In mathematics , strictly normalized spaces are an important subclass of normed spaces that are close in their structure to Hilbert spaces . For such spaces, the problem of uniqueness of approximations has been solved, and this property is widely used in the problems of computational mathematics and mathematical physics. In addition, in a strictly normalized space, the segment connecting two points of an arbitrary sphere will lie entirely inside (except for the boundary points) of the open ball bounded by the given sphere.
A normed space X is called strictly normalized (or strictly convex ) if for arbitrary satisfying the condition there is such , what .
Properties of strictly normalized spaces
- Let X be a strictly normed space, and L a linear subspace . Then for there is no more than one element such that .
Element call the best approximation element x elements of L. The existence of the best approximation element is provided by the following theorem.
Theorem . Let X be a normed space , and L a finite-dimensional linear subspace. Then for there is an element of best approximation .
At the same time, in a normalized, but not strictly normalized space, the element of best approximation, in general, is not unique.
- Each ball of a strictly normalized space is a strictly convex set . The converse is also true; if in a normed space each ball is a strictly convex set, then this space is strictly normalized.
- A normed space X is strictly normalized if and only if from the condition always follows that .
Examples of strictly normalized spaces
- with the norm . However norms and on equivalent to the norm do not generate strictly normalized space (see figure).
- where . This fact follows from Young's inequality , which is used in deriving the Hölder and Minkowski inequalities .
- Hilbert spaces
- Trenogin V. А. Functional analysis. - M .: Science , 1980 . - 495 s.
- Functional analysis / editor S.G. - 2nd, revised and enlarged. - M .: Science , 1972 . - 544 s. - (Mathematical Reference Library).