"Questions of Philosophy and Psychology" ("Questions of Philosophy and Psychology") is a journal published in Moscow from November 1889 to 1918 under the Moscow Psychological Society . The inspirer of the creation and the first chief editor of the journal was N. Ya. Grot .
The contents of the journal were articles on ethics , gnoseology and other philosophical questions, as well as articles on psychology , including experimental.
Soon after the appearance of "Problems of Philosophy and Psychology" became the largest Russian philosophical journal .
Being a scientific publication, "Questions of Philosophy and Psychology" at the same time appealed to a wide audience of educated public and sought to consider special philosophical questions in their relationship with social phenomena. N. Ya. Grot, wrote about his journal: “But we would like to, at the same time, make its content understandable and interesting for all educated Russian people who read at least some philosophical and scientific writings and are able to reflect on those eternal questions, which from time immemorial concern the human spirit and excite passionate disputes and lively scope of opinions among the large intellectual public ” [1] .
The magazine was published at intervals of 4-6 times a year.
The journal was founded by the chairman of the Moscow Psychological Society N. Ya. Groth ; A.A. Abrikosov, a member of the Psychological Society, co-owner of the A. I. Abrikosov’s Sons confectionery company, who had the initial capital for such an enterprise, became a publisher.
Permission to publish the journal was obtained at the General Directorate of Press Affairs in June 1889 . The journal was released from preliminary censorship [2] .
At the end of 1893 the journal was transferred into the ownership of the Psychological Society. Since 1898, the magazine has been published with the assistance of the St. Petersburg Philosophical Society established in 1897.
In 1917, only three issues of the journal appeared, in 1918 it ceased to exist. A total of 142 numbers.
Since 1889 the journal has been edited by N. Ya. Grot.
In 1894–1895, due to the illness of the Grotto, LM Lopatin, his scientific associate, became a co-editor.
From the beginning of 1896, when the Grotto completely retired, the journal was edited by L. M. Lopatin and V. P. Preobrazhensky.
Since 1900 (after Preobrazhensky’s death), the editors were LM Lopatin and S. N. Trubetskoy .
From 1906 until its close, the journal was edited by LM Lopatin.
Already in the first year of its existence, according to Brockhaus and Efron , the magazine had up to 1600 subscribers [3] (according to other data - 1350 [2] ). The number of subscribers to the magazine grew and in 1893 exceeded 2000 [2] . After 1893, which saw the peak of the magazine’s popularity, circulation declined somewhat. So, in 1895 the circulation of the journal was 1,560 copies. . In the future, "the number of subscribers will stabilize at the level of 1,100 copies" [2] .
The magazine was declared as having no direction of its own, that is, not limited to works expressing a certain philosophical position [4] . Representatives of various theoretical directions were published in the journal: N. Kareev , A. Glinka , V. Goltsev , E. de Roberti , S. Bulgakov , V. V. Zenkovsky , N. O. Lossky , N. Berdyaev , P. Struve , B Chicherin , P. Novgorodtsev , V. Khvostov, L. N. Tolstoy , Vl. Solovyov , S. Trubetskoy , E. Radlov , F.E. Shperk , Yu. I. Aykhenvald , S. Askoldov , G. G. Shpet .
However, thanks to the idealistic views of the founder of the journal, N. Ya. Grot, the magazine had a common idealistic orientation.
In political settings, the magazine was close to the right cadets . The cadet party was sympathized with its editors N. Ya. Grot and LM Lopatin. [five]
- ↑ Zakutnyaya O.V. Type and direction of the journal “Problems of Philosophy and Psychology” in the context of the development of Russian journalism at the end of the XIX century (inaccessible link) . M., 2007.
- ↑ 1 2 3 4 Zakutnya OV. The Journal of Questions of Philosophy and Psychology: The First Years of Publication (1889–1895) Archival copy of December 13, 2009 on the Wayback Machine : Author. dis. ... Cand. filol. sciences. M., 2008.
- ↑ Questions of Philosophy and Psychology // Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary : 86 t. (82 t. And 4 add.). - SPb. , 1890-1907.
- ↑ “... The best way and the most reliable means is to invite to work exactly the bearers of these new aspirations that we have, which we did. Since we still do not have a single fully developed philosophical doctrine, it is necessary to provide space for the development of such or those without prejudging the final outcome of this work "(from the editorial article; quoted by: Zakutnya OV. The type and direction of the journal" Questions Philosophy and Psychology "in the context of the development of Russian journalism at the end of the XIX century (inaccessible link) . M., 2007).
- Н. N. Y. Schek. Political and ideological orientation of the journal Issues of Philosophy and Psychology, coverage of issues of sociology.
- Baram D.Kh. To the 100th anniversary of the journal “Problems of Philosophy and Psychology” (historical review) // Historical and Philosophical Yearbook 1989. M., 1989. P. 104—10.
- Zakutnya O. V. Journal "Problems of Philosophy and Psychology": the first years of publication (1889-1895) : Author's abstract. dis. ... Cand. filol. sciences. M., 2008. 24 p.
- Zakutnya O.V. The type and direction of the journal Issues of Philosophy and Psychology in the context of the development of Russian journalism at the end of the XIX century. (inaccessible link) M., 2007.
- N. Y. Shchek. Political and ideological orientation of the journal “Questions of Philosophy and Psychology”, coverage of issues of sociology.
- Archive of issues of the journal Issues of Philosophy and Psychology Facsimile (djvu format).