Kudryavtsev, Mikhail Petrovich ( August 12, 1938 - February 2, 1993 ) - historian of Russian architecture and urban planning , architect , artist , restorer , poet . Active activist of the All-Union Society for the Protection of Monuments of History and Culture (VOOPIIK) and the Russian patriotic movement of the 1960s - 1980s [1]
Kudryavtsev Mikhail Petrovich | |
Basic information | |
A country | |
Date of Birth | August 12, 1938 |
Place of Birth | Moscow , USSR |
Date of death | February 2, 1993 (54 years) |
Place of death | Moscow |
Works and achievements | |
Study | |
Scientific works | “Moscow XVII century. Analysis of urban composition "(candidate of architecture, 1981 ) |
MP Kudryavtsev in his writings covered the issues of the symbolism of the old Russian architecture of temples, housing, household items in the aspect of the highly spiritual life of Russia .
Throughout his life, he dedicated to saving architectural monuments from demolition, fought against the turning of northern rivers, preserved and restored icons that he later transferred to Orthodox churches, helped to revive parishes.
Mikhail Petrovich Kudryavtsev was born on August 12, 1938 in Moscow .
In 1956 he graduated from high school number 19 named after VG Belinsky in Zamoskvorechye .
From 1956 to 1962 he studied at the Moscow Architectural Institute at the Faculty of Urban Planning. After graduating from the institute, he worked for a short time in the GIPRONII of the USSR Academy of Sciences ( 1962 ), then at the design institute of MITEP ( 1963 ).
From 1964 to 1970 he worked at the Research and Design Institute of the General Plan of the city of Moscow . During this period, Mikhail Petrovich conducted a large research work on recording and identifying monuments of history, architecture and urban planning in Moscow, which resulted in a list and a summary plan of monuments (both protected and unrecorded), included in a separate volume in the Moscow Reconstruction Project, approved by the government in 1971 .
Working at the Institute of the General Plan of Moscow and at the same time participating in the work of the Central Council of the VOOPIIK , M. P. Kudryavtsev developed the idea of protecting Moscow and other ancient cities as integral monuments of the town-planning art. He offered a comprehensive protection of the ancient planning of the city, its dominant compositional systems, private buildings and landscapes, forming the unique appearance of each ancient city.
With his participation, the Urban Planning Commission of the CA VOOPIiK developed the legislative framework for the protection of architectural monuments and urban planning in the late 1960s - 1970s .
In the early 1970s, Kudryavtsev resigned from the General Planning Institute , where all the work was invariably built on the “radial-circular” doctrine of the planning of the capital, proclaimed during the times of Stalin and Kaganovich .
From 1967 to 1971 , MP P. Kudryavtsev studied and completed postgraduate studies at the Institute of Theory and History of Architecture.
Under the guidance and on the recommendation of the famous scientist of the architecture doctor P. N. Maksimov, Kudryavtsev wrote and defended in 1981 his thesis "Moscow at the end of the 17th century (analysis of urban planning composition)".
In it, for the first time, Mikhail Petrovich began the development of a completely new theme - the embodiment of Christian symbolism in the images and structure of ancient Russian cities. The permanent consultant who approved and blessed the result of the study of the symbolic meaning of the composition of ancient Moscow was Archbishop of Novgorod and Starorussky Sergiy (Golubtsov), who lived alone in the 1970s in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra , who himself addressed some of the issues of the symbolism of church architecture in the work “Studying the ways for the consolidation and statutory character of the liturgical life of the entire Orthodox Church, transmitted through Church Tradition and found its expression in icon painting and church architecture ”( 1961 - 1962 )
From 1970 to 1986 M.P. Kudryavtsev worked as a research associate at the Research Institute of Theory and History of Architecture (NIITIA, later - TsNIITIA, VNIITAG) in the Russian architecture sector, as well as in the Protection and Restoration sector of architectural monuments, where with his wife, Tatyana Nikolayevna Kudryavtseva , participated in the development of the most important sections of the capital edition of the “Russian town-planning art”. During this period, he published a number of articles mainly on the topic of the thesis.
During this period, Mikhail Petrovich participated in competitions for projects; reconstruction of Zagorsk and the central part of Kostroma (2nd prize of Gosstroy ), and also carried out a lot of work to identify and protect historical monuments of Moscow as a public inspector of the CA VOOPIK.
In 1981, M.P. Kudryavtsev defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of architecture on the theme “Moscow of the XVII century. Analysis of urban composition. The scientific work was illustrated by his own watercolor reconstructions [2] .
In 1983 - 1985, Mikhail Petrovich gave an optional series of lectures for students of the Seminary and MDA in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, dedicated to the disclosure of Christian symbolic images in ancient Russian architecture (residential building, fortress, church, monastery), in the structures of the capital cities of Russians Zemli ( Kiev , Novgorod Great , Pskov , Beloozersk , Moscow ), in the color system and architectural forms of Russian architecture, in the dispensation of the earth in the image of the Holy Land.
From 1987 to 1993, M. P. Kudryavtsev managed the Department of the History of Russian Architecture and Urban Planning in the Museum of Old Russian Culture and Art. Andrei Rublev (TsIAR) .
It was during this period that official publications on Christian symbolism in Old Russian architecture became possible. This topic was developed by Mikhail Petrovich in a number of reports at scientific conferences of the Museum, in the report “Symbolism of Old Russian Cities” at the conference of 1988 devoted to the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia , at the international conference “Theology and Spirituality” (the collection was published in Moscow, 1989) - in the form of a co-report on the report on. Lev Lebedev "Theology of the Russian Land as the Image of the Promised Land".
In 1988, under the auspices of the Moscow City Branch of the VOOPIiK, a group of architects: V. A. Vinogradov , M. P. Kudryavtsev, G. Ya. Mokeev, A. G. Shabelnikov, A. B. Trenin, M. V. Nashchokina , T. N Kudryavtseva - developed the project “Historical Moscow. The concept of regeneration.
The scientific basis for the project proposals was the study of M. P. Kudryavtsev of the symbolic content of the composition of Moscow in the 17th century. and G. Ya. Mokeeva - planning structure of ancient Moscow. The real results of this project were subsequently - the re-creation of the Kazan Cathedral on Red Square , the Resurrection Gate of China-City with the Iverskaya Chapel, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior .
The final work on the study of Moscow XVII. became the monograph “Moscow-Third Rome” prepared by Mikhail Petrovich ( - see more about the religious-historiosophical political concept of the same name ). It includes, practically, all areas of research - the landscape, urban structure, the composition of the city as a whole, its individual ensembles, streets and the most significant buildings, creative techniques of ancient Russian architects, Christian symbolism. The final chapter of the monograph reveals the methods of dispensation of the ancient capital in the image of the "Heavenly City of Jerusalem", describes two of the most significant urban monuments of Moscow: "Creating a single Russian state" and "Military glory." The monograph’s scientific reconstructions of historical panoramas and 17th-century Moscow views made in tempera painting technique are of independent value.
Mikhail Petrovich Kudryavtsev died February 2, 1993 . Funeral him in the Church of the Great Ascension at the Nikitsky Gate , for the revival of which he did so much.
He was buried in the Armenian cemetery .
Father - Peter A. Kudryavtsev, an engineer at the Ministry of Coal Industry.
Mother - Olympiad Ivanovna Korotkov ( 1909 -?) [3] , the eldest daughter of Ivan Ivanovich Korotkov ( 1885 - 1949 ), a well-known party leader and director of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in 1939 - 1944 . [4] Buried at the Vagankovo cemetery.
When the exhibits of the Pushkin Museum were being taken away from Moscow, Ivan Ivanovich took Lipa and his son with him. Olympiada Ivanovna went to the evacuation literally from the operating table.
Peter Kudryavtsev also fought, in 1942 he was seriously wounded. After the war, Olympiada Ivanovna was sick a lot, did not officially work. The family lived financially hard. But Lipa had golden hands. She not only drew beautifully, but also sewed well and tastefully. Sewing and moonlighting. The Korotkovs lived in a house in apartment No. 152 ( “ Houses on the Embankment ” ), then in No. 395. Before overhauling the house, Peter Alekseevich received an apartment from work, and the Kudryavtsev family moved to Flotskaya Street. [3]
Wife - Tatiana Nikolaevna Kudryavtseva ( November 6, 1939 ).
- Daughter from first marriage - Irina Mikhailovna Kudryavtseva
- son - Alexei Mikhailovich Kudryavtsev ( March 21, 1977 )
- T.N. Kudryavtseva, M.P. Kudryavtsev. Experience in conducting pre-project studies of historically valuable cities. (Review CSTI) - M .: CSTI, 1974. [5]
- M. P. Kudryavtsev, G. Ya. Mokeev. The Stone Chronicle of Old Moscow. - M .: Contemporary., 1985 .
(The authors were awarded the Diploma of the Moscow Voluntary Society of Book Lovers of the RSFSR as laureates of the competition for the best book about Moscow and Muscovites published in 1985.) - Kudryavtsev M.P., Kudryavtseva T.N. Spaso-Andronikov Monastery. - M., 1989 .
- Kudryavtsev M.P. Moscow - Third Rome. - M .: Joint publication of the Moscow Compound of the Holy Dormition Pskovo-Pechersky Monastery and the company Sol System, 1994 . - 256 s. - 10 000 copies - ISBN 5-85316-008-7 .
- The collection of poems "The Tabernacle" - (The content and drawings made by the author, carry the reader to the sacred world of Ancient Russia). - [M., bg. - <1994-1995>].
- Kudryavtsev M.P. Moscow - Third Rome. Historical and urban study. - Ed. 2nd, add. - M .: Trinity, 2007 . - 288 s., 256 ill. - 1000 copies - ISBN 8-85482-008-7 .
- Kudryavtsev, MP Use of the relief of the terrain in Russian town-planning on the example of Moscow of the 17th century. // “Architectural legacy”. No. 21. - M., 1973., p. 3-13.
- Kudryavtsev MP Moscow streets in the XVII century. // Sat "Problems of the theory and history of architecture." - M., 1973. - p. 86-98.
- Kudryavtsev MP The spatial composition of the center of Moscow of the XVII century. // “Architectural legacy”. No. 24. - M., 1975., p. 12-18.
- Kudryavtsev, M.P. Specificity of designing cities with valuable historical and architectural heritage. // kn. "Monuments of architecture in the structure of the cities of the USSR." - M .: stroiizdat, 1978., pp. 107-134. IB№ 1196.
- Kudryavtsev M.P., Kudryavtseva T.N. Landscape in the composition of the ancient Russian city. // “Architectural legacy”. No. 28. - M., 1980., p. 3-12.
- Kudryavtsev M.P. Historical Moscow - a monument of ancient Russian town planning art. // Almanac VOOPIIK - "Monuments of the Fatherland." No. 2 (2). - M., 1980., P.96-107.
- Kudryavtsev, M.P. Method of studying the composition of ancient Russian cities. // Sat "Sources and methods for the study of monuments of urban planning and architecture." - M .: stroiizdat., 1980. - p. 46-61.
- Kudryavtsev M.P. (unsigned) Temple architecture of ancient Russia. // "Russian Orthodox Church". M .: Izd. Moscow Patriarchy, 1980, pp. 189-209.
- M. P. Kudryavtsev, G. Ya. Mokeev. About a typical Russian church of the 17th century. // “Architectural legacy”. No. 29. - M., 1981., p. 70-79. [6]
- Kudryavtsev M. p. Kolomenskoye. // OK "Young artist". No. 1, 1981, pp. 22-27.
- M. P. Kudryavtsev, G. Ya. Mokeev. On the originality of Old Russian architecture. // OK "Young artist". No. 7, 1981, pp. 20-23.
- Kudryavtsev M.P. The Experience of Reducing the Composition of Moscow at the End of the 17th Century to an Idealized Scheme. // “Architectural legacy”. No. 30. - M., 1982., p. 13-23.
- Kudryavtsev M.P. Ancient cities of Beloozero. // gas “New Way”, Belozersk, Vologda Region, November 11, 1982, No. 134 (8006), pp. 2-3.
- Kudryavtsev M.P. Kremlin Walls. // OK "Fire". Number 35, August 1985, pp. 16-17.
- M. Kudryavtsev. Report on the report of Archpriest Lev Lebedev. // Sat “The Millennium of the Baptism of Rus” materials of the scientific conference “Theology and Spirituality”, Moscow, May 11-18, 1987, p. 175–178.
- Kudryavtsev MP The Heart of Russia. // Almanac VOOPIIK - "Monuments of the Fatherland." Number 1 (17). - M., 1988., pp. 13-27.
- M. P. Kudryavtsev, T. N. Kudryavtseva. On the Question of the Historical and Architectural Potential of Moscow. // Sat "The architectural heritage of Moscow." - M., 1988.
- Kudryavtsev, MP Some New Information about the Center of Ancient Vologda. - // Well. "Architectural Heritage". No. 36. M., 1988.
- Kudryavtsev M.P. Monuments of town planning. // "Architectural Heritage and Restoration". - M., 1989.
- Kudryavtsev M. p. From Moscow to Moscow. // gas "Moscow builder." № 1, 1990, p. 8-10.
- Kudryavtsev M. P., Dmitriev N. V. Gardarik. // VOOPIK almanac - “Monuments of the Fatherland”. Number 2 (22). - M., 1990., p. 3-11.
- M. P. Kudryavtsev, T. N. Kudryavtseva. Reflections on Church Architecture. // " Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate ." No. 5, 1990.
- The “round table” of the magazine “Moscow”: “Heavenly city or the city of the absurd?” ( M.P. Kudryavtsev is one of the participants in the discussion). // OK " Moscow ". Number 11, 1990, pp. 2-18.
- Informational bulletin of the All-Union Association of Landscape Architects “Landscape Architecture”, No. 2, M., 1990. (The first most complete, publication on the symbolism of Moscow)
- M. P. Kudryavtsev. The Holy Spirit is a town planner (this name was given by the editors without the author’s knowledge. An article about the symbolic composition of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra). // gas Russian Herald . No. 28-29. 1991. p. 5. see on the website HITROVII CHRONOGRAPH
- Kudryavtsev, MP Symbolism in wood and stone. // OK UNESCO Courier , December 1991.
- Kudryavtsev, M.P. Witnesses of the Glory of the Fatherly. // OK Socium, No. 5 (17), 1992, pp. 26-30., Col. ill. on the tab.
- Kudryavtsev, M. P., Kudryavtseva, T. N. Preslavno-reigning city of Moscow. // OK Radonezh, No. 3, 1992, p. 31-34.
- sections in the volumes of the fundamental scientific monograph " Russian Town Planning Art ":
“Old Russian Town Planning of the 10th — 15th Centuries” - Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1993 ( ISBN 5-274-01502-6 ) and “Town Planning of the Moscow State of the XVI — XVII Centuries” - Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1994 ( ISBN 5-274- 01503-4 ) dedicated to Moscow , Novgorod the Great , Uglich , Romanov-Borisoglebsk , Volokolamsk , Velikiy Ustyug , Vologda .
The monograph and its authors were awarded the Big Medal of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences in 1998 .
- Kudryavtsev M.P., Kudryavtseva T.N. The Russian Orthodox Church. The symbolic language of architectural forms // “The Symbolism of the Russian Church Building - to the Holy Light”, Moscow: Rodnik., No. 17, 1995, p. 65-87 [7]
- Kudryavtsev, M.P. “Blessed Kingdom,” “Arkazhi” (fiction). - By Svtu ", Moscow: Rodnik., № 17, 1995, p. I — III.
- T.N. Kudryavtseva, M.P. Kudryavtsev, Red Square - an open-air temple. // article in the book. "Moscow. 850 years. - M .: JSC “Moscow textbooks”, 1996, volume I, 368 p., 420 ill., P. 170-174. - ISBN 5-7461-0033-1
- Illustrations M. P. Kudryavtsev on the theme of Ancient Russia. // OK "Labarum", M., 1998.
- M. P. Kudryavtsev (T. N. Kudryavtseva’s publication) Third Rome. // kn. "Three Rome". The authors are the compilers of N. N. Lisovoy, T. A. Sokolova. - M .: Olma-Press, 2001. - p. 407-440, circulation of 3000 copies.
- Kudryavtsev, M.P., Mokeev, G.Ya. The Symbol of Holy Russia. Reflection of the formation of the state in the development of architectural symbols [8]
- Exhibition Hall of the Union of Artists at Kuznetsky Most ( 1980s )
- "Belozersk - the elder of the cities of the Russian North" (to the 1125th anniversary of the city) in the Central House of Propaganda of VOOPIiK ( 1987 ). The materials of the exhibition were transferred to the Belozersk Museum.
- Museum apartment I. D. Sytin ( 1989 and 1997 )
- "Images of Old Russian Cities" ( Orel , 1990 )
- Center for cultural and business cooperation "White Chambers on Prechistenka" ( 1997 )
- “Historical Russia: Lifestyles” at the Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts ( 2003 )
- “The idea of the Heavenly City in the history of Moscow. According to the materials of creative reconstructions of Mikhail Petrovich Kudryavtsev. Library reading room named after I.S. Turgenev . May 2012 [9]
- Nashchokina M. V. Kudryavtsev Mikhail Petrovich // Historians and local historians of Moscow. Necropolis. Bio-bibliographic reference book / Compiled by L. V. Ivanova. - M .: Publishing House of the Association Mosgorarhiv, 1996 . - 224 s. - p. 90-92. - ISBN 5-7228-0032-5 .
- Poems M. P. Kudryavtsev "SKINIA" - RUSSIAN KINGDOM - Our Epoch - Modern poetry
- Russian national philosophy in the writings of its creators
- Onomasticon Veselovsky
- Kiev hills. In memory of Mikhail Petrovich Kudryavtsev - an outstanding researcher of ancient Russian town-planning art.
- What is famous Kadashevsky Sloboda?
- Bugaeva I. V. Agiotoponyms: a special case of the reflection of mentality in geographical names.
- Monuments of Military Glory in Moscow
- G. V. Borisevich . On the main stages of the territorial development of the Moscow Kremlin in the XI-XV centuries. (according to archaeological data).
- Shadow of Iofan
- Elena Lebedeva . The halls of the Russian tsar.
- Elena Lebedeva . Articles about Moscow. RED SUN.
- House "Restavros"
- The father of Russian cities. In memory of Mikhail Petrovich Kudryavtsev - an outstanding researcher of ancient Russian town-planning art.
- Seven hills of Moscow
- Khitrovskiy Chronograph
- ↑ Oleg Platonov, Russian line, 09/29/2006
- ↑ Paintings by Kudryavtsev
- ↑ 1 2 Olympiad I. Korotkova, Official site of the Museum House on the Embankment
- ↑ Ivan Ivanovich Korotkov, CHRONOS
- ↑ Shilnikovskaya V.P. Velikiy Ustyug
- ↑ RusArch - Sulimenko S.D. Architecture and the dialogue of cultures (on the example of the symbolization of the form of completion of the Russian Orthodox church)
- ↑ Russian architecture. Bibliography
- ↑ Works by Mokeev
- ↑ Library them. I. S. Turgenev.