Mstera miniature is a folk craft , a type of Russian folk art that originated in the village of Mstera, Vladimir region . Lacquer miniature performed with papier-mâché tempera .
The prehistory of the craft was wooden objects, painted with tempera and varnished : boxes with ornaments, trays, pods . In the XIV century, Mstera, along with Palekh and Kholy, was one of the centers of Russian icon painting . By the middle of the 18th century, so-called “petty letters” appeared - icons with miniature scenes and many details. At the beginning of XX century with the advent of chromolithographs in the field came the crisis. And after the revolution there was no need for icons.
The manufacture of lacquered caskets with miniature paintings appeared in the 1930s after the First All-Russian Agricultural and Handicraft Industrial Exhibition . Initially, the former icon painters united in 1923 in the “Artel of Old Russian Painting”. In 1931 the artel "Proletarian Art" was formed, which later became a factory. It was after the exhibition that the decision was made to make papier-mâché boxes. The painting was done with tempera paints prepared on the basis of an egg-yolk emulsion . By the 1950s, the main features of the style were formed. Bright representatives of the Mstersk lacquer miniatures are: A.I. Bryagin , A.F. Kotyagin , I.N. Morozov, N.P. Klykov , V.F. Galyshev, I.I. Tyulin and I.A. Serebryakov .
Masters of Mstera worked in different stylistics: traditional old-pagan icon-painting, Dutch landscape, and Russian popular prints were actively used Persian ornaments. Artists deliberately avoided the black tone, so the items from Mstera had a festive look. [one]
The sequence of painting techniques is similar to icon painting. First, the drawing with the help of "priory" is transferred from tracing paper to the lid of the box. Then you make a “opening” - applying the composition . After this begins a detailed long-term "painting." They are followed by "Flavor" - bringing the color to unity. Finishes the letter “flashing” with white or with gold . The finished thing is covered with six layers of clear lacquer, dried in the oven and polished.
Painting has an abstract character of a peculiar panel . A characteristic feature of Mstera painting is carpet decoration, diversity and refinement of color shades with the unity of the overall tone of the composition. The color scheme is bluish-silver, ocher-yellow and red. In products combines floral and geometric patterns.
Russian fairy tales , everyday stories, historical and architectural monuments predominate in the themes.
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