Bishop Anthony (d. 1336 ) - Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church , Bishop of Rostov, Yaroslavl and Beloezersky .
Canonized in the face of saints , the memory - July 28 / August 10 and May 23 / June 5 in the Cathedral of Rostov-Yaroslavl Saints .
Hierotonisan as bishop in October 1328. Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia Feognost , Bishop of Galich Theodore and Bishop of Ryazan Gregory performed consecration [1] .
He died in 1336. Buried in the Assumption Cathedral in Rostov .
The time of local canonization is unknown. The local canonization of St. Anthony was celebrated on July 28, and in 1964 his name was included in the Rostov-Yaroslavl Saints Cathedral.
- ↑ Gregory // Orthodox Encyclopedia . - M .: Church-Scientific Center "Orthodox Encyclopedia" , 2006. - T. XII. - p. 558-559. - 752 s. - 39 000 copies - ISBN 5-89572-017-X .
- Russian biographical dictionary : 25 tons. / Under the supervision of A. A. Polovtsov. 1896-1918.
- Anthony // Orthodox Encyclopedia . - M .: Church-Scientific Center "Orthodox Encyclopedia" , 2001. - T. II. - p. 600. - 752 p. - 40 000 copies - ISBN 5-89572-007-2 .