Aleksei Vladimirovich Lubkov (born October 29, 1960 , Moscow ) - Russian historian , Russian higher education worker, rector of Moscow State Pedagogical University since June 2017 (acting since November 18, 2016). Doctor of Historical Sciences (1998), professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education for the Department of General Secondary Education (2016), President of the Eurasian Association of Pedagogical Universities, co-founder of the Association “National Platform for Open Pedagogical Education”, President of the Association of Film Educators of Russia.
Alexey Vladimirovich Lubkov | ||||
Rector of Moscow State Pedagogical University | ||||
Authorization beginning | June 15, 2017 (acting since November 18, 2016) | |||
Date of Birth | ||||
Place of Birth | ||||
A country | ||||
Scientific field | story | |||
Academic degree | Doctor of Historical Sciences | |||
Academic title | Professor , Corresponding Member of RAO | |||
Alma mater | MGPI them. V.I. Lenin | |||
Awards |
Born October 29, 1960 in Moscow .
In 1978 he entered and in 1983 graduated with honors from the history department of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. V.I. Lenin .
During his studies, he was a Lenin scholarship holder (1980-1983), was elected secretary of the faculty bureau of the Komsomol , a member of the Komsomol Committee of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute.
In 1979—1981, he actively participated in the student construction movement .
In school and student years involved in sports (athletics - running).
Since 1983, he worked at the history department of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute (Department of Soviet History of the Soviet period) as an assistant, senior teacher.
In 1984-1987 he was secretary of the Committee of the Komsomol MGPI them. VI Lenin and a member of the Leninsky RK VLKSM of the city of Moscow. He actively participated in the organization and holding of the XII World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow (1985).
In 1987 - 1990 he studied in the graduate school of the Department of Soviet History of the Soviet period. In 1990 he defended his thesis on the topic “Workers' Cooperation in the October Revolution: February 1917 - November 1918 (According to the materials of the Central Industrial Region of Russia)” [1] .
After defending his dissertation, he worked as an associate professor at the Department of Modern National History.
From June 1991 to October 1998, he was Dean of the Faculty of History of Moscow State Pedagogical University .
In 1998 he defended his doctoral thesis on the topic “The Cooperative Movement of Central Russia. 1907-1918 years " [2] .
From October 1998 to July 2006 he was the Vice-Rector for Research - the first Vice-Rector of the Moscow State Pedagogical University. At the same time he worked as a professor in the department of modern national history. From 2002 to 2009, he served as the head of the Department of Russian History at the Faculty of History of the Moscow State Pedagogical University .
Since 2006, he worked at the Moscow Institute of Open Education (MIOO) as a professor at the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, since September 2012 - Head of the Department. In September 2006 - August 2013 was the Vice-Rector of the MIOO.
From September 2013 to August 2014 - Vice-Rector of Moscow State Pedagogical University.
From September 2014 to August 2016 - again in the MIOO as an adviser to the administration of the university.
In September 2016, he moved to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation to the post of Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Higher Education [1] .
November 18, 2016 appointed and. about. Rector of the Moscow State Pedagogical University (since November 22, 2016) [2] . On May 23, 2017, he was elected Rector of MPGU, and on June 8, 2017, he was approved in this post by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for a five-year term [3] .
On his initiative, the MPGU developed and implemented the “Concept of the development of the MPGU for the period 2017–2020: from revival to the creation of a new image of teacher education” [4] , which formulated the strategic priorities and targets of the MPGU. The educational model, built with the university slogan “True to tradition, open to innovation!”, Is focused on advanced training and involves a comprehensive set of measures in 7 areas (education, science, educational work, social partnership, etc.). As a result of its implementation, the Moscow State Pedagogical University should become the leading innovative center for pedagogical education at the federal and international level, an attractive scientific and educational platform and a leader in the training of specialists in the field of additional education. As part of this concept, new institutes were created and started to work at the MPU - the Institute of International Education [5] and the Institute for the Development of Digital Education [6] .
Alexey Lubkov speaks in favor of stepping up cooperation with foreign educational and scientific structures and specialized organizations. In 2017-2018, agreements on cooperation of the MPU with universities of the Republic of Korea, Germany (University of Alanus, Mannheim) were signed, a number of joint projects with 12 universities of the People's Republic of China are being implemented. It develops cooperation in the field of culture and higher education with the Ibero-American states. Currently, more than 160 cooperation agreements have been concluded with universities in foreign countries. He participated in the I Forum of Rectors of Russian and Arab Universities (February 2018, Lebanon, Beirut) [7] .
In 2017, the Moscow State Pedagogical University for the first time entered the world league of leading universities, taking 722 place in the international ranking of the Round University Ranking (RUR) [8] . In the international ranking of universities, the uniRank University Ranking ™ of 2019 ranks 37th among 376 Russian universities participating in this ranking [9] .
As Rector of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, AVLubkov is working to coordinate interaction in the training of teachers between pedagogical universities of the CIS countries. As president of the Eurasian Association of Pedagogical Universities, he succeeded in imparting to MPGU the status of the basic organization of CIS states for the training of teachers [10] . More than 30 agreements were signed and implemented with universities of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Moldova, Armenia, Belarus, Azerbaijan.
He actively interacts with traditional confessions of Russia, including on the issues of training teachers for the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics”. Close ties have been established with the Church-wide postgraduate and doctoral programs of the Russian Orthodox Church. Saints Cyril and Methodius, MPGU is a member of the Scientific and Educational Theological Association (NOTA), and A.Lubkov is a member of the NOTA Council [11] . In 2018, a cooperation agreement was signed between the MPGU and the Council of Muftis of Russia [12] . The University also collaborates with the Jewish Museum and the Center for Tolerance.
While A.Lubkov was in the position of the rector of Moscow State Pedagogical University, the cooperation of the university with state and public structures was fundamentally expanded. A cooperation agreement was concluded with the Public Council under the Presidential Commissioner for the Rights of the Child, A.V. Lubkov, became a member of the Expert Council on Humanitarian Knowledge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (from 2017) [13] , the Working Group of the State Council of the Russian Federation Education and Science ”(since 2019) [14] . Since January 2018, he has headed the working group on the formation of the civilizational heritage of Russia under the Expert Council on the improvement of legislation [15] . He was a member of the organizing committee for the preparation and conduct of activities related to the 100th anniversary of the Revolution of 1917 in Russia, formed in accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation [16] .
He is a supporter of state-national strategy in education. Repeatedly stated the importance of the formation of national-cultural and civic identity and the decisive role of the teacher and teacher in this process. He advocates a comprehensive study and consideration of national traditions in reforming the spheres of life, including education (“the main task of the school and the university, as I see it, is to relay the values and traditions of Russian culture”, from an interview with the Kultura newspaper, No. 43 (8029) , 2-8 December 2016) [17] . Emphasizes historical continuity, in which tradition and innovation do not oppose, but interact with each other in the path of modernization. Supporter of fundamental, substantive training in higher education, profiling and practice-oriented education, which has a broad general cultural basis. It stands for invariance in the supply of educational material, but with the presence of a fundamental core in subjects for all public schools and pedagogical universities. He repeatedly spoke in favor of developing a program of state support for rural teachers by analogy with the Zemsky Doctor program.
Scientific work
Author of about 200 scientific papers.
Awards and titles
- Medal " For Labor Valor " (1986) - for participation in organizing and conducting the XII World Festival of Youth and Students .
- Medal " In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow " (1997).
- Diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (2000).
- Sign " Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation " (2000).
- Commemorative Medal "100th Anniversary of the Restoration of the Patriarchate in the Russian Orthodox Church" (2018).
- Diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (2018) - in connection with the 75th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Education and for many years of diligent work.
- Thank-you letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (2018) - for active participation in the preparation and conduct of the All-Russian competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia" in 2018.
Major Works
- Articles and monographs
- Lubkov A.V. War, revolution and cooperation. // The power and public organizations of Russia in the first third of the XX century: Sat. Art. - M .: Master, 1994. - S. 97-114.
- A. Lubkov. On the Socio-Political Role of the Russian Cooperative Movement in 1914-1917. // The historical experience of the Russian people and the present: the House of the Romanovs in the history of Russia. - SPb .: SPSU, 1995. - p. 268-276. - ISBN 5-288-01507-4
- Lubkov A.V. Russian Province and the Fall of Autocracy. // "Russian language, culture, history." Collection of materials of the 2nd scientific conference of linguists, literary scholars, folklorists, historians, February 22-24, 1996 Part 2. - M., 1997. - S.250-265.
- Lubkov A.V. War. Revolution. Cooperation. - M .: MPGU, 1997. - 261 p. - ISBN 5-7042-0971-8
- Rectors MPGU. 1872–2000. Essays / A. Lubkov, V. Moskvin, G. Polozov and others - M .: Publishing House "Magister Press", 2000. - 160 p. - ISBN 5-89317-146-2. (Co-authored)
- Lubkov AV War, Revolution and the Cooperative. - Ohio Thomsom Learning Custom Publishing, 2001–335 p. - ISBN 0-7593-0722-9 .
- Kuzmina I. V., Lubkov A. V. Prince Shakhovskaya: the path of the Russian liberal. - M .: Young Guard , 2008. - 368 p. - (“The life of wonderful people .” Vol. 1069). - ISBN 978-5-235-02984-2
- Lubkov A.V. Russian statehood and modernization of the country. XX — XXI centuries: value discourse // Russian statehood: historical traditions and challenges of the XXI century. - M., 2013. - P.854-867. - ISBN 978-5-91290-200-0
- Lubkov A.V. Russia - a year of culture: codes and meanings. // Lecturer XXI century. - 2014. - № 1. - T. 1. - p. 7-10. - ISSN 2073-9613
- Lubkov A.V. Discard all politics and become just a patriot. // Lecturer XXI century. - 2014. - № 3. - T. 1. - p. 9-15. - ISSN 2073-9613
- Lubkov A.V. Man and Society in the Context of the Epoch, History and Culture: “Autobiography” of DI Shakhovsky, 1913 // World War I: A Look A Century Later. Prewar years. Proceedings of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference. - M .: Publishing house MNEPU, 2014. - p. 588-595. - ISBN 978-5-7383-0387-6
- Lubkov A.V. Personality. Time. Education: articles and speeches. - M .: MPGU, 2017. - 318, [1] p. - ISBN 978-5-4263-0537-3
- Lubkov A .B. Mikhail Katkov: young years. - M .: MPGU, 2018. - 256 p. - ISBN 978-5-4263-0641-7
- Collections of documents
- Shakhovskoy D.I. Selected articles and letters. 1881–1895. - M .: Prometheus, 2002. - 317 p. (Drafting and introductory article) - ISBN 5-7042-1173-9
- The fate of Russian liberals: from the history of the Priyutino brotherhood: Collection of documents and materials. - M .: Prometheus, 2007. - 238, [1] p. (Compilation and introductory article together with I. V. Kuzmina) - ISBN 5-7042-2031-2
- Textbooks, reader, methodical manuals (in collaboration)
- Chrestomathy on Russian history (1914-1945): A manual for university students. / Ed. A. F. Kiseleva , E. M. Shchagin. - M .: Vlados, 1996. - 896 p. - ISBN 5-87065-082-8
- Readings on Russian history (1946-1995): A manual for university students. / Ed. A. F. Kiseleva, E. M. Shchagin. - M .: Vlados, 1996. - 600 p. - ISBN 5-87065-076-3
- The newest history of the Fatherland. XX century: Textbook for universities. V. 1. / Ed. A. F. Kiseleva, E. M. Shchagin. - M .: Vlados, 1998. - 496 p. - ISBN 5-691-00109-4 (2nd ed. - Moscow: Vlados, 2002 - ISBN 5-691-00903-6 )
- Lubkov A.V., Tsvetkov V.Zh. The White Movement in Russia — Its Program and Leaders: A Training Manual. - M., Prometheus, 2003. - 189 p. - ISBN 5-7042-1207-7
- The latest national history. XX century.: A textbook for students of higher education. In 2 books. / Ed. E. M. Shchagin, A. V. Lubkova. - M .: Vlados, 2004.- 447 p. - ISBN 5-691-01259-2 (2nd ed. - Moscow: Vlados, 2015 - ISBN 5-691-01260-6 )
- The latest national history. The XX - the beginning of the XXI century: A textbook for university students. Prince 1. / Ed. E. M. Schagin. - M .: Vlados, 2008. - 665 p. - ISBN 978-5-691-01730-8
- The history of Russia of the XX - beginning of the XXI century. In 2 vols. T.1. 1900-1941: A textbook for academic undergraduate. / Ed. D.O. Churakova - Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2015. - 424 p. - ISBN 978-5-9916-5611-5 - (Chapters 2, 3, 4) (2nd ed. - M .: Yurayt Publishing House, 2018 - ISBN 978-5-534-03272-7 )
- Development of the basic concept of additional professional education (DPE) of teachers: guidelines. / Ed. A.V.Lubkova. - M .: GAOU HE MIOO, 2015. - 51 p., Tab. - ISBN 978-5-98547-094-9
- Justification of the strategy for the development of additional professional education (DPE) of teachers [Text]: methodical suggestions / recommendations / Ed. A. V. Lubkov. - Moscow: GAOU HE MIOO, 2015. - 55 p. : il., tab. - ISBN 978-5-98547-095-6
- Assessing the state of the DPO system and its development prospects [Text]: (based on the analysis of the content of the official websites of educational organizations in the regions of the Russian Federation): informational and analytical materials on the development of the basic concept of the DPE development and justification of the DPO development strategy / Ed. A.V.Lubkova. - M .: GAOU HE MIOO, 2015. - 87 pp.: Table. - ISBN 978-5-98547-085-7
- Training of leaders on the basis of educational institutions of higher education in Russia. / Ed. T.N. Vladimir, N.Yu. Leskonog, L.F. Shalamova. - M .: MPGU, 2019. - 160 p. (Scientific editor, introduction) - ISBN 978-5-4263-0739-1
- ↑ Alexey Lubkov headed the Moscow Pedagogical State University , Teacher's Newspaper (11/22/2016).
- ↑ The head of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation appointed the acting head. Rector of MPGU , (11/22/2016).
- ↑ Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated June 8, 2017 No. 12-07-03 / 79 “On approval of A. Lubkov as Rector .
- ↑ The concept of the development of the MPU for the period 2017–2020: from revival to the creation of a new image of pedagogical education . ( 04/11/2017 )
- ↑ Institute of International Education .
- ↑ Institute for the Development of Digital Education .
- ↑ Rector of MPGU A.V. Lubkov took part in the I Forum of Rectors of Russian and Arab Universities , (02.22.2018).
- ↑ World University Rankings . .
- ↑ Top Public Universities in Russia . .
- ↑ MPGU is the basic organization of the CIS states for the training of teachers , (10/01/2018).
- ↑ NOTA Guide . .
- Expand the horizons of Islamic education. A cooperation agreement was signed with MPGU , ( 07/02/2018 ).
- ↑ On the Expert Council on Humanitarian Knowledge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation . ( 12/27/2017 ).
- On approval of the composition of the working group of the State Council of the Russian Federation in the field of "Education and Science" . (02/18/2019).
- ↑ COMPOSITION of the organizing committee for the preparation and conduct of activities related to the 100th anniversary of the Revolution of 1917 in Russia . .
- ↑ Andrey Samokhin . Alexey Lubkov: “A teacher is not a seller of services, but a student is not a consumer , ” the Kultura newspaper (30.11.2016).
- Lubkov Alexey Vladimirovich // Chernobaev A. A. Historians of Russia: Who is who in the study of national history. Bio-bibliographic dictionary. - Saratov: Chronicle, 2000. - p . 302 . - ISBN 5-85559-092-5 .
- Lubkov Alexey Vladimirovich // Chernobaev A. A. Historians of Russia of the end of the XIX - beginning of the XXI century: Bio-bibliographic dictionary. In 3 volumes. - M .: Collection, 2017. - T. 2: "And-P" . - p . 252-253 . - ISBN 978-5-9606-0153-5 .