Eurasian patent - a patent for an invention issued by the Eurasian Patent Organization for a period of 20 years, which is valid on the territory of the States Parties to the Eurasian Patent Convention .
Currently, the Eurasian Convention has been ratified by 8 countries of the Eurasian region: the Republic of Azerbaijan , Armenia , Belarus , Kazakhstan , the Kyrgyz Republic , Russia , Tajikistan , Turkmenistan , Moldova.
The right of representation before the Eurasian Patent Office is held by Eurasian patent attorneys.
Patentability conditions
(Patent Regulations to the Eurasian Patent Convention, Chapter 2, Rule 3)
“(3) Not recognized as inventions within the meaning of rule 3 (1) of the Regulations, in particular:
- openings;
- scientific theories and mathematical methods;
- presentation of information;
- methods of organization and management of the economy;
- conventions, schedules, rules;
- methods of performing mental operations;
- algorithms and programs for computers;
- projects and layouts for structures, buildings, territories;
- decisions concerning only the appearance of products, aimed at meeting aesthetic needs.
The listed objects are not recognized as inventions in cases where a Eurasian application or a Eurasian patent only concerns directly one of the listed objects as such.
(4) Eurasian patents are not granted for:
- plant varieties and animal breeds;
- integrated circuit topologies;
- inventions whose commercial use must be prevented in order to protect public order or morality, including protecting the life and health of people and animals or protecting plants, or to avoid serious damage to the environment. At the same time, such use cannot be considered as such by virtue of the fact that it is prohibited by the legislation of one or several Contracting States. "
Association of Eurasian Patent Attorneys
The union of Eurasian patent attorneys is the international public organization “Council of Eurasian Patent Attorneys”.
Headquarters in Moscow . It has representative offices in the Republic of Belarus , the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Moldova .
See also
- Eurasian Patent System
- How to get a Eurasian patent / M.V. Panteleev, A.V. Senchikhin, V.E. Eremenko and others; Ed. A. N. Grigorieva; Grew up agency pat. and product. signs. - 2nd ed., Ext. - M .: INITS, 1998. - 40 p.
- How to get a Eurasian patent / N. M. Bebirli [et al.]; under total ed. A. N. Grigorieva; Inform. Ed. center of Rospatent. - Ed. 4th, pererabot. and add. - M .: INITS Rospatent, 2005 (Polygraph. Base FIPS). - 46 s.
- Recommendations for the verification of the Eurasian application for its compliance with the requirements of the examination on formal grounds in the national departments of the contracting states // Patents and licenses. - 1996. - № 8. - p. 31-32.
- Blinnikov V.I. Protecting the Eurasian patent // Inventor and rationalizer. - 1996. - № 10. - p. 15.
- From the International Conference on Eurasian and European Patents // Patents and Licenses. - 1996. - № 12. - p. 8-10.
- Reader V. A. How to increase the attractiveness of a Eurasian patent? // Patents and licenses. - 1997. - № 10. - p. 6-12.
- Senchikhin A. Requirements of formal examination of Eurasian applications // Intellect. own - 1998. - № 5-6. - p. 12-14.
- T. Pukhova. About the possibility of applying national legislation in the evaluation of Eurasian patents / T. Pukhov. // Intellectual property: Industrial property. - 2007. - № 12. - p. 103-107.
- Aksenov V. On the coexistence of Eurasian and national patents for inventions / V. Aksenov. // Intellectual property: Industrial property. - 2008. - № 5. - p. 92-97.
- The mention of the Eurasian patent in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation
- Eurasian patent // Foreign Economic Dictionary: / Ed. I. P. Faminsky . - M .: Infra-M, 2001. - 512 p. ISBN 5-16-000165-4