Venice , in fact, is an open-air museum. Over the long history of the existence of Venice and the Republic of Venice in the city was created and collected a huge number of masterpieces. Numerous historical monuments, palaces, cathedrals and churches of Venice, not being museums in the literal sense of the word, are the location of unique works of art.
- Archaeological Museum - Museo Archeologico
- Academy Galleries - Gallerie dell'Accademia
- Gallery of Chini Palace - Galleria di Palazzo Cini
- - Museo Civico di Storia Naturale
- Doge's Palace - Palazzo Ducale
- Jewish Museum - Museo Ebraico
- Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art - Museo Diocesano d'Arte Sacra
- Peggy Guggenheim Collection - Collezione Peggy Guggenheim
- in the Ca 'Pesaro Palace - Galleria internazionale d'arte moderna
- Naval Historical Museum - Museo Storico Navale
- Museum of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Icons (Venice)
- 18th century Venice Museum
- Museum of Oriental Art - Museo d'Arte Orientale
- Correr Museum - Museo Correr
- Lagoon Museum , oh. Torcello - Museo dell'Estuario, Torchello
- Museum of Glass , oh. Murano - Museo del Vetro, Murano
- Museum Foundation Querini Stampagli - Museo della Fonfazione Querini Stampalia
- Fortuny Museum - Museo Fortuny
- Basilica of Saints Giovanni and Paolo - San Giovanni e Paolo
- Basilica de Frari - Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
- School of the Brotherhood of St. Roch - Scuola Grande di S.Rocco
- Venetian Lace School , Fr. Burano - Scuola di Merletti, Burano.