European-West Siberian species. Characteristic of the south of Fennoscandia , Eastern and Central Europe . In Russia it grows in the European part (except for the northern and southern regions), the Krasnodar Territory , the Volgograd Region , and Western Siberia [2] .
As a rule, it grows in dry deciduous and mixed forests, on forest edges and clearings, mostly on slopes, on carbonate soil.
A perennial plant with a height of 20 to 40 cm, loose-grained, with a creeping branching rhizome, densely covered with black, clearly reticulate-split sheaths.
Leaves flat, soft, up to 3 mm wide, long, equal or longer than the stems . Spikelets in the number of two or four, placed, the top - with staminate flowers, sessile, the rest - with pistillate , 1.5-3 cm long, with long legs. Bract scale-shaped, with tubular-glass vagina, spinous or with a short leaf blade, green, buropepononchaty along the edge.
Covering scales of pistillate flowers ovate, sharp, brown, with a green stripe in the middle, white-membranous. The bags are obovate up to 4 mm long, with an elongated stem up to 1 mm long, with a two-dentate spout, densely short-haired. Rylets three.
Flowering - May — June. Fruiting - June.
Included in the Red Books of Belarus and Latvia , as well as in the Red Books of the following subjects of the Russian Federation: Vologda Oblast, Republic of Karelia. Included in the Red Books of several regions of Ukraine [3] .