Black diggers is a traditional collective name for amateur search engines of various directions, singles or organized into groups engaged in illegal digging of various antiquities.
There are three main areas: "black archaeologists", "treasure hunters" and "trophy players". These names arose spontaneously (like the slang of the diggers), so they have options and regional differences. The most commonly used term is “diggers”.
Black Archaeologists
“Black archaeologists” (also “archives”, “diggers”, “field workers”, “foresters”, “kurganschiki”, “bugs”) are individuals or organized groups that search for historical artifacts at archaeological sites , without having “ open list ", that is, official permission for the scientific study of the monument, which puts them outside the law. The title beats opposition with “white archeologists”, that is, with scientists . Archaeologists, as well as historians and other caring people protest against the use of the word "archeology" for black diggers, who belong to the world of crime [1] [2] [3] . This activity without an open list is a criminal offense and is punishable by imprisonment for up to six years (Article 243 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
According to Ye. V. Spring [4] , in Russia, in Ukraine and in other countries the phenomenon has acquired a catastrophic scale [5] since the western production of metal detectors [6] [7] appeared in the free market. He also claims that the black diggers corporation is served by other “auxiliary” structures: intermediaries, second-hand dealers, informers, expedition guides and, possibly, individual professional archaeologists [8] . Sometimes black archaeologists also act through the mediation of firms selling "permits" for the demolition of monuments [9] . Finds are sprayed on private collections, markets and antique shops. The most presentable settle in the Russian and Western, and as a rule, closed collections of representatives of the so-called " upper class " [10] . According to M.I. Medvedev and G. G. Davydenko, what is happening is a consequence of the inaction and corruption of law enforcement agencies and the judicial system, the imperfection of the legislation and subordinate regulatory acts [11] .
Treasure Hunters
The other branch is usually called “treasure hunters” (also “field workers”, “diggers”). They are searching ("chess") in abandoned villages, as well as on the surrounding land. Their activity is not completely harmless, since not only small household items from different periods, but also real treasures are prey. Experts say that the situation with the treasure is even more acute. Treasures are rapidly selected, with rare exceptions, by dissecting them into separate objects, and they are sold on the black market [12] . Despite this, the search for treasure is not legally prohibited.
Some treasure-hunters examine evicted houses in cities (“burglar”, “loft”, “underground”) or various dungeons (“diggers”), others are looking for lost items on the beaches (“beach-goers”). Another direction is engaged in underwater search ("divers") [13] .
Trophies ("militants", "black trackers", "diggers") are engaged in the search for on-site battles, mainly the Great Patriotic War . The name "black trackers" stuck with these search engines back in Soviet times. It was used in the press as opposed to the "red trackers" - schoolchildren involved in military-patriotic search work . Nowadays, opposition to the “red diggers” - official search engines is being played up. The activities of the trophy troopers became widespread immediately after the liberation of Königsberg, where, among other things, they searched for the burials (caches) of the fleeing German population and opened them for the purpose of robbing the grave [14] . The main finds of trophy are: weapons, ammunition, explosives, parts of ammunition, awards, soldiers tokens, etc. Some are engaged in the restoration of weapons. Often the finds go on sale, including weapons and explosives, in which the underworld is interested. In Russia, collections of weapons that are created often do not correspond to the existing legislation, therefore they are confiscated upon detection. Some diggers ("grave-diggers", "grave-diggers") rob not only unburied soldiers, but also dig burial grounds in search of personal belongings and tokens. The most interesting for them are the German soldiers ("Hans-lounger"), because the information about them is sometimes paid by the German side, and the Nazi paraphernalia are readily bought by neo-Nazis . Extracted and heavy machinery. One of the former “black diggers” who were engaged in military archeology in the period from 2002 to 2008 wrote a book about their turbulent activity [15] . Without trying to justify himself and his hobby, he quite truthfully in a biographical manner tells about his original motives, about the geography of excavations at battle sites and about changing his outlook as he gets acquainted with the “echo of war”.
They do not necessarily participate in the excavations themselves, but by searching for printed and archival sources, they supply information to all the other categories.
Again, the intactness of the burial, even with decayed organics, allows us, say, to reconstruct the burial vestments of the buried. For example ... according to the location of the beads that decorated the clothes, the position of the brooches, buckles, etc. we can imagine quite accurately how this man was dressed. Get there robber - all this information would be either distorted or completely lost.Archaeologist about the excavations on the highway " Tavrida " [16] |
Black diggers harm archeological monuments, primarily by erasing the context in which the thing was found.
History and problem status
A practice similar to that developed by black diggers existed in almost all times and throughout the world. In the old Russia, these hunted for the so-called " buggermen ", that is, those who dig up the mounds . In Egypt, the population of entire villages was engaged in such a “case”, passing the “craft” from generation to generation.
Grave-diggers are especially active during periods of political instability, but wealthy countries also have this problem ( eng. Grave robbing , night hawks ). During the Second World War and in the post-war period in search of gold and jewels, Polish peasants dug up the remains of Jews from mass graves in the territory of the former Treblinka concentration camp. Historian Jan Gross argues that " looting during the Second World War was massive in Poland " [17] [18] [19] . In Latin America, for example, wakeros are currently operating - grave robbers ( isp. Huaqueo ).
In the USSR, monuments were occasionally excavated by residents of nearby villages (often after their participation in archaeological expeditions [20] ). Sometimes used and earthmoving equipment. They can also be provoked by visiting collectors. But in the early 90s, illegal excavations began to be widespread. In Russia and Ukraine, more than 1,000 antiquities are now being destroyed annually. In the opinion of E. V. Yarovoy, this state of affairs threatens Russia with the loss in the next 10 years of the main part of its archaeological heritage.
The destruction of archaeological sites is detrimental to cultural heritage, depriving science of the ability to restore many pages of history [21] [22] .
Some archeologists, historians and other concerned citizens are against the activities of black diggers and distributors of metal detectors in Russia [23] . In some [ what? ] European countries do not allow the sale of metal detectors, and in some countries of the former USSR (Lithuania, Moldova, Ukraine) it is prohibited to use metal detectors when organizing scientific and archaeological research [24] .
Media Representation
The community of diggers contains dozens of forums on the Internet, which are actually the headquarters of the movement, where groups openly stumble for another raid, treasure search tours are offered [25] . And often we are talking about medieval and even Neolithic monuments. The results of the raids are laid out on the forums in the form of photos, videos, stories. Also printed publications (newspapers, magazines, works of art), promoting the activities of black diggers.
In culture
- H / f . " Brother 2 ".
- H / f . " We are from the future ."
See also
- Scare
- Treasure Hunt
- Metal detector
- Archaeological heritage
- Historical memory
- Archaeological site
- Cultural layer
- ↑ Chorna archeology . R. Terpilovskiy, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Provisional Scientific Research Institute to the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: “Chorna Archeology” - Termin, Mysterious, Correct. Naspravdi tse grobopopstvo, grabіzhnitstvo ".
- ↑ Arguments and Facts - Adygea, No. 33, 2012. R. K. Tsipinov, Head of the Department for the Protection and Use of Cultural Heritage Objects of the Republic of Adygea: “There are no“ black ”or“ white ”archaeologists. There are scientists who carry out research, and there are robbers, or as they are also called, “tomb-holders” ... ”.
- ↑ Medvedev M.I., Davydenko G. G. Problems of preserving archaeological monuments in the Krasnodar Territory // Fifth Kuban Archaeological Conference: Conference proceedings. - Krasnodar, 2009. - p. 245. - ISBN 978-5-8209-0673-2 : “Modern vandals, commonly called the term“ black archeologists ”romanticizing their crimes, everywhere rob ancient necropolises and settlements ...”.
- ↑ Yarovoy E. V. In the footsteps of ancient treasures. Mysticism and reality. - M .: Veche, 2010. - 448 p. - (Journey for the mystery). - ISBN 978-5-9533-4486-9 .
- ↑ Yarovoy E. V. In the footsteps of ancient treasures. Mysticism and reality. - M .: Veche, 2010. - 448 p. - p. 399-403. - (Journey for the mystery). - ISBN 978-5-9533-4486-9 .
- ↑ In 2011, over 1 million metal detectors were sold in the country .
- ↑ Yarovoy E. V. In the footsteps of ancient treasures. Mysticism and reality. - M .: Veche, 2010. - 448 p. - p. 396, 397. - (Journey for the mystery). - ISBN 978-5-9533-4486-9 .
- ↑ Yarovoy E. V. In the footsteps of ancient treasures. Mysticism and reality. - M .: Veche, 2010. - 448 p. - p. 397, 398. - (Journey for the mystery). - ISBN 978-5-9533-4486-9 .
- ↑ Framed "experts" .
- ↑ Interview with V. R. Ehrlich .
- ↑ [ Medvedev M.I., Davydenko G. G. Problems of preservation of archaeological monuments in the Krasnodar Territory // Fifth Kuban Archaeological Conference: Conference proceedings. - Krasnodar, 2009. - p . 245 . - ISBN 978-5-8209-0673-2 ].
- ↑ Yarovoy E. V. In the footsteps of ancient treasures. Mysticism and reality. - M .: Veche, 2010. - 448 p. - S. 402, 403. - (Journey for the mystery). - ISBN 978-5-9533-4486-9 .
- ↑ Yarovoy E. V. In the footsteps of ancient treasures. Mysticism and reality. - M .: Veche, 2010. - 448 p. - S. 403, 404. - (Journey for the mystery). - ISBN 978-5-9533-4486-9 .
- ↑ Yakshin D. “Hans-lounger” in Konigsberg. Rob graves "black diggers" went families
- ↑ Pavel Gorbachev. Black digger diaries
- ↑ Archaeological discoveries in 2018. Burial Facility-3
- ↑ “Gold Rush in Treblinka”: historian Jan Gross accused the Poles of looting
- ↑ Jan Gross again shocks Poland with his book (Inaccessible link) . The date of circulation is October 11, 2017. Archived May 9, 2012.
- Publication on the portal “Gold of the Dead. Excerpts from the book about the "gold rush" in the ashes of concentration camps "from 11.10.2017
- ↑ This is the result of vicious practices: randomly recruited people work in archeological expeditions in the positions of workers and laboratory assistants: students, vacationers, schoolchildren, local residents.
- ↑ Institute of Archeology: Predatory excavations as a factor in the destruction of the archaeological heritage of Russia
- ↑ VOOPIiK: State of historical and cultural heritage .
- AMATOR Movement for the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage .
- ↑ In Transnistria may prohibit the free sale of metal detectors .
- ↑ Yarovoy E. V. In the footsteps of ancient treasures. Mysticism and reality. - M .: Veche, 2010. - 448 p. - p. 398. - (Journey for the mystery). - ISBN 978-5-9533-4486-9 .
- Aleksandrova MA. Actual legal aspects of archaeological activity // Law, N 7. 2006. European Convention for the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage ETS N 143 (signed by the Russian Federation on January 16, 1992).
- The fight against illicit trafficking in archaeological artifacts in the territory of the Russian Federation (Analytical note) .
- Medvedev M.I., Davydenko G. G. Problems of preserving archaeological monuments in the Krasnodar Territory // Fifth Kuban Archaeological Conference: Conference materials. - Krasnodar, 2009. - p. 245. - ISBN 978-5-8209-0673-2 .
- Spring E. In the footsteps of the ancient treasures. Mysticism and reality. - M .: Veche, 2010. - 448 p. - (Journey for the mystery). - ISBN 978-5-9533-4486-9 .
- Atwood, Roger (2004), New York City : Stealing History, Tomb Raiders, Smugglers, and Martin's Press.
- Daniel, Glyn (1950), A Hundred and Fifty Years of Archeology , Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press.
- Some operations of the FSB of Russia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia against black diggers: [1] , [2] , [3] , [4]
- Black digger amnesty completed
- “Black archaeologists” in Russia are now threatened with real terms
- "Black archaeologists" will now be planted
- Grave-diggers in Nizhny Novgorod Region
- Opinion of a professional archaeologist
- Robbers in North Ossetia
- In Ukraine, the robbery has exceeded all limits //, October 6, 2010.
- The looting of the Crimea //, April 19, 2011.
- Trial of the black diggers (video on YouTube Rewind )
- "Winter belongs to the robbers." Why hunt black diggers // RIA, September 11, 2017.