Amur-Augus-Louis-Joseph Berthelot , Baron de Bai (Joseph de Baye) (January 31, 1853, Paris - 1931) - French archeologist and traveler, member of the Paris Geographical Society , honorary member of the Ural Society of Natural Science Fans , and Committee on the device in Moscow Museum in 1812 . He visited Russia many times and even called himself "semi-French - half-Russian".
Joseph de baie | |||||||||
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Scientific field | archeology | ||||||||
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De Bai was responsible for the execution of orders from the French Public Education Department.
He became president of the Society of Antiquaries of France in 1906 and a non-resident committee of historical works.
Baron was a knight of the Legion of Honor , was awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of St. Stanislav (Russia) , the Order of St. Anne , the Order of Charles III in Spain , the officer of the Order of the Crown of Romania , the Knight of the Order of Santiago , the Order of Vaz in Sweden and the Order of the Crown of Italy .
His wife was Maria-Beatrice de Bai , daughter of Baron Oppenheim. In Russia, the baron conducted extensive archaeological research. In 1895 and 1896 The baron, together with the scientific secretary of the Ural Society of Science Lovers (UOLE), Onisim Egorovich Kler, who accompanied the guest at the request of the Perm Governor, visited Shigirsky peat bog, where, during gold mining, the mines found objects dating back to the ninth millennium BC. e. On the southeastern shore of the Shigir Lake, Baron de Bai found a stone ax, and the Main Board of the Upper Iset plants, which included this territory, gave him all the finds that remained at that time in the mines, which he brought to the Paris Museum of Natural History . In 1895, at the excavations of the ancient Murano burial ground near Syzran, Baron de Bai received as a gift about 40 archaeological finds of the XIV century, which are now in the Museum of Man in Paris. Also in 1895, he participated in archaeological excavations in Uvek , the city of Juchi Ulus , near Saratov . Beginning in the autumn of 1897, the traveler was in Georgia and spent 6 years there, taking more than 500 unique photographs taken in different parts of Georgia. The photographs were discovered by Anna Cheishvili in the Ke Branly Museum. On July 27, 1907, V. N. Polivanov , Baron de Bai, and Peter Alexandrovich Alexandrov made an archaeological trip to the village of Bulgarians in order to search for a burial ground.
- L'Archéologie préhistorique (1880)
- L'Archéologie Scandinave
- L'Artbarbare en Hongrie
- L'art chez les barbares
- L'Industrie congolaise (1888)
- Études archéologiques
- L'Industrie longobarde (1888)
- L'Industrie anglosaxonne (1889)
- Les Bronzes Émaillés de Mostchina. Gouvernement de Kalouga (Russie). Bronze Enameled Mostchina. Government of Kaluga (Russia). (1891)
- De L'Influence de L´Art des Goths en occident. Art Effects Ready in the West. (1891)
- Le Trésor de Szilagg-Sombye (1891)
- Le Cimetiére wisigothique D´Herpes. Angouléme. Imprimerie Charentaise de Chasseignac. (1892)
- Smolensk (1902)
- En Abkhasie. Souvenirs d'une mission (1904)
- Les Casques de l'époque barbare (1910)
- Morals of war. (1915)
- Croix Lombardes. Trouvées en Italie. Lombard Crosses. Found in Italy.
- Le Tombeau de Wittislingen. Au Musée National Bavarois (Munich). Grave Wittislingen. In the Bavarian National Museum (Munich).
- Baye
- S. Savchenko, O. Romain Shigir collection of Baron de Baix in the Museum of Man (Paris, France) // Sixth Bersovskie readings. Materials of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference. Ekaterinburg: Kvadrat Publishing House, 2011. P. 250-259.
de, baron. Viasiome. Souvenirs d'unt mission. Par baron de Baye. Paris, 1908. - 48 p., Ill.,. ill.