hyperSPARC (codename “Pinnacle” ) is a microprocessor using the SPARC V8 command system developed by Ross Technology for Cypress Semiconductor . hyperSPARC was introduced in 1993 and competed with Sun Microsystems SuperSPARC microprocessor.
hyperSPARC is a superscalar processor . It consists of four executing devices: an arithmetic logic unit , a floating point device (FPU), a load / store unit, and a branch unit. hyperSPARC has 8 KB of cache for instructions, from which two instructions are taken out in one cycle and decoded. The decoder cannot decode new instructions until previous instructions are transmitted to the executing devices.
The integer register file contains 136 registers providing eight register windows . It has two ports for reading. ALU has a four-stage conveyor. The instructions for integer multiplication and division added to the SPARC V8 architecture were executed with a delay of 18 and 37 cycles.
hyperSPARC supports multiprocessing on systems with MBus .