U-456 - the average German submarine type VIIC since the Second World War .
U-456 | |
Ship history | |
Flag state | Germany |
Launching | June 21, 1941 |
Current status | sunk |
Main characteristics | |
Ship type | average DPL |
Project designation | VIIC |
Speed (surface) | 17.7 knots |
Speed (underwater) | 7.6 knots |
Working depth | 250 m |
Extreme depth of immersion | 295 m |
Autonomy swimming | 15 170 km , 150 km under water |
Crew | 44-52 people |
Dimensions | |
Displacement above the water | 769 t |
Underwater displacement | 871 t |
Length is greatest (on KVL ) | 67.1 m |
Case width naib. | 6.2 m |
Average draft (on KVL) | 4.74 m |
Power point | |
Diesel electric,
| |
Armament | |
Artillery | C35 88 mm / L45 with 220 charges |
Torpedo mine weapons | 4 bow and one aft TA caliber 533 mm, 14 torpedoes or 26 min TMA |
Air defense | different, need to clarify |
The order for the construction of a submarine was given on January 16, 1940 . The boat was laid on September 3, 1940 at the shipyard " Deutsche Werke AG " in Kiel under construction number 287, launched on June 21, 1941 . The boat was commissioned on September 18, 1941 under the command of Lieutenant Teyhert .
- September 18, 1941 - January 1, 1942 - 6th Flotilla (training)
- January 1, 1942 - June 30, 1942 - 6th Flotilla
- July 1, 1942 - November 30, 1942 - the 11th Flotilla
- December 1, 1942 - May 12, 1943 - 1st Flotilla
Service history
On 30 April 1942, the cruiser Edinburgh , which was returning to Reykjavik from Murmansk with a cargo of Soviet gold as part of the QP-11 convoy, torpedoed.
It was attacked from the air on May 12, 1943 in the region of 45 C. 25 V. As a result of the damage received, the boat was unable to perform the dive. Captain Forster and the crew were most likely captured by a British patrol ship.
Wolf Pack
U-456 was part of the following wolf packs:
- Landknecht ( January 22 - January 28, 1943)
- Drossel ( April 30 - May 12, 1943)
See also
- List of submarines of the Third Reich
- Herbert Werner Steel coffins. German submarines: secret operations 1941-1945 - M .: ZAO Izd-vo Tsentrpoligraf, 2001. - p. 180, 190. - 474 p. - ISBN 5-227-01245-8