Notification (from lat. Notificare - to make known) - in international law - official notification by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of an international organization or its official. It has the form of a note or other official document, which expresses the point of view of the state on any international issue, reports any political or legal facts or events.
Notification has become widespread in the international treaty and diplomatic practice of states.
Often the need for notification is expressly provided for in the contract. For example, notification is mandatory when ratifying , denouncing international treaties, acceding to them, when making reservations to the text of an international treaty, etc.
Customs regulation notification
With respect to certain categories of goods entering circulation in the territory of the Customs Union, there are special restrictions on the import and export (the basis is the Decision of the Interstate Council of the Eurasian Economic Community No. 19 of November 27, 2007 and the Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union No. 132 of November 27, 2009) . As a rule, this is a series of radio electronic encryption means, for the transportation of which across the border of the country it is required to issue a notification issued by FSB bodies.
Products subject to FSB notification
The main types of goods for which the designation of the Notification of the FSB is envisaged are:
- Computer Engineering;
Of the most popular products, the following can be highlighted:
- mobile communications;
- wireless encryption equipment (Wi-Fi, WT, etc.);
- personal smart cards;
- encryption equipment;
- receiving broadcasting equipment;
- coding tools and other products.
To confirm the authenticity of the notification of the FSB, you need to go to the official website of the Commission of the Customs Union, or the website of the Eurasian Economic Commission, where all issued documents governing the procedure are recorded online:
Register of registered notifications
Since January 2018, β Appendix No. 5 β has entered into force, which allows importing certain items for personal use without notification.
Other uses of the term
In economics
- Notification - a notification sent to the drawer by the bill holder to protest the bill .
- The procedure for notification of the perfect protest of a bill of interest of participants in trade with the aim of an economic boycott of an insolvent bill of exchange debtor (unknown in Russia and not practiced)
In information technology
Tracing from English notification .
In database management systems, notification is an update of the information received by the client in the request β initiated by the server (after updating it), which βpushesβ the client to update that part of the information that he has previously requested; An alternative to the technology of regular client requests to obtain updated information on the server. In MS SQL it is implemented by a separate .
- Notification // The Great Soviet Encyclopedia : [in 30 t.] / Ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov . - 3rd ed. - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969-1978.
- Large legal dictionary. Article "Notification"
- Economic Dictionary. Article "Notification"
- Regulations on the procedure for registration of notifications
- Unified Register of Registered Notifications
- The list of categories of goods that are encryption (cryptographic) means or containing encryption (cryptographic) means in their composition, the technical and cryptographic characteristics of which are subject to notification