Egène Forcade ( fr. Eugène Forcade ; 1820 , Marseille , - 1869 , Boulogne-Billancourt ) - French publicist.
Eugene forcade | |
Eugène forcade | |
Date of Birth | 1820 |
Place of Birth | Marseille , France |
Date of death | 1869 |
Place of death | Boulogne-Billancourt , France |
Citizenship | France |
Occupation | , , |
Gained respect and fame as a political chronicler of the " Review of two worlds " (Revue des Deux Mondes); he was repeatedly prosecuted for non-sympathetic Second Empire reviews.
He founded the weekly “Financial Week” ( La Semaine financière ) in 1854
Nervous exhaustion led Forkad to the fact that in 1868 at the funeral of Manin he fell into insanity , which took the form of megalomania and soon brought him to the grave.
Selected editions:
- "Révolution de Février" (1848),
- Études historiques (1853)
- "Histoire des causes de la guerre d'Orient" (1854).
Of the articles of the Forcade, published in the Revue des deux Mondes, of particular interest are the articles placed under the headings:
- "Essaistes et romanciers anglais",
- "Portraits politiques anglais",
- "Questions commerciales".
- Forcade, Eugene // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron : 86 t. (82 t. And 4 extra.). - SPb. , 1890-1907.