Epsilon - entropy or ε-entropy - a term introduced by A. N. Kolmogorov to characterize classes of functions. It determines the measure of the complexity of the function , the minimum number of characters required to set the function with accuracy .
Introduction to the concept
Consider a compact metric space. and define an epsilon network in it, that is, such a finite one (consisting of dots) set that the radius balls with centers at these points entirely cover everything . Then to set any element with precision (that is, in fact, the choice of one of the network nodes) is enough order characters ( bits ).
For the segment magnitude grows with decreasing as for a square like etc. Thus, the indicator determines the dimension of the Minkowski set .
In the case of space smooth functions (on a compact cube in -dimensional space and with bounded constant derivatives to order so that this space is compact) the dimension of space is infinite, but the number network elements of course, although it grows faster than any (negative) degree of magnitude .
Kolmogorov proved that the logarithm of minimum points -network grows in this case as .
The introduction of the concept of epsilon-entropy allowed us to understand and solve the 13th problem of Hubert .
Had functions the variables involved in the superposition had smoothness , then with their help it would be possible to obtain a network for the functions being represented, the logarithm of the number of points of which would be of the order . If this number is less than the minimum possible for functions smoothness variables , it means that the assumed representation by superpositions of functions of such a large smoothness is impossible.
Then Kolmogorov showed that if we abandon smoothness and allow all continuous functions to participate in superposition, then any continuous function of variables is represented by a superposition of continuous functions of only three variables, and then his student, V. I. Arnold, presented them as superpositions of continuous functions of two variables. As a result, Kolmogorov's theorem contained a single function of two variables — the sum, and all the other continuous functions, from which the representation representing all continuous functions of variable superposition, each depends on only one variable.