The Samara Metropolis is the metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church within the Samara Region and includes: Samara , Otradnenskaya , Kinelskaya , Syzran and Tolyatti eparchies.
In accordance with the Provision on regional bishops from March 12, 1934 in pursuance of the decree of the Local Council of 1917-1918 on the metropolitan districts, the Provisional Patriarchal Holy Synod formed church areas within several dioceses, including a metropolis with the center of Samara [1] . The date of the abolition is unknown. Most likely this happened in 1943 during the reorganization of the episcopal departments.
The Metropolis was established at a meeting of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church on March 15–16, 2012 [2] .
Diocese of Kinel
It includes: urban districts of Kinel and Chapaevsk , municipal districts of Alekseevsky , Bezenchuksky , Bogatovsky , Bolsheglushitsky , Bolshechernigovsky , Kinelsky district , Krasnoarmeysky , Neftegorsky , Pestravsky , Privolzhsky district and Khvorostyansky [3] .
Otradnenskaya Diocese
It includes: urban districts Otradny and Pokhvistnevo , municipal districts of Borsky , Elkhovsky , Isaklinsky , Kamyshlinsky , Kinel-Cherkassky , Klyavlinsky , Koshkinsky , Krasnoyarsky , Pokhvistnevsky , Sergievsky , Chelno-Vershinsky and Shentalinsky [3] .
Samara Diocese
It includes: urban districts Samara , Novokuibyshevsk and Volzhsky municipal district [3] [4] .
Syzran Diocese
It includes: Syzran , October urban districts , as well as Syzran and Shigonsky municipal districts [5] [4] .
Togliatti Diocese
It includes: Tolyatti , Zhiguli urban districts , as well as the right and left bank parts of the Stavropol municipal district [4] .
- ↑ Prot. Vladislav Tsypin. TEMPORAL SACRED SINOD // Orthodox encyclopedia . - M .: Church Research Center "Orthodox Encyclopedia" , 2005. - T. IX. - S. 516-517. - 752 s. - 39 000 copies - ISBN 5-89572-015-3 .
- ↑ Magazine number 6 / Journals of the meeting of the Holy Synod of March 15-16, 2012 . The appeal date is July 10, 2019.
- ↑ 1 2 3 Diocese divided (free access)
- ↑ 1 2 3 Journal No. 76 / Journals of the meeting of the Holy Synod of July 9, 2019 . The appeal date is July 10, 2019.
- ↑ The Syzran Diocese is formed within the Samara Metropolis / News /
See also
- Historiography of the Samara Metropolis