In July, the Resolution of the State Defense Committee No. 207ss of July 19, 1941 “On the Formation of New Divisions” approves the final dates for the formation of 56 rifle and 15 cavalry divisions and the number of armaments for each division: 26 cd - ADLO - dislocation Verkhne-Dzerzhinsk - by 07.24.41. For May 1942 was part of the 6th Cavalry Corps
26th Cavalry Division | |
Troops | land |
Type of army | cavalry |
Formation | August 1941 |
Disbanding (transformation) | May 1942 |
Fighting way | |
1941 : Fights for Dnepropetrovsk ; 1942 : Kharkiv operation (1942) |
The polygon of the area of death of 6 KK and its cavalry division - this is the outskirts of Krasnograd - Petrovka - Rosokhovatoye - Cossack Maidan , as well as on the escape routes along with rifle divisions - in the area of the main environment ( Kegichevka - Kokhanivka area) .
Division Composition
123 cavalry regiment (commander :)
- 1 saber squadron (commander: senior lieutenant Petropavlovsky Vasily Sergeevich
- saber squadron (commander: senior lieutenant Nikolai Alekseevich Budin)
- machine-gun squadron (commander: senior lieutenant pinchuk Alexander Markovich)
- saber squadron (commander: senior lieutenant Nikolai Alekseevich Budin)
125th Cavalry Regiment (Commander: Lieutenant Colonel Shevchenko, Commissioner: Bat. Commissar Geiko Ivan Timofeevich (died February 23, 1942) [1] , Yaroshchuk, Chief of Staff: Captain Sarbeyev Ivan Gerasimovich)
- saber squadron (commander: Lieutenant Aleschenkov Ivan Pavlovich)
- saber squadron (commander: Lieutenant Mikhail Ivanovich Afanasyev)
- saber squadron (commander: Lieutenant Buvayko Fedor Alekseevich)
- saber squadron (commander: Lieutenant Lempke Alexey Rudolfovich)
- saber squadron (commander: senior lieutenant Chaly Mikhail Yakovlevich)
- saber squadron (commander: Jr. Lieutenant Sherman Ionya Simkhovich)
- saber squadron (commander: Lieutenant Mikhail Ivanovich Afanasyev)
130 cavalry regiment (commander: lieutenant colonel Iodko Karl Leopoldovich, chief of staff: captain Mischenko Ivan Alekseevich)
- saber squadron (commander: senior lieutenant Ezhov Victor Akimovich)
- saber squadron (commander: Lieutenant Polezhaev Peter Naumovich)
- saber squadron (commander: senior lieutenant Sattarov Abdul)
- saber squadron (commander: Lieutenant Tarasov Leonid Alekseevich
- saber squadron (commander: Lieutenant Polezhaev Peter Naumovich)
43 Equestrian Artillery Division (Commander:, Commissar: Batal. Commissioner Shulgin Demyan Fedorovich)
49 armored squadron (commander :)
43 artillery park
26 sapper squadron
16 separate communication half-frame
50 Medical Squadron (commander: 2nd rank military doctor Yangol Ivan Vlasovich, commissar: senior politruk Kotlyarov Vladimir Grigorievich)
26 separate squadron of chemical protection
15 food transport
66 division veterinary infirmary
708 field post station
969 field office of Gosbank
Division commanders
- Commander: Colonel (from 28.03.1942 Major General) Noskov Alexander Alekseevich (from 10.07.1941 until 03.05.1942); Lieutenant Colonel Andreev Mikhail Nikolaevich (from 05/04/1942 to 07.15.1942)
- Commissar: Regimental Commissar Vasily Vasilyevich Orlov (until 05/26/1942)
- Chief of Staff: Major Yakhontov Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich
- Commissar: Regimental Commissar Vasily Vasilyevich Orlov (until 05/26/1942)
Pom.nach.1 Department: Lieutenant Yatsenko Ivan Lavrentievich
- Head of the political department: Maksimov Mikhail Fedorovich