An ordinary professor is a teaching post introduced at the Imperial Moscow University by the Project on the founding of Moscow University (1755) to designate a professor occupying a department [1] . In the XVIII century, an ordinary professor was appointed by the curator of the university with the signing of a contract of duty (lecturing, monitoring classrooms, etc.). In 1804-1884 An ordinary professor was elected by the Council of the University on the proposal of the profile faculty by secret ballot and was later approved as the Minister of Public Education . According to the Charter of 1835 , the right to be represented for the vacant position of an ordinary professor was received by any scientist regardless of the profile of the vacancy, but the obligatory condition was to have a doctor’s degree from him. In accordance with the Charter of 1835, the Minister of Public Education could also appoint a professor to the vacant department (this right was abolished by the Charter of 1863 ). According to the Charter of 1884, an ordinary professor was appointed a trustee .
An ordinary professor had the right to participate in the meetings of the University Council, elect and be elected to elective university posts, read general and special courses, and conducted seminars. Since 1803, the position of an ordinary professor gave the right to receive the 7th grade rank ( court counselor ), from 1884 - the 5th grade rank ( State Counsel ) and pension.
The title was canceled by the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of October 1, 1918 [2] .
In modern Russia, it exists at the National Research University Higher School of Economics .
- ↑ The position of an ordinary professor in the department corresponds in the modern system of higher education to the position of head of the department.
- ↑ Andreev A. Yu., Tsygankov D. A. Ordinary professor // Moscow Imperial University: 1755-1917: encyclopedic dictionary. - M .: Russian Political Encyclopedia (ROSSPEN), 2010. - p . 595-596 . - ISBN 978-5-8243-1429-8 .
- Imperial Moscow University: 1755-1917: Encyclopedic Dictionary / Andreev A. Yu., Tsygankov D. A. .. - M .: Russian Political Encyclopedia (ROSSPEN) , 2010. - 894 p. - 2 000 copies - ISBN 978-5-8243-1429-8 .
- Professor // Brockhaus and Efron Small Encyclopedic Dictionary : 4 tons. - SPb. , 1907-1909.