Doksografiya (from other Greek δ --ξα - “opinion, presentation”, and γρᾰφή - “recording, presentation”) - a statement of the opinions and views of ancient philosophers and scientists in the works of later authors. The term was introduced by German classical philologist Hermann Diels .
Due to the fact that many works of ancient scholars have been lost, their doxography is the only source of knowledge about the views of these authors.
Greek classical doxography
Information about many works of ancient scholars is currently available only through their doxograms. The greatest philosophers of antiquity - Plato and Aristotle - also acted as doxographers. In particular, Plato’s “ Apology of Socrates ” describes the views of the founder of the Athenian philosophical school, Anaxagoras . “Comparative biographies” of Plutarch also contain a lot of doxographic material. A large doxographic material contains the famous work of Diogen Laertsky "On the life, teachings and sayings of famous philosophers."
Islamic doxography
Islamic doxography refers to a collection of theosophical works (such as the Kitab al-Malakat f'l-Kalam by Abu Mansur al-Maturidi ) on trends and sects in Islam .
In modern philosophy
The concept of "doxography" refers Richard Rorty , critically considering the philosophical historiography . According to Rorty, doxography is an anachronistic decontextualization of the philosophical statements of antiquity in the search for one or another topical subject.
- Afonasin E. V. Doxography in Late Antiquity: Part II. “Denial of all heresies” and other late Antique testimonies // Bulletin of Novosibirsk State University. Philosophy. Novosibirsk, 2006. T.4. Issue 1 .- P.113-125.
- Afonasin E.V. Doxography of Pythagoreanism and Neo-Pythagorean Tradition // Scholae. Philosophical antiquity and classical tradition. 2009. Vol. 3. No. 1. P. 9-65.
- Zhmud L. Ya. Doxography in its connection with other genres of ancient historiography of philosophy // Historical and Philosophical Yearbook'2011. M., 2012. - P.5-39.- ISBN 978-5-88373-345-0
- Zhmud L. Ya. Rewriting Doxography: Herman Diels and His Critics // Historical and Philosophical Yearbook 2002. M., 2003. P.5-34.
- Matusova E.D. Philo of Alexandria and Greek doxography. // Bulletin of ancient history. 2001. № 1. - p.40-52.
- Shock N.P. Doxography of Tertullian and its significance for the history of natural science. Part II // Tomsk State University Bulletin. Story. 2014. № 1 (27). Pp. 94-97.
- Losev A.F. Diogenes Laertius - historian of ancient philosophy. M., 1981.-192 p.
- David T. Runia: Doxographie. In: Der Neue Pauly, Band 3, Metzler, Stuttgart 1997, ISBN 3-476-01473-8 , Sp. 803–806
- Diels, H., 1879, Doxographi Graeci, Berlin: Weidmann.