The Joseph Conrad Prize ( Polish: Premia Conrada , Ukrainian. Literary Prize imeni Joseph Conrad-Kozhenovski ) is the Ukrainian Literary Prize established by the Polish Institute in Kiev. Awarded to a Ukrainian writer no older than 40 by the decision of a joint Polish-Ukrainian jury. The award is named after Joseph Conrad .
The winner of the award receives 3,000 euros and a scholarship for a six-month stay in Poland.
It is awarded every two years since 2007 . The first winner was Taras Prokhasko , the finalists of the award were also Sergey Zhadan and Natalka Snyadanko . Laureate of 2009 - Sergey Zhadan . The finalists are Natalka Snyadanko and Tanya Malyarchuk . Winner of 2011 — Natalka Snyadanko. The finalists are Andrei Bondar and Marianna Kiyanovskaya. Laureate 2013 — Tanya Malyarchuk. The finalists are Andrei Bondar and Ostap Slivinsky.