toeo University College to study Japanese literature, graduating with a degree in 1967. After graduating from this educational institution, he remained to teach in it, becoming an associate professor, then a full professor, and later an emeritus. In 1985, he received an award from the Poet Critics Association for his work on Matsuo Basho. He was also a visiting professor at a number of Japanese universities. In 1987 he became a doctor of literature at Toe University. He was considered one of the greatest experts in hockey poetry in Japan.
He wrote his poetic works under the pseudonym "Coca". In April 2006, he founded the poetic journal "Snow", in which he published poems and translations of contemporary Japanese poets. In addition to hockey, he was also engaged in research and translation of Russian classical literature [2] , as well as literary articles by Russian scientists [3] .